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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. The concepts were SO fugly. It's amazing to realize that what we got in the end was actually the most "tame", least-garish of all the paint schemes proposed. You know, I think I've seen some concept art of Ray's VF-17 too, but never Mylene's. Has there ever been concept art/proposals for Mylene's? Or was "pink VF-11 with boobs" the first idea and they went it it?
  2. Because "head-on" is considered the most important aspect for stealth. If you're not stealthy from the front, you're not stealthy. Rear-aspect is next, then sides. As for airliner noise--cabin noise isn't regulated, exterior noise is. Some of the planes that are quietest inside, are noisiest outside. And vice-versa.
  3. Heck no. For level 50-59 vs level 49, you'll start at level 3 instead of level 2, and maybe get 500 more eezo. Getting to level 60 from 49 is impossible, you'd have to play twice more. Now, if you want to play through just to "refresh" the story in your mind and delve deeply into the dialogue and sidequests to enrich the ME 2 experience, then I highly recommend that. But do not do a quick, plot-essential-only runthrough.
  4. New pics of figures---Shep includes a helmet to cover his sucky face sculpt. http://www.figures.com/forums/news/9836-ma...res-update.html Wave 2 better have Samara, and Morinth. Also, since nearly every alternate outfit is merely a color change, every character has a quick and easy repaint for a future wave. Though Miranda may actually need a sculpt change, unless they cheap out and make her deafult outfit "smooth", or somehow print the hexagon pattern. And Mordin's is so subtle it'd be kind of a waste to make (same for Thane).
  5. With how the -19 fits together, how could you possibly change the legs, shoulders, head, and shield and not have to change everything else to make the transformation still work? It SHOULD have everything changed simply to look right, and only changing the most obvious of things means the unchanged parts no longer fit---so you have to change them anyways. A YF-19/Kai hybrid would look even further from the lineart than the YF-19 does. And in the face of Bandai's hi-metal version, it'd be hideous by comparison.
  6. Nied already covered the PAK-FA, (don't forget that while it has aligned edges, they seem to have chosen about a dozen different edges to align to when viewed from above as opposed to the YF-23's 4 or so) but as for 747-800 engines: (I call it the -800, even if no one else does) "Noise" isn't much of a concern to the airlines when they're paying double what they used to for fuel. So long as it's quiet enough to meet the next legal limit, they're happy. The 787 engine is basically a generation newer than the A380 engine. The A380 engine is the last of the previous gen, the 787 engine is the first of the new. Here's a pic showing the new wing and engines decently:
  7. Well, not everyone saved a copy of your "VF-19 variants guide" all those years ago. (and everyone knows I have a critical eye)
  8. Slightly OT, but since the Centaur-class is in the game: Who knew there was a worse kitbash than even the Curry and Yeager class? The Elkins! Yes, it's an Intrepid saucer with Constitution/Miranda nacelles---and the fuselage of an F-14. They even left in the RIO's armrest/consoles. (the F-14 fuselage is facing backwards, but the RIO's 'pit and the spine behind the canopy is quite obvious) www.trekmania.net/the_fleet/utopia/variants/DS9_uss_elkins_top.jpg ::edit:: Darn it, unlinkable, you have to cut-n-paste. PS--some say it's looks more like Elnino, and I agree---despite that "El Nino" is two words.
  9. Tali plays poker. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XqIxhhhsV40...feature=related
  10. I think nobody will understand how different the -19s really are until they can hold Isamu's in one hand, and Basara's in the other... The YF-22 vs F-22A is probably the best comparison. Everything similar, nothing the same.
  11. Mach 2.5, with 1.9 at cruise? I'll believe that when it flies over my house that fast. Yeesh, I'd have trouble accepting that supercruise level from a YF-23. Also---every comment from "people whose opinion I give weight" put all the "little non-stealthy aspects" as more than countering the big, obvious stealth aspects. Thus, it's probably only a bit better than a EF-2000, stealth-wise.
  12. Longer, with heavily redesigned wings. Plus what is basically the 787's engines, which makes them newer/better than even the A380 engine.
  13. Heavy armor on a FemShep looks REALLY bulky at times. (most of the time IMHO). Light armor on ManShep and heavy armor on FemShep look equally "odd". (mainly because the heavy armor in ME 2 is even heavier than ME 1's was---if it was DA:O, it'd be classified as massive armor) ME 1 heavy armor on a female could look good, but ME 2's is just too much.
  14. Chronocidal---those of us who have analyzed the MAXL carefully, know that it can't transform the same as the standard VF-11. Main issues are the shoulders, and "in fighter mode, the area right in front of the head". While the MAXL does do the Z-fold thing for the forward fuselage, it does not do it in the same way as the base VF-11. And the shoulders just simply appear out of anime-magic-aether-land. The VF-11 and MAXL are far more different than YF-19 vs VF-19Kai etc. I don't think the MAXL could use a single piece that Yamato's already designed, asides from a few joints and maybe landing gear.
  15. He's asking about transformation scheme more than looks. Which is very similar to my tastes/puchasing decisions, and why I don't have a VF-0. It's damn close to a VF-1 in BOTH categories. As for the VF-27---it is basically a VF-25, but the upcoming VF-27 toy looks *far* superior to the VF-25 toy in every way. If you want DIFFERENT, get an Sv-51. Also simply one of the best Yamato's ever made. (YF-21 is also very unique, but in an annoying/fiddly way---if the limbs DIDN'T separate, it'd be much easier to transform,studier, and fit together in fighter mode much better, too---it was heavily compromised for a gimmick nobody uses--it's been years and I have yet to see a photo of someone who actually removed the limbs other than for initial review purposes) I'd really like to have seen what Yamato could have done, if they hadn't made the limbs removable.
  16. I'm still waiting for light/medium armor. Like is apparently in the game already, just unused for some reason: http://i139.photobucket.com/albums/q310/li...pg?t=1265492435 (that's not opening scene armor--opening scene armor seems to be the heavy version IIRC)
  17. Oooh, long-range shotgun! (I don't expect that armor to look good on FemSheps, since it looks like a recolored Inferno armor)
  18. People post their results a lot more than they post how they did it, but the main threads for PC modding are: http://social.bioware.com/forum/1/topic/103/index/889432 http://www.gamefaqs.com/boards/genmessage....;topic=53316000 And Texmod works just as well as it did for ME 1. (still, I want model-swapping above all else---I'd probably buy the PC version if I could have Liara's model used for Morinth, etc)
  19. PC modders already got Eclipse armor: http://i139.photobucket.com/albums/q310/li...pg?t=1265492435 I so wanted that. (Though at the moment it seems it's only possible to equip as "casual clothes" and not in combat)
  20. See, that's the one I want most of all. I'd sell off all my other VF-1's to buy it if I had too. There's just little chance of anyone ever making it. (if anyone does, it'll be a hi-metal from Bandai) And Tober---there's VERY few parts the VF-11 and Mylene's share. It's more different than the VF-0A and VF-0D.
  21. Yeah, I'd upload my FemShep if I could get decent pics. (at least a few people have commented on mine being good, as likenesses go)
  22. So, did Yamato send a mix of pure white, light grey, etc hinges to the alternate source, so that everyone can get the right colors, too?
  23. Never even owned that kit. But from what I know, Panda/Dragon plastic of that era is quite soft.
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