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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. Honestly, I don't understand the description either.
  2. If you like Japanese trains, most every other official one is pretty good IMHO. (except Classics Astrotrain)
  3. I've been waiting for a good review of that. Mini-rant: As a train fan, I still just can't accept that design as a locomotive. I'm a HUGE plane fan, and I'm pretty "forgiving" when it comes to fictional aircraft designs---very few TF's strike me as "that's just not a plane". But I've really disliked the Hearts of Steel stuff from the beginning, as a big train fan. I love most of Guido's art, but the Hearts of Steel trains just suck. (everything else he did for Hearts of Steel rocked and looks very appropriate/realistic---I don't know why the trains are so odd--it's not just the whole "uber-European train design in America" aspect)
  4. If you want to know about the various F-16C blocks, here's a really good guide: http://zone-five.net/showthread.php?t=231 And that's not a complete list of variations, the Block 30 section could be twice as long (speaking from experience researching the IA ANG here)
  5. Yamato and their Tab B. Surely they've found a better way by now? It's simply not smart design to make the entire front half of the plane dependent upon a small, thin tab.
  6. I think that one's different, have to complete other missions first I think. I had the same issue.
  7. Eh, my YF-21 cracked a thigh/hip piece all the way through, and I'd only transformed it like 4 times---I blame the truly pointless "limb removal" aspect---makes that spot thin with a ton of stress on it, as it never wants to "go the way it needs to" for transforming, it always "goes the way that unlocks the leg and makes it fall off" so you have to always put stress on it to make it "not unlock" the leg. Plus, lots of us have YF-21's where the back plate will not go down flush in fighter mode. (and it's NOT related to the legs/belly plates, as even if the belly plates and legs are physically removed, it still won't go down)
  8. Sad to see there's no F-15C demos at all any more. Just tossing this out there just in case: If anyone's built the Academy 1/32 F-16, and didn't use the TERs, I could really use them. (the F-16 has a unique TER, and there's very few ways to get one in 1/32)
  9. Don't know how long it's been up, but the USAF has their demo listing for the first part of the season up: http://www.acc.af.mil/aerialevents/demoteamschedule.asp ::edit:: Here's the Navy: http://www.navy.mil/navco/airshows/tacdemo2010.html Marines: http://www.marines.mil/community/Pages/Aviation.aspx
  10. Nope, that's the way to go (more or less). That is an OPTIONAL boss. I'd suggest you ignore it. I'm actually headed that way now in my post-game---haven't been that way since the first time. That is the toughest part of ch 11 IMHO, the rest is easier. Just slug through it. It'd take a while to grind to make that part easy, then the rest would be REALLY easy.
  11. Hitting the boss hard enough while he's charging his uber-attack, interrupts his charge and lessens how hard it hits. You can actually interrupt him twice before he lets it off. If you are healing/defending while he charges, that's the exact opposite of what you should be doing. Also---Fang! She is the hardest-hitting character, period. The best 2 parties in the game (in most people's opinions and mine) are Light/Hope/Fang and Light/Van/Fang. If you don't have Fang, you're probably not doing enough raw damage to interrupt the boss's charges. Hope has the highest raw magic power of any character. Van and Light are tied for 2nd, but have significantly better defense/HP.
  12. Having beaten the game, I think it's really pointless to grind. You're not SUPPOSED to be able to take out multiple behemoth kings yet. Don't spend much time grinding, ignore them, then come back and whip up on them after you've beaten the game. It's not like they drop Ultima Weapons or anything, why waste time/effort soley for being able to kill them early? I did maybe an hour or two of grinding in the whole game, mainly around/in the tower. It's FAR more fun/interesting to PLAY THROUGH THE PLOT to gain hundreds of thousands of experience points (and you will by the end) than to constantly fight the same enemies over and over----just to have to then still go through the entire rest of the game. PS---turtles? At beginning of ch 11? You'll most likely die before you get a single hit in. PPS---your stats will jump, then flatline, at the end. STR/MAG will go up and up and up, far faster than leveling weapons will accomplish---but the final level of crystarium is almost pure HP. LOTS of HP, but your attacks will get no stronger and you will gain no new abilities.
  13. Re: splitting into invidivual variants. No way IMHO. A VF-25 thread, and a VF-27 thread. There's going to be way too many variations of Alto's alone. Seriously, an Alto thread would probably be longer and larger than the Michael/Ozma/Luca/CF threads combined--which'd defeat the point---there'd still be one massive thread about Alto. And splitting into "accessory" variations would be a nightmare---super, armored, Gallia-IV, tornado, presumably revised super and revised armor, etc. Also--agree with eugimon. We need all-new armor to go with a V2 VF-25. The whole reason the VF-25 is skinny, is so that it doesn't look so incredibly bulky with super packs or full armor----Bandai seems to have completely ignored that. Battroid mode is fat when it's stripped bare...
  14. You found variations? I don't think I've ever seen a plane that was "wrong". I'd love to see a pic that was the other way.
  15. I do have some Fokker 0S, and that's about everything I have---no Shin, no Ivanov.
  16. Jet engines can run on most anything---rubbing alcohol, diesel, gasoline. It's just not the best thing to use. I am totally unimpressed when Richard Branson boasts about how he got one engine on one of his 747's to use 10% algae-oil or whatever. Anyways---A321 doesn't have enough wing, plain and simple. If it was a thrust issue, that could have been easily corrected, and the later variants with more power would have performed better than they do.
  17. If you guys want dedicated threads, you're going to have to make them and link the relevant sections of the old threads to them.
  18. I know you wrote you weren't going to "focus on accurate color" but you do have the wing and squadron insignia swapped---since everything else is 100% "USAF standard" that aspect pops out at me. Should be wing badge on the starboard side, squadron on the port side.
  19. I have some of the valks they put up there. But they're all the same small pics at the same angle. Here's Nora's.
  20. I kind of wanted to see the transformation sequence, but after the first two pages, I think I might die of old age first. "Start to rotate piece. Rotate it more. More. More. More! Then stop. Then do the exact same thing to the identical piece on the other side---but photograph it just as thoroughly. Then take multiple photos of different angles, showing this single piece (and its twin) in the new position relative to all other pieces. Then go to the next piece".
  21. Yeesh, he didn't need to photograph the OUTER SHIPPING BOX. From 15 angles. Wow, it's brown and has a mailing label----clearly far superior to those UPS and FedEx boxes...
  22. I thought about that too. Should we split into VF-25 and VF-27 threads? Though do we really have much overlap in discussion? We just had Brera, now we're talking about the Tornado pack. Next will probably be Grace's. There's way too many VF-25 variants to try to split them up, and there's not going to be very many VF-27's--and Grace's will likely be PURELY a repaint of Brera's, with little to talk about. IMHO, one generic "1/60 DX Frontier toys" thread is sufficient. Now maybe if we start getting VF-171 toys or something we might need a split, but not now.
  23. You may already have these, but these are the CG renders of the VF-0D from Bandai's site back when Zero was airing. They never did put up Shin's though.
  24. A321 sucks, period. Wing is too small and even Airbus knows it. It sold poorly because it is nowhere near as good as the 757. No range, no climb rate, no internal fuel capacity. Similar pax capacity, far lower capability. Simple fuselage/wing size mismatch. You'd have one heck of a short-range, no-loiter tanker if you made a KC-321.
  25. It'll be easy to afford FansProject stuff this year, with how crappy the new official combiner line seems to be. (seriously---you'd think that limb-only TF's with no bot modes, would let Hasbro make BETTER-LOOKING limbs, not worse)
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