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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. Super-Er Hornet: http://www.aviationweek.com/aw/blogs/defen...bd-7371ec37016f Summary/commentary: JSF for USN delayed to 2016 at the earliest. Combined with overall US fighter gap due to few F-22s, USN highly considering buying 124 more Super Hornets, and possibly more for Australia too. New Super Hornet would have F-35esque cockpit, 20% more thrust, and maybe Meteor missiles.
  2. Better than I thought it'd be based on the early reviews. Definitely funnier/more one-liners. But they're so fast you can't possibly catch all of them in one viewing. Overall more flash, less substance than the first. I actually like the earlier fights more than the later ones. After-credits scene detailed synopsis, so you don't have to sit through 10 mins of boring B&W credits:
  3. Ok, I saw the origin of the whole Peg thing a while ago, but I've forgotten again.
  4. I'd suggest not looking at the promo pics for the next ep, fairly major spoilers for the end of the episode.
  5. BTW, the Frontier duet is "perfectly" stereo. Have only the left speaker going, and you'll only hear Grace.
  6. Don't know how I missed this before, but anyways: 1. Any plane that gets "special" camo tends to have reduced markings. Only the factory puts on ALL of them. Even a "stripped to bare metal" full repaint at a dedicated paint depot with "all" markings re-applied won't get everything that the factory puts on. (except in Japan) "Local" repaints at a base get even fewer markings, and unique/short-lived schemes are lucky to have anything more than national insignia. 2. Dobber already chimed in, but "Dobber camo" is the NSAWC blue-grey camo, modified to be more Flanker-esque. There's plenty more new/cool Flanker camos out there, if you want suggestions. (plus the new PAK-FA, and the Arctic Falcons) 3. Glue! I have found Plastruct's "Plastic Weld" to be about the only thing effective on Yamato ABS plastic. Note that this is a super-thin glue like Tenax, so you've got about 1 second to get the parts together before it dries and you have to re-apply. The parts must be stuck together while the cement is still wet. Most any hobby/model shop should sell it, comes in a glass jar with an orange label. 4. Slightly purple parts? Common with Bandai mecha, the 1/72 Alto kit is almost entirely composed of it--I personally believe it's an attempt to prevent yellowing by "blueing" the plastic--may be a sign of styrene vs ABS.
  7. Yup. I greatly prefer the Mylene-only songs.
  8. Unlikely, sorry. That was pretty much a one-time batch of shoulder hinges and nothing but.
  9. Umm no, that's size. They're the exact same scale.
  10. Ever since, I dunno, XP SP3, maybe earlier, the saved .htm files on my hard drive like to try to access that web page "live" when opened rather than simply reading what is saved on the drive. That's the whole reason I saved them, to access them offline and load quickly. Is there any way to force Windows to simply READ a saved .htm file, rather than always try to "load" it? It's especially annoying when there's some active X or java in the page, as it tries forever to load it before it gives up. It kind of defeats the whole purpose of saving a page to the hard drive in the first place.
  11. Eh, he was sometimes funny earlier. Lately though, I agree.
  12. Lilformers, epic meme: http://www.lilformers.com/comics/2010-05-03.jpg
  13. Lockheed says the JSF is not delayed, it's merely experiencing "schedule growth". In other news, it's not overweight either, it's just had some mass growth...
  14. That's the problem--the more armor they make for the OLD one, the less likely they are to make a new VF-25 any time soon---because then there's that much more armor that's incompatible with a future one, and that they'd have to design all over again for the new VF-25. They should have stopped at the standard full armor for Ozma's. THEN make a new, improved VF-25 based on the VF-27. THEN do Tornado packs and all that--for the NEW one. That way there'd only be 2 incompatible sets--the old super and old full armor. Now we're up to like a half-dozen sets for the old one. Seriously--new movie, new VF-25. Great excuse for doing a remade toy so soon, too. Now, they're "increasing the installed base" of the old VF-25, which is counter-productive to making a new VF-25. We all KNOW there's going to be a new VF-25, but if they keep on pumping out stuff for the old one, they may wait like 5 years for the new one. The current VF-25 is going to become this generation's chunky munky-----there'll be SO many out there, with SO many variants and option packs, that no one will attempt to make a better one for a long time, because so many people have based their collections etc around it. If there was only the original Alto DX -25 with super and armor packs, then a lot of people would "switch" to a new one---but with so many people now having multiple VF-25's with multiple packs and multiple add-on weapon sets----they're less inclined to "start over" with a new VF-25, no matter how much better it may be. (of course, the real problem is that Bandai should have realized how poor their DX VF-25 was from the start---the -27 is so much better with such a similar design, it's obvious Bandai was certainly capable of doing a much better -25 than they did)
  15. Shrek 3 utterly sucked. I doubt I'll see this one.
  16. Currently I'm just continuing to let things sit. (actually stripped and repainted one small part that I was able, but only because the paint got a nick in it---uncured paint isn't very durable) Maybe another month will do something, but I'm thinking more like 2 or 3 months for noticeable improvement, if any will occur. (I'm pretty sure some segments have dried for over a month now) I could use a hair dryer or something and heat it up a little, but I doubt "30 secs of being warm" would do more than "3 weeks of being room temp". Can't get it hot, some parts of it are the type of plastic that'll "curl" when hot, and never un-curl. (and I don't plant to experiment/test and find out too late that a "safe" part wasn't) On a related note of a different paint---should I put a clearcoat over an acrylic paint that dries, but instantly liquifies upon contact with water? Very strange--a general rule of acrylics is that "contact with their thinners will not reliquify them"---especially when their thinner is pure water. But this one---contact with almost any moisture (other paints, saliva, etc) will make the paint just come right off. I'm hoping a lacquer clear from Tamiya would be non-aqueous enough to not affect it.
  17. For how much 1/4 scale would cost, yeah, I'd want the flight suit. But I'd probably take a 1/6 "Sheryl's Manager" outfit one.
  18. The 2 emoticons were not enough to indicate the nature of my post? I'll add more:
  19. Exactly my point. Stop using all the company resources to add parts to a toy that just plain sucks, frankly. All those weapons and armor they're spending development on---make a new VF-25 instead! Or a VF-171. Or 1/4 Grace statue...
  20. I noticed that the Captain of Macross Quarter pronounces it like I do, so I figure I'm right, or at least close. (there's a slight variation though--sometimes he says it more like "crose" than "cross") Somewhere between Mah-cross and Mah-crose. IMHO, Mac-cross isn't that far off, and at least once Captain Wilder is very close to that. It's a whole lot better than ADV's "Muh cross!" I swear Japanese has another vowel sound of "a" that English doesn't. I think it's properly between "Ma" and "Mah"---but I can't make that sound. ::edit:: 18:40 into final ep of Frontier. Or 18:05 into ep 7. Probably also when Battle 25 fires its main gun. If the original source for the name is MacBeth---shouldn't it be more like Mc or Mac?
  21. Not only do they have no bot modes, but their limb modes suck. You'd think that being freed from having to have robot parts would make for some pretty good limbs--but nope, they were completely hampered by having to auto-morph. I mean, if we got FEET and HANDS, and the gestalt was friggin awesome---then I might accept botless limb components. (heck, canonically, that's how Piranacon is in Japan). But no, we get sucky gestalts with quasi-claws and "a tank standing on end" for a foot... Seriously, if they took out the auto-morph gimmick, gave us a scout pricepoint for the limbs, and THEN said "limb mode only"----then we could have had a really awesome gestalt. But being TINY, with 100% auto-morph transformations just ruined them.
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