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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. Ok, here's a more blatant hint: Nied has frequently used his computer to repaint valk drawings etc into other schemes here.
  2. Yeah, but the kit box doesn't count, based mainly on their "Grace" artwork. Gah, that's nightmare-fuel. Bandai's kit-makers obviously care little about Grace. Either way, she flys #102. If the repaint is #102 (hopefully it will be) then that's Grace's. IMHO, the fact that BOTH of the green ones in the anime are just like Brera's, is simply "animator laziness"--they didn't feel the need to make a new CGI model for a slight difference for a valk only seen in the background for a few seconds---but IMHO at least one "really" has the "normal" head as shown in the kit, as do most other VF-27's. (but Grace's has a head like Brera's) That's my own personal canon, but I like it and it's quite reasonable. Kind of like how I don't think Roy's valk in DYRL had a color-changing heatshield. It's a fine line between "canon" and "mistake/laziness".
  3. Graham--are the struts actually painted silver, or simply bare metal like an old 1/55? PS---green *cannon fodder* version? No no no, green=Grace. (of course, it all depends on if Bandai molds a new head unit, or simply uses Brera's)
  4. I'm betting "be able to mentally interface with a full-size Meltrandi just in case, you know, there's a spare set of FAST packs laying around not being used because the pilot just died but his giant combat-trained girlfriend is nearby and wants immediate revenge" wasn't in the design specs of the VF-25's equipment.
  5. I think the obvious choice is a non-human-focused series/sequel. Play from the turian side or something.
  6. Darn it, flightsuit *Sheryl?!?!?!* (and as was commented---not quite skinny enough for Sheryl---but'd be OK for Grace)
  7. Hey, remember the F-8 scored one kill in Vietnam just on reputation/looks alone. So the F-23 should be able to score 2 or 3 in a prolonged theater...
  8. IMHO, most VF-1's are "actually" very pale grey, like Yamato does. Hikaru's TV 1J is about the only "pure" white one. That said: Light grey fighter jets in the real world tend to be flat. White fighter jets are rare, but plenty of white bombers/TACAMO/AWACS and the like---and those are glossy white. So: White=gloss Pale grey=flat
  9. I remember at the end of the Beta, there was a call for all Fed players to get Runabouts, and meet the Klingons that way. Never saw what came of it, as ME 2 showed up an hour later. But still, the idea of a MASSIVE number of Runabouts taking on a Negh'var is very appealing to me.
  10. Comparing drawings to photos, I almost think the bicycle chain isn't the final design. It goes against the "trapeze" description always provided of what PAV-1 actually had, and PAV-2 (which these pics almost all are AFAIK) seems to have a triangle/trapeze configuration too. I can't imagine the bicycle-chain-drive would be suspended from the trapeze---seems pointless and complex. (though the actual arrangement of vertically-stacked missiles of the chain drive does match the Italeri model kit, which did get a surprising number of small things right, like cockpit/seat/gear)
  11. No comment on how the AMRAAM launcher is apparently just a bicycle chain?
  12. Easy, obvious thing there's no way they'll do for the action figures: Make a "female medium onyx armor" mold. Then use various repaints of that body for ME 1 FemShep, Liara, and Ashley. Onyx and Phoenix are the same design, just different colors, so it'd be perfect for Shep and Ashley. And maybe put Liara in colossus colors or non-N7 onyx.
  13. Oh, looky what just became available again: http://s784.photobucket.com/albums/yy128/c.../Weapons%20Bay/ Do you know how rare weapons bay pics are?
  14. Best YF-23 walkaround by far: http://www.primeportal.net/hangar/howard_m...ndex.php?Page=1
  15. Yet another Voyager Prime seems a waste of time/effort/money, compared to simply bringing over Buster Prime.
  16. Presumably the same place that she somehow mentally controls a weapons system designed for a fighter jet's computer...
  17. "Although no images or prototypes were shown, DC Unlimited announced that the second series of Mass Effect will be released in December and will include Miranda, Legion, Mordin and Garrus" Darn it, I want Samara/Morinth! And c'mon---Mordin? As an action figure? Samara/Morinth would have sold way better IMHO. Wave 3 seems kinda unlikely to happen, just not enough characters to warrant it, unless they do Samara/Jack/Ashley/collector. (hey, we need someone for all the heroes to shoot, and I think Ashley would sell decently)
  18. Keep me informed. (especially interested in how the boss/battle themes are) Way back when it was first unveiled it struck me as fairly Xenogears-esque, but now I almost get a weird Phantasy Star/Vagrant Story hybrid vibe from it. Hey, I've seen the character creator, and it's quite anime-themed. Could I make Grace? (would settle for Milia)
  19. C'mon people, post pics of your captains. The prtscrn button doesn't only work on ships...
  20. I always thought it interesting that they had her do Grace---she can sing, and portrayed a singer's manager---yet never sang herself.
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