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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. I thought you meant actually using NPC faces (which was figured out quite early in ME 1 for PC), since using NPC hair on Shep has already been done for ME 2 for PC. And my Gillian Anderson is way better than the one there.
  2. I think I eventually did the "least-recommended" method from Cryptic too for the Beta, directly from their own server using their installer client. Everywhere else was incredibly slow.
  3. As in using NPC faces on Shepard, as in model-swapping? Got a link?
  4. You honestly have to ask if they're legit in that case?
  5. 48,000 eezo? That's more than you can use in the entire game IIRC. Anyways---I'm surprised no one's posted the "code" for any of their Shepard faces.
  6. My strategy for the entire 2nd half of the beta was to devote everything to weapons energy, broadside a hole in their shields, hit "evasive manuevers" and "high yield torp", then turn 90 degrees and blow their hull apart. Evasive manuevers was such a HUGE boost to agility that I almost never missed an opportunity.
  7. I wondered about throttle affecting turn radius. Never really experimented much in the Beta.
  8. I saw a chart that shows that cruisers have slower and slower turn rates as you go---except for tier 5, which is faster than tier 4. Correct? If so, odd. I mean, I'll accept that canonically for Sovereign vs Galaxy, based on what they were built for. But for every ship in the tier to adhere to that? And yeah, there's slow, then there's stupidly slow. I see people complaining about difficulty simply getting places, and scanning anomalies, much less combat.
  9. What's the point of selling the two add-on Bruticus limbs separately, when one of them comes with both fists---and it's the one that doesn't form an arm?
  10. Which means I'm the only one with an on the team. I've wanted that since ME 1. And I want one in ME 3, too. PS---I meant, I also haven't heard anyone on any other forum having her die either.
  11. See? Singing=life. Also, has anyone heard of dying yet? I kinda have a theory that she's effectively immortal in the game.
  12. AT ALL, or very little? My Jack and Mordin were used for maybe 10 mins outside of their loyalty missions, and they lived. Basically just enough to allocate their skill points. (and weren't chose to do anything in the final battle)
  13. Same here. My personal theory is it all depends on if you got him to sing or not.
  14. Well, Iranian would be about the only possible scheme to make it physically more wrong that it is. PS--retool? Not in a million years. They didn't make it right for the COMMANDER OF THE JOLLY ROGERS' plane to start with, and that would have been free to tool the first time. You think they'd exert more effort and money for this scheme?
  15. According to that link, it's still unknown/random for Mordin. Which is the one a lot of people are having problems with.
  16. I think the ship's fuel upgrade should count too. If you read the dsecription, it's not really a "fuel" upgrade---it's a better thruster system that's more efficient/effective---and it specifically says it leads to better manueverability due to faster reaction times----thus, Joker could certainly make use of it.
  17. Ack, how could I forget jumpers? I was *so* paranoid about setting them up on this PC.
  18. CPU fully inserted? Each generation seems to take more force IMHO. (which seems to be the WRONG way for a design trend)
  19. All the pre-release stuff/discussion had Jack as being psycho. She's not. She's just angry. If she was psycho or something, she'd have been much more interesting. She has no mental problem from her experiences other than rage it seems. She doesn't have a split personality, some rigourous habit, a fetish for something odd, or anything.
  20. You gotta take Jack? I knew there had to be SOME conversation about the bathroom somehow.
  21. BTW, Energon Bruticus did have an awesome combination sequence. Certainly the coolest head-transformation of all combiners ever animated IMHO. (only good/HD copies seem to be the JP versions)
  22. I'm still waiting for some colored samples---I have the orignal release of that mold (which is actually more G1-ish in some cases than the ROTF version) and am wondering how the colors are going to work. Also, there'll have to be nothing else I want for like a month on each side surrounding their release. Also, having Blast-Off's tailfin turn into a knife how it does really hurts how vehicle mode looks. Surely there's a better-looking way to do that, than the really weird-looking fin upper edge with a cut-out and a big round hinge. PS---I'd be happy to trade/sell my Energon "orange helicopter" if someone needs it to complete a Bruticus or something. ::edit:: IIRC, there was some confusion on names between the choppers, and that it seemed Hasbro got them swapped or something. My memory and the wikis are conflicting, but seibertron.com seems to agree with me. PPS--if I'd had a time machine, I'd have known to buy the two tanks instead of two helicopters, and I could mix parts and have a nearly perfectly G1-colored-Brawl to use now.
  23. Another new ep tonight, continues from the last. I don't like the new duchess(?) character. SW doesn't seem to be able to make "female royalty" that isn't a generic clone of the "short, action-packed-rebel-Leia" variety. Started with Padme and just continues. Bring back Luminara. Or more bounty hunters.
  24. Xeno-----blade? http://www.nintendo.co.jp/wii/sx4j/index.html Monolith's developing it. But for the Wii? That goes against the whole "high-end visuals" theme they like (they're like Square in that regard). Does look like it has giant organic mecha...
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