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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. It might be quicker to just go here: http://finalfantasy.wikia.com/wiki/Dream_Z...Dream_Zanarkand
  2. PS---VF-19's with shoulder-mounted boosters look stupid. Always thought so.
  3. You don't get like a 50% "boost" in size from being 5% closer to the camera.
  4. I think that animation is just really off. The VF-17 is smaller than the -19.
  5. Meh. Getting that to 45,000ft, is kind of like when they dropped the shuttle Enterprise off of a 747 and glid down to a landing. It's a LONG way from an "actual test spaceflight".
  6. 3D sucks. Even if they were equal price at the theater, I'd pick the 2D version of the movie. Hmmn, crisp, bright, colorful image----or a blurry, dark, washed-out image that seems to be kinda "floating".
  7. The big group of "frozen in time, neither dead nor living" Fayth who were eternally summoning/dreaming that you discover outside of Zanarkand (technically on Mt Gagazet). They are effectively summoning their entire nation from memory, from the past, to make it happen. It's a fairly major revelation/plot point. Technically, Tidus and Jecht's Zanarkand never existed at all, nor did they.
  8. X and XIII are basically polar opposites to XII. People tend to either like X/XIII and dislike XII, or the opposite. Why Tidus exists in the real world? Because he's being dreamed into existence, more or less. When the dream ends, so does he. XIII sidequests---pretty standard fare. Ultimate weapons and monster hunts, many of which are so "extreme" they'll take 50 hours beyond the point where you could win the game. That's about it though.
  9. Much better. I see what you mean about the "pink in shadow" vs red----but shouldn't at least part of the "hair" be lighter? Or is all of it in permanent shadow somehow?
  10. All shopping is like in Mass Effect 2. You go up to the glowing thing, hit X, and select what you want from the list. Then it instantly appears in your inventory. Only, everywhere carries everything. Kind of like O'aka in FFX. If you really look there are a few physical shops in the game--but you can't go in them and actually buy stuff. (they probably wouldn't sell to you anyways, for plot reasons)
  11. Those decals/makers are out of production and very hard to find any nowadays, as demand hasn't gone down. Sorry. Frankly---if you want a 1/60 VF-1 with all the details, buy the new version, they have all their markings factory-printed and are inherently a much better toy.
  12. Heck, I'm surprised you're allowed to buy things after the first couple chapters! Kinda expected "all e-kiosks shut down to known fugitives" or something. And really, there shouldn't be any deliveries of new items at all in ch 11, it really doesn't make sense there...
  13. It DOES come with the crown though, which is the only thing that matters or that most people will even recognize/want.
  14. US MP Grimlock looks surprisingly nice IMHO. Very G1-toy-esque. Mainly---they didn't totally screw it up like MP SS, but instead went very toy-based like MP SW. http://www.tfw2005.com/boards/transformers...ng-takaras.html
  15. Ah, how topical Penny Arcade often is: http://penny-arcade.smugmug.com/photos/816...XH-1024x768.jpg http://penny-arcade.smugmug.com/photos/816...H-1920x1200.jpg (same pic, different sizes, looks much better if it actually fits on your screen)
  16. I'm sure penty of people will have played through it all the day it comes out, so I'll see what they have to say before deciding.
  17. All the ultimate weapons and big dungeons only occur at the end, just like FF XIII. Can't backtrack easily in FF X until you get the airship at the end.
  18. FF X was about 100% linear. You start in Besaid, and head north until Zanarkand. Then the game's over. There's a few short side-tracks, like Lake Macalania and the Al-Bhed desert, but that's about it. You'd never leave the "main road heading north" except for 30 sec excursions to find a treasure chest in the weeds. Yet I didn't see nearly as many complaints as I do about the exactly-the-same-process in FF XIII. Not replayable? There's never been a FF game that wasn't highly replayable IMHO. And if you want "monster-hunting-quests"---FF XIII blows away all the previous ones AFAIK. XIII is just like X, but with an even faster battle system. It's the same team, same ideas/design---very obviously so. (in fact, in a few sections it almost seems like a rip-off of X). So--did you like FF X?
  19. I've got conflicting info on if it's identical or just similar. As for Axis Blade---it seems that it's not that good early on, but for post-game, the attack rate can double or nearly triple with the right accessories, making for insane stagger-bar-charging, and just damage in general. (that late in the game, a couple hundred STR isn't going to be that much of a difference)
  20. Hmmn. I've decided on the final weapons for 3 of my "fave four" characters. Light's the one I'm not sure on. My main concern is "wasting" components before the final boss. Currently my most powerful weapon is a Blaze Fire Lvl *. But at this point, abilities out-weigh stats for any entry-level weapon. Currently using Axis Blade, seeing if the ATB charge/speed makes it worth it. (some people consider it to be the best weapon at the end) Also--I just found out that apparently Lightning's ultimate weapon will have the Hauteclair/Lionheart look to it regardless. That sucks, as it's probably my least-favorite design. (mainly because it just plain doesn't look like it could possibly fold up like it's supposed to)
  21. Were the pics for Mylene's valk changed recently? They look less accurate than what I remember from the last time I looked. RED "hair" and an aqua-green "headband" in battroid mode? Should be pink and pale blue. (headband and boobs should match--same color as Mylene's headband and the spheres on her concert uniform) ::edit:: Yup, found the earlier version on my hard drive. The overall paler colors are much better IMHO, but the head is wrong now---red and green simply aren't used on her valk. (and technically the upper-most segment of the speaker-boobs should be blue too) Personally I've always figured the lightning on the canard was supposed to be two-toned yellow/bronze or yellow/mustard or something to indicate kind of a "gold" look, but I've seen one or two places interpret it as yellow/green. Don't know what the canon color is. The Wave kit says yellow/orange, Bandai has it all one shade of metallic yellow (not "gold"). PS---I think the small triangle on the chest should be deep yellow like the collar and ankles, not pink.
  22. I'm very disappointed how Lionheart looks. I expected kind of a glowing blue gunblade or something, you know? It's simply a recolor of the Hauteclair.
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