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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. Props for going all-out with a lot of little details that mimic the real Super Hornet, when there's zero need for a "not intended to be a true-scale-detail-model" for its purpose. (gear doors, mainly---they could be greatly simplified, I imagine, or left off entirely) Interesting that ANA is sponsoring it, and not JAL. (though AFAIK, ANA is their biggest airline now, not JAL)
  2. Got my Elita-1. One day late, but no biggie. Anyways----a "first" for me---I believe I have an un-pinned rivet. (the front little bits of the wings that rotate about 160 degrees) Rivet is present, but the piece comes off if I tug it a bit. Not sure why it's riveted, as it could easily just be screwed/glued on---doesn't rotate/pivot there, it pivots at the other joint. So currently letting it dry while being superglued in place. Also currently soaking the combiner feet in rubbing alcohol---the coral color is neat, and almost unprecedented for a TF--seems a huge waste to mold them in that, then completely cover them in black paint. So, seeing how stripping the paint goes. If it works well---coral feet! If poorly---will paint over them with silver.
  3. Triggerhappy is one of my most fondly, best-remembered G1 toys. Don't know why, but that one just really "clicked" for me. And with no figure of him ever since, official nor 3P, I was ecstatic that Hasbro made this one---and that he turned out well, with an interesting transformation. His Reprolabel set is also notably good, though the awesome-looking engine stickers are basically impossible to get to fit perfectly, as the gap between the upper and lower engines is only about 1.9x the thickness of the labels, and they need to be applied back to back...
  4. It does, but it's not 1/10 as oversaturated as the 0D is. "Slightly oversaturated" vs "a completely different color". Plus, either way, the 1A is still "Max blue" or thereabouts. But the original 0D, isn't "Shin blue"---it's "Max blue". It actually makes it look like "someone else's valk" because it's so wrong, that it's actually now the color for a different scheme. It'd be like if someone took an Ozma valk, but made the grey so light, that it was DYRL grey---then you've got Roy's scheme, and not Ozma's. You can only "get it so wrong" before it actually becomes "right for somebody else".
  5. And I like Firechief even less than Inferno. But, Reprolabels again---I decided to order Elita 1, and the Reprolabels set. Part of the decision was based on the cheapest Ebay seller also being the closest, with "guaranteed arrival Friday" via free shipping---which is before most other sellers would have even boxed it up.
  6. Onslaught for $18 is dang tempting. Ironically, despite being "less important", I think Elita has really good robot and alt-modes. Not super fond of her torso mode, which is the main reason I need another Voyager! But I am overall trying to avoid "traditional" combiners---as in, I have no more than 2 members of any "established" team, in my CW combiner collection. It's like I don't want to "overlap" with 3P/G1 combiners. I have zero Combaticons, so Onslaught would be fine, but he is "an incredibly iconic torso". Versus, you know, SkyLynx or Elita... Inferno--good mold, but somehow I just don't see him as Inferno at all? He is literally 'red HotSpot' and that's all I can see. Gotta LOL at how Onslaught+Scattershot is $27, but Onslaught+SkyLynx is $50 and sold out... (I bought the only SkyLynx I ever saw, at the Target I go to the least) ::edit:: Elita-1 has an *awesome* Reprolabel set. Interesting, becase IMHO their SkyLynx set, is the best one they've ever done. It's like "late CW torso era" was peak Reprolabel design skills.
  7. Recommendations wanted: I realized I have 9 combiner limbs. May get another one or two before HasTak stops making them. I only have one torso, SkyLynx. Who should I get as a second torso? While I'd somewhat prefer a Decepticon to balance things out (and they traditionally have way more combiners than the Autobots), I still have more 'bot limbs than 'con limbs, so I "should" get another Autobot torso to best use the limbs I have. Price is very much a factor, not going to spend like 2x retail to acquire a rare/popular one. (I came very close to getting HotSpot quite a while back, but he was already rare and expensive, just one wave after his release) ::edit:: Hmmm, Elita-1 seems pretty readily available still around MSRP----thoughts?
