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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. God no, I hate the Star Ocean battle system. I've never finished a game of that series because of it.
  2. Everyone just has to ignore that. It doesn't even work in the comics like that. (plus, shouldn't that be like a 1500lb suitcase if it's a full suit, compacted down?)
  3. Good luck gettting one now though---the value and rarity of that mold has skyrocketed recently due to this add-on set. However, you may get lucky and find some of the ROTF versions at Big Lots etc being clearanced. Dollar General I think was also mentioned. If you get desperate, you can try to buy individual bots---you do not need any of the accessories (like the hands or feet), nor do you need 2 of the 5 bots. A "complete" Bruticus is kinda pointless for this. (I've got a spare helicopter for sale BTW)
  4. That's actually IMHO among the biggest reality-breakers in the films for me---the helmet looks skin-tight when it's actually put on (where does his nose fit?) but there's plenty of space when we get an 'internal' view.
  5. On some models I think I removed more paint with toothpicks, than I applied with a brush.
  6. The ability to easily remove acrylic paints within the first 24 hours may be their greatest asset of all. PS--
  7. I would also assume there's quite a lot of height in the suit's boots, to accomodate the propulsion system...
  8. Dang, it looks good with the original Energon version, at least in combined mode: Though I am concerned with how Barricade (Onslaught) will look in vehicle mode with the add-on parts. Might be some serious clashing there, as the parts do use ROTF Onslaught's colors.
  9. I rarely own more than 4 valks at a time. Sell old ones to buy new ones. And I too would buy a V3 YF-19---maybe this time they'll finally get one that locks together. Seriously, the FIRST one locked together better especially in GERWALK mode--mainly because they had a tab and slot just for that mode--the new version doesn't have it, and guess what--it doesn't hold together as wel. Brilliant move there...
  10. Looks nice, but I'll wait for a repaint that matches the original version of the molds (Energon). Just can't justify the price for parts that won't match mine.
  11. We're all agreed then, that we blame EXO for the outage?
  12. You want a preview of an illegal camrip before purchasing it?
  13. Yeah, it's obvious that Boeing still keeps the X-32's designer on the payroll. Nobody else could make planes that ugly.
  14. PS---I never rescinded my vow to ban the next person who posts it for billionth time.
  15. I'd suspect Roy, though blaming EXO is always a good option...
  16. Inherent design flaw with the DX -25, the armor is just too heavy---it is caused simply by standing there in battroid mode.
  17. They also seem to have inverted the forward fuselage----the upper part of the nose/cockpit area is almost level, with the underside sloping sharply.
  18. I'm just glad someone finally put up a decent-quality version on Youtube---previously they were all bad VCR rips...
  19. Coolest Iron Man song ever is still the 2nd season intro of Fox Kids's version: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oaFMh1jClsY&NR=1 (seriously, were Saturday morning cartoons ever better than when Fox Kids did their Marvel comics shows in the mid-90's? X-Men, Spider-Man, Iron Man...)
  20. Yeah, I'll say Clone Wars has increased my appreciation for Plo Koon more than any other character.
  21. Ironically, I just checked back in to MW to ask if anyone else got the "Scott Pilgrim vs the world" trailer, and saw this.
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