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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. Well then that's worse. He is merely a very late re-re-re-repaint/animation error like all the others. (the teal seeker, the periwinkle one, the one that almost but not quite looks like TC) He just managed to get a ret-conned biography.
  2. Sunstorm so doesn't count. There are 6 main seekers. SS, SW, TC, Dirge, Thrust, and Ramjet. Everything else is a recently-invented mold-milking opportunity. Plus Sunstorm, who actually got a comic first, THEN toy repaints. (actually, Sunstorm wasn't bad as a character---just his scheme sucked, and it translated even worse to toys) PS---color errors in the cartoon don't count either.
  3. Yeah, if anything, it's always that one .png file that never finishes loading.
  4. Works for me as in 30 secs ago. And it's a page I haven't looked at in months, if not years (Roy's VF-1S) so it couldn't have loaded from a cache.
  5. Heretic! Dirge has awesome colors. No one is allowed to say a G1 seeker scheme is bad/inferior.
  6. Uh, no. It's just that they've introduced a "new" character and have done nothing BUT episodes about her lately. She's the duchess of a planet and their chief representative. Who goes on all sorts of action-adventures with her blaster-pistol, and often gets into trouble where her favorite Jedi friend has to rescue her. Only she's blonde, so that makes her slightly different than Padme.
  7. I'm going to leave this here, because azrael's head might explode.
  8. Oh, I just thought of how to rename this thread. But I'll have to wait until it's actually released.
  9. ????? It's the Yamato toy, unassembled. It wasn't designed to be a glue-together kit, nor was it designed to be a snap-tite kit. It is what it is---an unassembled toy. One step away from LEGOs in that regard. If anything, it's a screw-together "kit".
  10. Yeah, but the PLOT is a single-player offline game.
  11. Ouch, White Knight Chronicles was released and I don't think anyone noticed. Seems to have some pretty big flaws, though there's just as many 9.0 reviews (none by professional sites, just reader/buyer reviews). So many there's something that really appeals to some.
  12. Ok, if you're arguing for "likeness" then I'll agree. But the whole lips thing is why I've disliked nearly every female character depiction in the Joe universe in the last couple years. Especially most depictions of Scarlett.
  13. I hope so. The season 2 preview showed tons of new bounty hunters and Jedi, but mainly we've gotten "Padme's blonde sister".
  14. No no no. Over-pouty lips are the biggest issue in 'female character design' of the past 5 years. Every show/game/comic has that problem lately. "Big" is not the end-all be-all, and it's just lazy design. There's a zillion lip shapes out there in the real world, with tremendous variation. Yet all you see nowadays is the one basic design.
  15. Resolute Baroness? New mold? Partial new mold? (though either way, I won't purchase a 7-pack just for her) ::edit:: Nevermind, good pics here: http://photos.yojoe.com/showgallery.php?cat=684 Headsculpts on Baroness and Scarlett suck. Still annoyed that the best Baroness ever was only released once, as part of a 5-pack. Has yet to be repainted etc.
  16. I haven't been keeping up---have the last 2 eps ALSO been purely Duchess/Obi-Wan? If so I'll pass.
  17. That sounds like when the plastic is so hard and non-porous that the tampo printing won't really adhere.
  18. Anyone else think things were a lot better this week? (though this post will probably jinx it)
  19. There's a billion pics at every site BTW, ToyFair started.
  20. And if it auto-morphs, that means arm mode and leg mode are identical.
  21. That's a new one. 757 refuelling in mid-air. Seems it may be one-of-a-kind, assigned to SOCOM.
  22. I think I should feel proud? that I don't get that.
  23. That's not really an "oops" IMHO. Snow collapsing a hangar happens.
  24. At $7, you're obligated to provide to those MW members who still don't have one...
  25. It's not news. And it is simply the normal toy, unpainted and unassembled. It's the successor to the unpainted but assembled version they did a month or two ago. Based on other Yamato toys, I would use Plastruct weld to glue it together. (orange label)
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