  8. A Gundam backpack, sold in the US? And Tallgeese, not UC? Technically third-party, even if licensed: https://www.entertainmentearth.com/product/gundam-wing-oz-backpack/gn11222
  9. Eh, most of the Excelsiors (and Mirandas) have been ret-conned to "glowout the sides like TNG-era ships". And of course, the Excelsior itself, in the "Flashback" Voyager episode: Based on the colors used for the Lakota's "top of nacelles", they are clearly intended (on the studio model/artist's intent) to be "normal hull/nacelle" material up there, and not "warp field radiator grille" material. They're blue, but they're always "the same blue as the main hull's accent color"----sky blue on the Excelsior, aqua blue-green on the Ent-B/Lakota. With metallic silver-grey too (same color as impluse exhaust housing surround---also not a "starship glowing area" color). I think "Excelsiors glowing out the tops of their nacelles" thing is a mis-interpretation of the blue paint being on the nacelles there---since the Excelsior itself often looks "bright sky blue there" in some photos. "Hey, if it's bright light blue, on a nacelle, it must be GLOWING BLUE, right!??!" But no, that's just "standard Excelsior-class paint pattern". Interestingly, I've noted that the Lakota's impulse *crystals* glow red: I believe they only ever glow blue otherwise (Refit, maybe Miranda?) Hmmn---here's the Valley Forge (DS9 CG model), with them glowing "properly" blue----but I will admit, they're a slightly teal shade of blue: (yes, the Excelsior class' colors/glowy bits, and especially those of the Ent-B/Lakota, are very much "my thing" and I've snagged just about every picture ever, over the years)
  10. The Ent-B (and Lakota) "main accent color" was much more green than the Excelsior's (but with generally the same pattern, except for around the bridge)----but "the glowy bits" were no different than any other Starfleet ship---warp and deflector bits glow blue. I've never seen anything in Starfleet with "teal" warp-glow or deflector dish.
  11. I personally really like the color Yamato uses on the 1/48 Max and Milia.
  12. But why are are the blue-glowing parts, green? Also, I see some areas that are missing paint (fins at rear of nacelles should be blue, as should the leading and trailing edges of the nacelle pylons, aft shuttle-bay doors should be silver/grey)
  13. But he's also basically locked in to "newer=bigger number", so he can't use 109 or 190 etc, needs to use other companies and use say 229 or 335. (they are both "famous" and "big numbers" from that group) (choosing big numbers from obscure designs isn't really his thing, AFAIK---he'd certainly go more for the 229 or 335, since they are interesting/unique/famous)
  14. So, I just got the most-recent re-release of Supernova Sandrock, and this is the box: (Also, I'm not super-fond of how the HiRM Wing Zero build is going, I may buy the Supernova or RG version, for my "best Wing Zero")
  15. So will FF7R+ come out for the PS5, 6-7 months after FF7R for PS4? Seems like either a huge timing mistake, or a missed opportunity at this point. "FF7R, exclusively for the PS5!" would have been one heck of a selling point. Fights would break out in order to be the first to get on the wait-list to be allowed to pre-order...
  16. Hmmmmmmmmn. Are shuttlebays 2 and 3 the same size? Does like "the master CGI file" for the Galaxy-class have that error, and everyone uses it, causing that issue to become common?
  17. Let me know. (though shipping something that big may cost as much as the figure itself, and I may have to pass)
  18. I am hoping for at least one flash-back scene for Adm Picard, with an older, worn Ent-E or something... Or maybe, "current day" scene with a REALLY old, worn-out Ambassador class, patrolling the backwaters of the Federation, that Picard and crew will run into...
  19. I apparently live by the only Burlington that never got cheap Trypticons... (I honestly don't want Trypticon itself much, but I *really* want a Full-Tilt)
  20. Wood elves, cave(dark) elves, mountain elves, etc are all well-established. So why not space elves?
  21. Could wait until it's finished, wait for a sale, then buy the whole set at once, paying just one shipping cost. (this usually becomes possible, for US/UK-based ones at least--not sure if Japan-only ones ever end up this way). From what I can tell, generally: Japan will do a volume every week. UK will often do every other week, US will do monthly. Thus, they'll group them differently---the UK/US will get 2x-4x as many parts at once, per shipment.
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