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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. Because there's spoilers for most of the game, if you haven't played it at all (or gotten to the 3/4 point), and I didn't feel like blacking it out sentence by sentence. The sheer presence of certain characters or locations that you visit are spoilers of varying degree.
  2. Sigh, catering to the masses----this is what ME 2's opening was going to be, and even had dialogue recorded for, but was cut. This would have been awesome and would have explained a lot:
  3. I had a guess, I just didn't think it was very likely.
  4. I'd order Super Gripens. (of course, all my purchasing decisions are partly influence by looks).
  5. I really wish there was some sort of icon for Home that meant "I look nothing like my avatar". (I assume nothing---if someone's avatar is a tall black guy, in my mind they're just as likely to really be a short asian girl...) (I only go on Home a few times a year, just to see what's new---never much, but it can be fun for an hour or two--can't imagine what there is to do for all the people who go daily/weekly)
  6. Unless of course, that family sedan is still in testing, may turn out to have far worse MPG and handling than expected, and the development costs keep going up and up to the point that you're paying 95% as much as a BMW---but with far less amenities. PS--nevermind that the new sedan cannot possibly replace your old pickup, yet the manufacturer (and congress) expect you to scrap it too and buy another of those new sedans.
  7. The Sankaku version seems like a Cliff's Notes version of the Eurogamer article.
  8. Boost gauge is pretty similar to my last car's---horizontal bar, colored red... That style impresses "the masses" (aka passengers) far more---they have no idea what any given PSI number is, but they do like watching a bar fill up...
  9. Soooo---anyone got any links to a GOOD article on why we need more F-22's? Preferably one that's carefully read before being linked to?
  10. No. That's also basically the logo for half the airlines that have ever flown...
  11. If nothing else---FFIV didn't waste your time. Just about every minute is "relevant". About abilities---FFIV to me is the pinnacle of FF in that regards. Everyone is DIFFERENT. And you can't pick your party---you are forced to adapt to what abilities you do and don't have. (conversely, this also means nobody is ever "left out" of the party nor falls behind exp-wise). Made things interesting. You may have a very physical party in one section, and very magic-based in another.
  12. If you want all the other names for FS and RLM colors on the charts: http://www.angelfire.com/oh3/pmodels/acryl.pdf Or you could just google each BAC or FS code individually, etc. But that chart has pretty much every one you'll ever find in a hobby paint. Note that while 36081 is mainly known as Euro 1 grey, "Engine grey" is acceptable. (mech9 lists it as engine grey)
  13. Depends on price--gotta be at least a bit cheaper than the Wave.
  14. Just FYI, but color 334 is "Barley" grey, not Barry. (it's a British color, so you never know...) Color 72 has been the source of much mis-translation over the years, even Bandai themselves get it wrong--it's a translation of a translation of a translation. It is truly, originally "Intermediate Blue" and a US/English color and name. Which is a very specific color--Intermediate is the name, not a description. But when you translate it back and forth, some of the subtlety is lost and you get all those Gundams that call for "medium blue" guns and the like---they really mean Intermediate Blue (which is a very greyish blue, and not a "medium blue" at all). FS35164 Color 337, while Gunze calls it "grayish blue" it is really called "Medium Grey"--despite being officially classed as a blue. (though IMHO it looks greenish--at least the real stuff does, as opposed to Gunze's rendition of it). Just like the previous color, it's one of those US-govt-named colors where the generic-sounding name is not generic, and in this case "Medium" is a very specific type of grey---no other shade of grey in the US military is called "Medium". (and really, it's one of the darker shades of grey in the system...) And thus, when the Japanese try to translate US govt colors, the subtlety in the meaning of "intermediate" vs "medium" is often lost--especially when trying to translate the Gunze translation back to English! (It doesn't help that the govt itself named a blue as "grey"...)
  15. I'd like a smaller, cheaper one than the Quarter. Like VF100/hi-metal. Just with the ships...
  16. It looked so much better before I re-read it thoroughly... (though the WWII section seemed wrong even the first time through) (I freely admit I sometimes link to things without having read them fully--sorry)
  17. Cannon Fodder. The generic, tan-colored VF-25 that is flown by anonymous, nameless pilots.
  18. I think the CF VF-25 is more tan. The VF-27 is distinctly greenish, without being GREEN. But the CF VF-25's are pretty much tan.
  19. The problem is that they're linked---or more accurate, YOUR stats are based on their link. At the end, pretty much everyone is going to have every stat linked to the best spells. Except of course that by doing so, every time you cast ultima your max HP or mag atk power goes down... So thus you can't USE all those spells you've drawn without sacrificing your stats. I mean, in a prolonged battle (and FF8 had some LONG battles) spells may be doing noticeably less damage than earlier--depending on what you're casting and how they're junctioned.
  20. I did mean .2M, not .02M. Anyways, everyone here should read this (yes, it's yet another case for the F-22, but it's just plain a good history/summary of why/how the high/low mix of fighters works and is necessary) http://www.americanthinker.com/2010/03/van...ir_superio.html (it does veer a bit political, but it's still flat-out good IMHO) ::edit:: Isn't this a news-worthy day. Here's the final* proposal from Boeing for the new tanker---it's a wingletted 762 with a 787 cockpit: http://unitedstatestanker.com/splash/Launch *snicker
  21. Annoyingly, I just now found a fully-translated color guide for Grace's: http://www.mech9.com/blog/2010/02/172-vf-2...pe-color-guide/ (at least I can take a small amount of pride in that they mis-translated gull grey as dull grey)
  22. Has anyone considered making a "beam gun effect" for the VF-27, like there is in the 1/72 kit? Just a clear-pink "electrical" effect piece of plastic? Kind of surprised Bandai hasn't---I mean, if anything, you'd include something like that with the toy, not the model.
  23. I'd say "story". While I love FFIX, it's so full of homages and was pretty much designed to be "nostalgic" that I think playing it without having played most of the others would be kinda pointless. I'd suggest FFVI if you want to try an older one, the story/twists of that one still hold their own against modern day stuff. Or VII. VIII and XII were just "OK" IMHO. (I actually think I like VIII better than XII, even though I hate VIII's whole drawing/GF system)
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