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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. I'd love Wedge, but the sculpt is terrible. Someone on Twitter said it looks more like a BSG Apollo (Richard Hatch) and I gotta agree.
  2. Anyone interested in the P-Bandai MG EW Heavyarms kit? (OVA navy/teal). I'm thinking of selling mine.
  3. I've gotten "used stuff sold as new" PC parts multiple times from Amazon, so I'm VERY wary of shopping for any high-value components from there now. My guess is that BECAUSE of their return policy, they get a lot of stuff back, don't check it, and just put it back on the shelf.
  4. Is Newegg just absolutely worthless now? It seems worse than last time I checked, and that was "a good notch down from the time before". Suggestions/alternatives? Looking for "mobo/RAM/CPU combos", for an upgrade. (it'll basically be a new tower, but I'm reusing GPU, and maybe PSU)
  5. I'm just curious how/why The Baroness would tie into an Arashikage-focused movie? I mean, if it was a Destro movie, yeah. I'm assuming purely because she's one of the most popular characters in the franchise, and not because there's a huge Baroness-Snakeyes (or Baroness-Stormshadow) feud I'm unaware of?
  6. The lifeboats near the phaser strip are dead-on, but the ones further back are WAY off. I sometimes wish they'd just make these these things completely smooth, if they can't ever get more than 50% of the printing to line up. At least the windows aren't sculpted in this time. (though lit vs unlit are still mis-aligned a bit, but better than we usually see)
  7. David Hingtgen

    Hi-Metal R

    The only comment I've ever heard, for real-world pilots caring about stripe-colors on fighter jets, was for this: I can't remember if it was Iraq or Afghanistan, but before the operation's first strike, it seems some of the pilots didn't want to be the one assigned that plane, as they thought the bright stripes would make them more visible/get shot down. So the squadron's female XO(CO?) decided to take it, and lead the formation in it, flying up front, ahead of all the guys in the squadron.
  8. What, no dragon-hide leather option? Pre-order cancelled! ;0
  9. Does it run on jet fuel, too? (IIRC, the original Jumo ran on gasoline)
  10. Does the high-gloss plastic in HiRM kits "react" differently to common techniques? Namely panel-lining? The Wing Zero's wings are so glossy pure white, that the sculpted details are almost invisible. But I also don't want to wreck the high-gloss finish. Will Tamiya's panel line stuff (in the bottles) work well, or will it "eat" into the surface all over? (I will not coat the wings beforehand, they will be lined as-is straight from the factory). What about "pour" type Gundam markers?
  11. Any plane "recovered from a lake" doesn't count, as there's usually little more than a spar and a few fuselage frames that are useable. I want to say, 50% original parts required, to be "original"? You can use dozens of sources and make a Frankenstein of many different serial numbers, and that's fine. But if you take a canopy hinge and the left aileron trim-tab, then make the rest at a workshop--"that ain't a restoration, that's a new-build plane". *scews/nuts/bolts/wires don't count. I'm talking "airframe" pieces. Any frame/spar/rib/hoop/stringer/fairing, and probably skin panels (though skin panels are often replaced).
  12. 2 pack? Gah, zero chance I'd buy a two-pack. Just Milia however...
  13. 2 Countaches (both LP400S or newer, but older than 25th), Testarossa, 512(?), F40, KITT, Gallardo and Aventador.
  14. I feel this is much more the fault of the entire Bay-verse aesthetic, than Hasbro's designers. Movie Devastator is just a mess, plain and simple. There's almost no thought put into the transformation/feasability. It's just "a bunch of vehicles, thrown into a blender, then spit out into a robot". And making sure to place a few key bits of kibble, so you can say "See, THERE's the vehicle parts it's made of!" The fact that to this day, Hasbro still doesn't even get the basic composition (how many vehicles, of what type/color) correct, is VERY telling.
  15. I believe the F-14 had full slats and spoilers, in addition to the flaps. Thus my comment that this one isn't as "full-featured" as the F-14.
  16. It'll probably cost around $1500. That is simply the going rate for most major/recent partwork sets. Plane, train, car, ship. $1500. May be 50 volumes, or 150 volumes. But probably in the 80-120 volume range, and around $1500. Planes do tend to be in the upper range though, so I wouldn't be surprised if this costs 2000. It does seem to be a bit less advanced (functions-wise) than the F-14D though. If it follows the standard method, it'll be like this: Vol 1: cockpit/canopy (large, obvious parts). Build cockpit, set aside canopy for later (don't lose it!). Cheap intro price to get you hooked---5 bucks? Vol2: Left tailfin, with skull squadron logo! "Big, cool-looking pieces to continue getting you hooked/involved". Attach rudder to fin, set aside for later. Price increased---10 bucks? Vol 3-70: wires, screws, frame/structure. Full price, 20 bucks each? Vol 71-79: fuselage skin, right tailfin. Vol 80: Attach canopy and left tailfin, from Vols 1-2, finishing the model. Just so people know what they're getting into, if they're seriously considering dropping the money. Actual modeling skills needed are few----it'll be just screwing together bits, and maybe a very tiny amount of gluing. No painting or decals, should be entirely pre-finished. (That's a bit chunk of what you're paying for---almost all parts are de-sprued, trimmed, painted, bagged, and sorted, when you get them)
  17. Not real fond of the 'soot-covered nose and CFT's'. Reminds me of the MP Starscreams like that-----heavy, black weathering in very inappropriate areas. Apparently the radar runs on coal...
  18. I keep thinking, of all the various ways the info we have can be interpreted----will it just be CALLED BSG, but not actually be about *Galactica*? How can you be "in Moore's universe" but tell another story, about Galactica? (without being an immediate prequel) I'm thinking it'll be more like Caprica (same universe, but set very far away from Galactica itself), just *called* BSG. (but of course, it has to show up at SOME point, or the name makes ZERO sense)
  19. The color may be right, but it's just too ridicuously expensive. I have car maintenance that needs to be done, for that much $. I would much rather have a "basic" finish for half the price. The issue never was with the finish/details/markings themselves, it was just flat-out the wrong color. It didn't need $200 of weathering, it needed $0 of "use the right color of plastic this time".
  20. The new "fake Haynes manual" coming out: http://www.theforce.net/v3-story/frontStar_Wars_Rebel_Starfighters_Owners_Workshop_Manual_Preview_185148.asp If we're lucky, it'll have full entries for the new B and Y wings.
  21. B-Wing still nothing revealed (beyond trailer) but we do have a side-view of the Y-Wing (lower right):
  22. Ok, has any recent, decent, collector-targeted etc figure been done in silver? I can buy a zillion good Rogue figures, of any shape/style, from $ legends up to $$$$$$ statues, in green/yellow. But that's my only choice for a silver Storm?
  23. Wondered if that might be the case. Seems odd that, of all the zillion Storm figures ever made, no one has ever made her "iconic" silver outfit. Just "toon-accurate" white versions. (yes, I am fully in the camp of it being silver, and not "white with blue highlights", because that's exactly how the Silver Surfer, and Optimus Prime's chrome bumper, were colored, too) It's a "limitation of cheap animation/printing" and not "an intentional depiction of color".
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