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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. That would be the "don't get the achievement" part I was alluding to. It doesn't count, you can't save, it's like it never happened at all.
  2. To answer your last sentence: Yes. Well, tried. You don't get the achievement, it's impossible that way AFAIK, and my Shep was 100% upgraded with all the skin weaves, muscle weave, and bone weave. And was an adept, too.
  3. Doesn't look like it, but variable LERX's are rumored/possible. Need better/more footage though.
  4. If you expand the search to include fighter-bombers, like the F-111 and Su-24, those are always larger than "pure" fighters, yet retain a fighter-esque look. The F-111 especially may be useful, as it's as much the VF-1's inspiration as the F-14 is.
  5. Found Legends Dev today, BTW. (I'm still working on painting my Arcee---she's quite off the model in some areas--it's not a LACK of paint apps, it's that they're WRONG---strange---some places would have been better to not be painted at all) Plus, the face was just painted awful, which you can't see in-package, and that's the hardest of all, as the shape/plastic conspires against the paint--darn near repels it.
  6. I didn't follow through with exploring that chunk of dialogue because Tali specifically said not to, and I didn't want to jeopardize her chances. (though I was such a renegade in the end it didn't matter)
  7. I got that mail, and it really didn't say anything you didn't already know from ME1 from completing that quest, or that couldn't be obviously inferred from what you learn in ME 2. Anyways--I actually plan to play ME 1 again next, doing a super-quick play (level 60, but easy difficulty), just to set up a "female Paragon" for ME 2. I don't plan to do another FemShep run in ME 2 until there's some major new DLC (or at least some new armor). (I actually totally skipped Zaeed, I honestly can't spare the HDD space and couldn't care less about having him on my team). Maybe ManShep Paragon for ME 2 after that, as I missed out on a LOT of Tali and Miranda dialogue by playing FemShep.
  8. What style vanes? A blisk-like structure like a Super Hornet right ahead of the fan, or a set of curves in the inlet like a B-1B has?
  9. That's a really good idea. If the Baroness is little more than a "programming subset" of nanomachines set to CC's whims, you really could use anyone.
  10. That totally doesn't agree with Vigil's comments in ME 1. More thoughts---hey, you know how the Keepers are insects? (spoilers for mid-point of game or so) spoiler for end game: Also--am I the only one who got in the party? Nobody's mentioned her (though I alluded to it in my "awesome choice" post)
  11. Hey, some of us have a heck of an eye for color differences. And it's just plain weird that there'd be an effect like that. I mean, what if the "pure black" hair option was a different shade depending on if you imported vs created new? It really "shouldn't be" and is pointless---yet it's in the game. I started a new character, and was fiddling around to see if I could "tweak" things just a bit, so I recreated my original ME 1 character (I have all the original numbers). Yet I couldn't match the eye color to the imported version! Everything else was utterly identical, down to the most subtle differences for all other color options. So every other "color" option is the same, yet for some reason ME 2 will render "eyes imported from ME 1" a different shade that it will for "eyes made in ME 2". (actually there's another slight eye difference too, but I won't get into that) (also, someone was asking on the Bioware forums how to get violet eyes, and it seems that "importing from ME 1" may be the only way)
  12. I just discovered that imported characters can have eye colors you can't get by starting a character from scratch. (at least for one of them) Imported on top, the same color on the bottom. Both are "6 taps from the right" and the brightest blue option the game offers. I could perfectly recreate my imported character from scratch, all the settings are identical between games--except for the eye color. Should be identical, yet they're different. I recreated this situation several times, and could swap back and forth "live" in-game, so it's not a lighting/TV/memory issue---the game would "hold" both simultaneously until you actually chose, and they're obviously different when playing too. And most importantly--if you cycle through ALL the eye colors in the character creation screen---you won't get the color my import Shep has. It seems to only exist as an import--but how/why? An ME 1 and ME 2 version for each color? I'd need an ME 1 save with a different custom to compare if other eye colors have the same effect, but I don't---my only other ME 1 Sheps are default Sheps.
  13. 25-27 hours first time for ME 1, 39 hours second time (did EVERYTHING, never again), 21-22 hours on other ME 1 runs (doing MOST things). 38 hours for ME 2, doing almost everything.
