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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. Exactly. 1/60 really is Gundam-only. I'm not sure if valkyries went with that scale to match the "mecha-scale" of 1/60, or if it was a fighter-mode compromise between 1/48 and 1/72 scale (the two main fighter jet scales).
  2. GE estimated a 0.2M advantage for the -23 over the -22, in supercruise. The 2nd (faster) of the YF-23 prototypes still has nearly every speed specification classified. A lot of the YF-22 vs YF-23 speed comparisons are done using the faster of the -22's vs the slower of the -23's, which is kind of unfair... As for aerodynamic analysis----how many "experts" say the SR-71 could go Mach 5 or some other equally ludicrous number? (plus, what were they working from---a 3-view line drawing? NOBODY has access to the full 3D shape of a YF-23, certainly not an accurate one) PS---GE and WAPJ both estimated 1.8 in MIL POWER for an F120-powered YF-23---I sure hope it could do better in full burner. PPS---much like the argument that the F-22 and F-35, while not having very high top speeds compared to the F-14/15, are actually "faster" in actual combat due to being able to reach top speed while fully loaded----the YF-23 has absolutely unsurpassed acceleration---I'd take that in a dogfight over top speed. (the F-15 never won a fight by being the fastest plane AFAIK---but it often does by having the best vertical acceleration and climb)
  3. Heatshield and canopy look like separate parts at least.
  4. Though they like to pop out a lot.
  5. Wouldn't it have been quicker and easier just to design a new bomber than reverse-engineer a B-29 down to the tiniest detail? This is the Russian aviation industry we're talking about...
  6. Isopropyl/rubbing alcohol doesn't harm plastic. It's my preferred paint remover on toys. Is it not fast-acting, but it DOES work with NO harm to plastic.
  7. IMHO the argument isn't that the painted pic is a photoshop of the first----it's that it's a photoshop of another, similar pic of which the un-shopped version hasn't ever been seen. Or, they over-enhanced/tweaked certain aspects of a legitimate pic to the point that it looks very 'shopped. (I still don't like the intake warning stripe about all else--that's the first thing that caught my eye, more so than the bort number)
  8. I'm closing this thread as "a very expensive hardcopy of the wikipedia article" really doesn't merit any more discussion.
  9. That's just the original description when it first came out--they're just comparing it to the 1/72 version, SHE, etc.
  10. Said company has over 14,000 books available now. Ironically, the first hit at the US version of Amazon is their "book" on 4chan... http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url...deric+P.+Miller
  11. Because they're Robotech toys. Packaging says "Robotech Veritech Guardian". That's about as non-Macross as it gets. http://cybertronphils.proboards.com/index....0195&page=1 http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...75&start=75
  12. Or specifically, because they forgot to hollow out part of the thigh like they did on the model kit. Kind of like how the VF100 version has that unnecessary cut-out in the nose.
  13. Yup, a VFX-2 VF-11 paintscheme looks more like an F-14 than even Roy's VF-1.
  14. Oh, they definitely move, it's quite clear in some of the pics. Though I suspect they act more like either the F-15's intakes or an F-14's glove vanes, rather than a primary means of pitch control---more of an "unloading of the tail planes" effect than anything. (or like the F-15 again, for both high-speed pitch authority and engine airflow) (it's not well known that the F-15's intake ramps are not solely for engine airflow--at high speeds they start acting like canards a bit, and will move with pitch commands--but they are just a small supplement)
  15. I'm still waiting for a VFX-2 scheme, by far the best-looking of the VF-11's IMHO. That, or a Jamming Birds D-model. (VF-11D's look awesome)
  16. Hmmn. PAK-FA wing outboard trailing edge. Does that align with *anything* else? if it doesn't, there's no point to angling it. Outer edge of LERX seems unique too--though if they spread out just a bit wider, they'd align with the inner edge of the tailbooms/outer edge of h.stabs.
