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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. I think I found the flight. Will have to see how the tracking info updates.
  2. No, the "play from the HDD" file is separate from all the other files associated with the game. I install and delete every week. (man, I wish I had room for 2 games at once)
  3. Final day, went on a tour of the galaxy. Klingon space isn't open though. Anyways; The badlands: Hobus supernova remains (I think): Remains of Romulus: Me dying up against a Romulan squadron: Bajoran wormhole was open when I went to DS9 again. It closed after a minute or two: Then I found the most fun mission ever! I saw some Federation ships marked as "enemy contact" just a bit "east" of Bajor, so I had to investigate. The mission said Reman, but they seemed to be renegade Starfleet. Neat stuff here. Saw my first Defiant-class: This is me about to die against a +19 Sovereign-class: This is me dying against 2 Sovereigns, a Luna, a Sol, and probably something else: The Prometheus killed me so fast I couldn't get a pic of it. Did you know they can do over 22,600pts of damage in a single attack? Yeah. I didn't even get a "rear shields failing" warning, I just went straight from 100% to a big flaming ball... This is me taking down a Sovereign class. (with a little help from a Defiant, some Norways, and an Akira)
  4. That's nothing. I check flights into my airport from the shipping hubs, trying to watch for delays. Flightaware.com Memphis is KMEM, for FedEx. Louisville is KSDF, for UPS.
  5. Wooh. <<<<<<<<<< Status: In Transit - On Time Scheduled Delivery Date: 01/26/2010 <<<<<<<<<<<<
  6. Found the biggest fleet and ground groups so far, very fun. Probably be about the last thing I experience though. (I still don't plan on buying it---the missions seem to be just cut and paste copies of each other, and still no Excelsior/Ambassador/Nebula class---and if they come out later, what's the point---everyone will have Sovereigns by then) PS---has anyone posted a pic of their captain? If not I'll start. Aliens are still quite rare, and I haven't seen another Kobali yet.
  7. Same for me, and I too changed the folder to "STO" instead of Cryptic. (I hate having programs within layers and layers of folders---anything more than 2 folders deep is too deep---and who on earth actually arranges programs by publishing company?)
  8. I was looking for the wormhole when I was at DS9, never saw it.
  9. Hey, this time they actually notified people that it was shutting down--8 min notice, too. Logged out at the Laurentian system. mike---no idea about the screen probs, I merely hit prtscrn and that's what I get. The game simply doesn't "record" the HUD.
  10. No retailer has Blood Dragon armor for ME2--you get it from having Dragon Age's. And almost every retailer gave out Blood Dragon armor for DA:O.
  11. Anyone want to add themselves to the "MW aliases on Live" list? I imagine there'll be quite a few "online playing Mass Effect 2" statuses on Tuesday night.
  12. Yeah, I was wondering about the height too---do you have to constantly crane your neck up?
  13. Don't forget the Blood Dragon armor! Easiest of the "limited" ones to get.
  14. By request, some pics: Got my new ship, too. Made it as Excelsior-esque as possible. Has twin disruptor banks (from Eugimon) AND a rear phaser bank.
  15. Any chance the Beta *just* ended? Now I get "invalid username or password".
  16. It's back up. (with a new multi-hundred MB patch of course)
  17. I've invested skills into warp core/power distribution, so I can support lots of energy drain. (and they recharge fast---5 secs out of full impulse has me fully charged) My front (only) torp is Mk I. Thought about buying Mk II but it's less than a 10% boost. PS--if anyone gets a decent science officer kit that has tachyon harmonics, I'd really appreciate that. It's my main power on away teams, but I still only have the starting level for it. PPS---why are kits so often the mission reward? You can only have 1 in the whole party. I sell 95% of the ones I get.
  18. I think I just sold off a console. (all mine are worthless skill/power-wise except for tactical) Is there anything along the lines of "phaser power boost" for a skill? I have a torp boost (high yield) but again---that's just one torp every 30-60 secs. PS--I have Quantum mines mk II but can't use them yet. Need them?
  19. Stupid question: Can I put twin sets of phasers up front? Torpedoes are fired so rarely it's not really worth having it, if I could just have more 24/7 phasers going. (I prefer phasers, just for being federation/appearance, but if they do more damage over time give me disrupters)
  20. Ooh, I'll take it! So long as raw "damage per second" is better than a Mk II phaser array. Yet again "I'm invincible, but it takes forever to kill enemies". I managed to exchange away something small, but everything else was taking so long I just sold it. (and I priced cheap---well under what it'd cost to buy, only a bit higher than what you get for selling)
  21. She shows up again? Gah, I hate her----I spent 20 mins running around the map trying to find her at the end of the mission. (she was MILES away from where I last talked to her, and talking to her again was the final step to beating the mission) I spend a lot of time on ground missions running around trying to find that last niggling element. Space missions let you just hail/warp out of there. Ground missions--you have to go find where the AI sent that person.
  22. I was just teaming with mikeszekeley and got kicked off the server. And we were almost through. Arrrgh.
  23. I hope no further comments from mods will be necessary.
  24. Hey, I *like* Nobel Gundam. It's actually one of the less-silly ones in the series.
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