  14. Technically, a Flanker is longer than its nose-to-tail length. An Sv-51 is too, but not by much.
  15. Guess I'll have to take Tali and Garrus to the Citadel then. There's been VERY few dialogues between party members that I've found. PS---keep talking to the game salesman. He's got a comment about how "RPG's now are more focused on big decisions and fast action combat". PPS----very glad I waited until I had won before cracking open the collector's edition (what a pun) artbook. The biggest spoiler in the game is only like 6 pages in. Also, I like every other concept for that spoiler better than what the final design was. Final design was derivative, the others were much more unique and disturbing. PPPS---I expect/hope ME 3 isn't THAT far away. From the artbook, and what has to happen to tie up loose ends from ME 1, a decent chunk has to have already been written/determined. Also--yeah, it seems I'll need to make a quick ME 1 run just to setup a Paragon save like I want, since canon Shep is a renegade.
  16. Video games in general are the great untapped Revoltech/Figma opportunity. Instead it's just "idol singer anime after idol singer anime", etc. Even when they do, they screw it up. Where's the Cammy/Bison/Vega/Sagat Street Fighter figs? They did Ken/Ryu/Chun, and a couple people nobody knows. They didn't even bother making Akuma when they already had 95% of the parts.
  17. I could have made GI Joe a lot better than that. I'd have started by casting a Baroness that wasn't skinny and blonde and not making everyone in Joe and Cobra related to each other.
  18. Yeah, China actually uses the tooling/jigs of other planes for their "new" designs. And of course, there was the infamous Chinese order for a bunch of 707 engines and windows, when they didn't have any 707's at the time... (they were building their own knock-off, and the design was so close no other engine would work)
  19. Anyone heard anything on how different the endings are? Because I may have to keep avoiding ending spoilers until I beat it with a Paragon who takes an un-upgraded Normandy with just a few disloyal people. (luckily, that should make for a short playthrough) (I still haven't won, but should have within 24 hours) PS---what's the "starting from scratch" canon status on Wrex? Man, ME 3 is going to have to have like 9 different endings to account for stuff from ME 1, especially with some choices you make in ME 2. (I don't know if I doomed a certain species or it'll lead to their salvation---or possibly war with the humans)
  20. I have yet to see a helmet I want, especially as they cover up the face in conversations. I really want different leg armor that's not "giant bulky angular boots". And smaller shoulder armor---a lot of it has the problem that DA:O had in that there were serious polygon clipping issues whenever the arm moved. PS---I am glad to know now that the last possible spoiler I might have seen on some forum---was completely wrong. (though it could have been cool, in several ways) (I'm one of those people that hate people even guessing on spoilers, because someone's always right, and then it becomes a retroactively-correct spoiler later----yet people still start threads in the non-spoiler sections of forum with titles full of them) PPS----some of the best dialogue in the game is from the game salesman (salessalarian?) on the citadel. There's a zillion comments, I haven't heard a repeat yet. Best one so far: "Have you seen that Asari-Hanar porn game from the Akihabara colonies? It's just plain nasty". That's not a direct quote, but that's the gist of it.
  21. Some fish just die easier. Or I wonder if OVER-feeding them kills them too? But regardless, the ones with the fancy fins keep dying. (the other ones died too, but they lasted a LOT longer--and I fed them EVERY time). Still annoyed at how few armor bits there are--and half are just modifications of the basic N7 version. I doubt there'll be many, if any, more before I win. Also--why isn't BLACK an option for the stripes? Sure, you can put any color of stripes on black armor, but I'd like to have black stripes or camo on colored armor, to kind of "cut" the amount of color. (with all the black webbing, gloves, etc you can achieve a 60/40 split or so). You can get some very cool effects by trying the "opposite" color choices, as the pattern and basic colors don't quite match many times, and make a cool effect. It's most noticeable with blues. You can make a billion different variations of blue camo by trying different combinations of base color vs pattern color. Also, I was very stupid and accidently "sent the salvaged item to Cerberus". I realized pretty soon thereafter that that was actually NOT the best solution, so I had to replay almost an hour to get back to that point from the last save and try again. That is a BIG thing you don't want to miss, yet it's very easy to. PS---yes, once I tried to make the girliest armor possible. Bright pink, with lavender and white. (and I fought Blood Pack mercenaries in it)
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