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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. Length and size are very different. The VF-27 is big, but not extraordinarily long. The 2 extra engines and the numerous fins contribute a lot of mass and volume, but nothing to length or wingpsan. Just something to keep in mind when comparing valks (and real planes too)
  2. "Going critical" is the most normal thing for a reactor to do. 99.9% of the nuclear reactors that are operating at this moment, are critical. (at least, I would sure hope so). I think a big issue with almost any type of anime reactor, is that we're missing a critical element---how is POWER derived from that reactor? Nuclear reactors don't make electricity or plasma or anything else---they make heat. And just about every one I can think of converts that heat to something useful via steam. We've got to know what it does, before we can figure out why stopping or increasing some aspect of it would make it explode... (a reactor in meltdown doesn't explode---it's all the air/steam that does) Ironically, a valk's turbine is by far the most logical/realistic use, as turbines are almost inherent to any nuclear installation. (assuming you actually want to DO something with the radiation, vs simply creating the radiation to study its effects like many university reactors etc do)
  3. That would explain why it was so incredibly even and subtle. See, I'm looking for a "barely smoked, with a slight purple tint" look. Or I guess, "lit not very brightly".
  4. Just don't go 24 hours without healing after getting bit. Getting bitten isn't instant vampirism. The glitch only happened if you "vampired around for a few weeks" THEN tried to do the quest to get cured.
  5. I'd guess lots of re-pops for the Frontier movie (with minor color/design changes etc), then maybe a VF-171 if the movie is popular enough and it's featured enough for Bandai to justify it.
  6. If they sold the green A-Wing separately, they could sell zillions.
  7. OK, true. FF 2 is so annoying I've never finished it, neither the original nor the remake. I actually got STUCK. And I believe the only solution to advance would be to cast "heal" 2400 times. (or esuna, or whatever they called it in that iteration) Oblivion has the 2nd-worst upgrading system, and the worst of any I've finished. Still, FF 2's at least makes SENSE. It's just slow and annoying. Oblivion's is utterly counter-intuitive. You actually have to choose and use skills you DON'T want to make the ones you do use more powerful...
  8. Or you could use the board's own "turn off avatars" option. My Controls, Options-Board Settings (left column near the bottom), Display-View avatars (just a bit underneath the time settings)
  9. Oblivion can be tough due to having the weirdest, stupidest method for leveling up/skills ever.
  10. Ok, now I'm going to say ron has the best purple-canopy so far. How'd you do it?
  11. Ack, typo---I meant "swath along the upper part of the intake", not canopy.
  12. Mylene's? We can only hope. Interesting that they have Nora's, instead of Ivanov's.
  13. Yeah Graham---are you going to post a full-on review "like the old days"?
  14. Just a few comments you may want to consider: 1. The light/dark grey transition near the canopy? It's not dictated by the canopy position, it's almost a disruption scheme---the "reason" for the demarcation line there is the intake. It's supposed to kind of hide the nose. If the F-16's intake was shifted forward or back, the color change would move with it. If I was trying to copy the "purpose" of the F-16's scheme, I would make the color shift aligned with the front of the intakes, not the canopy. 2. That box art is wrong, it's showing the 3-tone grey scheme, which was long out of service by then. The real thing had to have been 2-tone grey. Of course, if you want a more "interesting" design you could use the 3-tone scheme, especially if you go with the "intake alignment" for the color change. 3. Painted ventral fins on an F-16 are almost unheard of. Personally, I'd leave them grey on the YF-19 and just make the tailfins red. ::edit:: Here, this is the scheme that particular F-16 is *always* drawn as--I've never seen it done right in artwork: http://www.jpsmodell.de/dc/draw/f16a_egypt1_3.jpg Standard 3-tone F-16 scheme, used from service entry until about 2000. Here is the scheme it actually wore (found a pic): http://www.jpsmodell.de/dc/draw/f16c_hill.jpg Standard 2-tone scheme for all F-16s after repainting, 2000 and later. Main differences are the swath along the upper part of the canopy, the area right ahead of the canopy, and the ventral fins.
  15. http://www.macross.com.cn/album/upload/245...010aad686f1.jpg That pic is directly image-linked in the thread. (I'd advise NOT clicking on it). I didn't get any notice, but it only partly loaded. ::edit:: That's not good, first hit on google is a "this site may harm your computer".
  16. There's been tons of news on that: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...st&p=828161
  17. Kat's actress, but not Kat. (and not supposed to be related, clone-fodder, or anything else AFAIK)
  18. I thought it was pretty clear-cut that the PS3 version is noticeably superior at least graphically, based on the fallout from "screenshotgate". Plus cut-scenes etc.
  19. I thought so too, but some may place it here since it's multi-platform, and some discussion may be in the 360 thread. Unless like 95% of MW'ers are getting it for PS3. (I am, despite getting my avatar-chocobo for 360---is there one for Home?)
  20. Are we going to need a dedicated FF 13 thread? PS--still annoyed at lack of pre-order goodies, or even how lame the collector's edition is. Square really didn't do much in that category. Art cards and art books that are little more than "all the standard CG renders you've seen for the past 2 years" are worth pretty much zilch IMHO, and are the laziest "bonus" that can be made. And the infamous "composer's choice selections" soundtracks almost always suck in my experience---somehow you still get saddled with "died", "sleeping at an inn" and "overworld menu screen", and never "frantic boss fight" and "final boss fight".
  21. There's almost no way it'd go in head-first. It'd shred the entire shoulder to pieces if it did so. Plus it'd take so much more force to even try. The pins are about as one-way as they can be. It'd be like trying to un-do a zip-tie by pulling it apart.
  22. Oh, sorry, your post seemed to me like you'd never seen the scene.
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