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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. With how easily the paint flakes off, I don't imagine anyone who wants a "plain" green one will have any trouble. Us who want #102 may have issues keeping it that way...
  2. What pilot sculpts would they use for a finless-head Beta? Do they even have pilots? (I personally assume the green ones seen in Frontier are pure AI or remote control by cyborgs--with the exception of when Brera or Grace are personally piloting from the cockpit) (otherwise, there's several pilots who are unseen-and-uncommented-upon survivors from Galaxy) I still hold out a bit of hope that they can sculpt a Grace pilot for the Tamashii one---they've got a couple months I mean. The valk itself is ONLY a color change, not even a scheme/pattern change. (asides from the number)
  3. You may want to see this thread: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=32538
  4. That sounds like it wasn't fixed at all, just that the internal clock rolled over past a non-existent Feb 29 to March 1 finally. Root problem is still there, and might pop up again this time of year in 2011, 2012...
  5. I would argue that the Macross *FRONTIER* fleet has the most Trekky name by far, followed by Galaxy.
  6. Small rant: Why on earth does every device CARE what the date is? Zune, PS3, etc. And why do they FAIL if they don't know? Why does everything seem to default to "totally lock up if you don't know what the day is, rather than simply ignoring/not displaying what day it is". My 360 doesn't care what day it is, and it doesn't know half the time (it never remembers for very long, and I don't usually bother resetting it---and if I get an achievement "in the future" or "before the game existed" it doesn't care---it simply says "unknown date") But the PS3 seems to go absolutely ape-crap with regards to trophies if it doesn't have the correct date. And also--why do computer programmers seem to really suck at figuring out how leap-year works? 2010 doesn't even fall under ANY of the rules. Most 12-year olds can give you most of the rules. (few people know the "400" rule but we'll all be living on Mars before that happens again)
  7. 1/250 has the short end on the bottom. (gotta look close!)
  8. maximilian_jenius posted recently on deviantart account (linked in their sig) so it seems they're ok: http://nermallion.deviantart.com/
  9. The most epic painting ever: "The Death of Jennifer Sisko" http://www.topatoco.com/merchant.mvc?Scree...egory_Code=BIRD
  10. Yeah, and be sure to thank the alternate source, too.
  11. Open it up and fiddle with the screws around the hinges. I found mine works better by actually LOOSENING one certain screw.
  12. Future is the most "forgiving" stuff ever. http://www.swannysmodels.com/TheCompleteFuture.html
  13. Neat concept, though I doubt a prototype would already have a beta variant.
  14. Kaoi--that is last year's ToyFair you linked to. But they showed the Ent-B again this year---with the wrong nacelle endcaps (Excelsior style, not Ent-B style).
  15. Did you clearcoat everything, or just over the markings? And what'd you use? (I was leaning toward using Future, and only over the major areas of paint)
  16. I prefer the F as well. The S has *5* head lasers. Yeesh.
  17. Blazer wings are completely different from both Basara's and the YF-19/VF-19A. And I don't think you can even use YF-19 wings on Basara's, due to the different glove and tailfin. Heck, even the pivot point may be different once Yamato gets around to finalizing/tweaking. (the wing itself is mostly same, but as you get towards the root, everything changes due to the different tailfin location---the VF-19F/S/Kai almost have a kind of tailboom there, the YF-19 doesn't at all) Each type of -19 pretty much needs its own wing mold, despite there only being 2 basic wing shapes.
  18. Speaking for Graham: Not without significant remolding. Basara's valk is far from "a VF-19S with a new head". (namely wings, canards, shoulders) Hmmn---anyone know if the wing gloves are identical? (this would be the very largest piece of hib-kibble that the wings retract into in battroid mode)
  19. Bumping out of hope that someone will have something to post...
  20. 40 bucks and 90 days free: http://atari.com/games/startrek_online/ (it's 60 days EXTRA, in addition to the standard 30)
  21. Eh, from how often I get exactly 50% CPU usage, a lot of my programs can't take advantage of 2 cores...
  22. Yeah, I was thinking "very tiny turbine with very small supply lines in a primary loop". Of course, I think you'd need a couple million RPM or so to make the power needed, then the turbine itself becomes the most dangerous aspect.
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