  17. Don't blame Yamato for the -11C looking plain, blame Studio Nue.
  18. I'm sick and coughing and sneezing like crazy, so I figured I might as well do something productive so I translated some colors for Grace's valk. Mr Hobby codes included. First three colors (the main three of the valk) 1. Khaki H81 (40%)+Olive Drab 1 H52 (30%)+Neutral Gray H53 (20%)+White H1 (5%)+Yellow-Green H16 (5%). Overall fuselage color. 2. Tire Black H77 (40%)+ Olive Drab 1 H52 (30%)+Neutral Gray H53 (20%)+Green H6 (10%). Dark stripe/accent color. 3. White H1 (60%)+Grey H22 (20%)+Gull Grey H51 (10%). Light stripe/accent color. Just some notes for those of us (like me) who don't use Mr Color etc: Olive Drab 1 and 2 would probably more akin to olive drab vs green drab for Testors etc. Brightening the heck out of my digital color chart, I would say Green Drab would be the correct choice (on the chart Olive Drab 1 is greener than Olive Drab 2, and Green Drab is greener than US Olive Drab). Plus it just makes sense---it'd simply be too brown otherwise. "H53 Neutral grey" is not the FS36270 color. I think they literally mean Kodak neutral gray etc. Slightly darker and cooler than 36270. Tire black is "very dark grey". H22 grey is lighter and warmer than H53. Warmer and darker than 36270. I think yellow-green would best be described as grass green. REAL summer grass-green, as when you have a pile of clippings from a lawn mower. Not the impossibly rich green everyone wishes grass was. Flightsuit colors (which I think are totally wrong): 1. Emerald Green H46 (70%)+White H1 (25%)+ 5% "sumire and some kanji I'll never identify" 2. Emerald Green H46 (60%)+Blue H5 (35%)+White H1 (5%) I'd do the rest of the colors but really--would anyone use them? I think we're all just going to use our favorite "mecha colors" anyways for the internal frame, feet/nozzles, etc. Beam rifle seems to have 4 slightly different shades of grey, all just mixes of dark greys. None seems to be the "main" color from what I can make out.
  19. Only other source AFAIK is the model kit. And according to it Grace does not have a Gamma like Brera's---it's a Beta like all the other green ones, but customized(?) with a head unit like Brera's. My theory (and Mr March agrees) is that Grace's is unique, or nearly so, and that despite what the animation shows, the vast majority of VF-27's actually have finless heads. (because they weren't going to modify the CGI model for such a little-seen background valk---Grace's was the only Beta ever seen close-up) regult---I'd say the factory simply forgot to paint that piece. Hopefully the green ones will correct that. Anyone got an email for Bandai Japan that's more specific than a general "comments" address? We could send those pics---even without any text, our meaning should be fairly clear.
  20. But hers is specifically denoted as having the Brera-type head, even if no other green/Beta does. (regardless of animation canon) (I too of course would like a Grace sculpt, but to include it with the one that's NOT hers would be odd) If anything, it'd come with the one that's coming in June----like I said earlier, they've got more than enough time just to sculpt up a new pilot. Can't take half a year just to swap colors at the factory.
  21. Eeeek. I just had a horrible thought. Remember Luca's "multiple shades of green"? Sure hope that doesn't happen with this one.
  22. Renato pointed out something very interesting in the Scoopda thread---seems Bandai intends to bundle the fold booster with the green VF-27. http://p-bandai.jp/tamashiiwebshouten/chog...item-1000004910 Nifty translation (my fave for Japanese) gives "super fold booster" (well, "Su-pa-fo-rudobu-suta") in the contents list and the following description: Su-pa-fo-rudobu-suta was sold in the soul web shop. It is the same as what attached to "DX superalloy 4 [fo-rudosetto] for VF-25 in Gaul". Only the collaboration parts are different. It also mentions "Collaboration part marking seal for [su-pa-fo-rudobu-suta-]" in the parts list. So it'll be the same booster, but with green-colored attachment mounts or something? (interestingly, it also specifically mentions Grace, which I think is the first time Bandai has associated her with the green *DX* release)
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