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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. If anyone wants a perfect match to the red decals, Pollyscale's "Southern Pacific scarlet" is it.
  2. There's a Flash in the Dark here: http://members.tripod.com/Dark_Schneider/anime/mac7tabs.html
  3. David Hingtgen

    Klan WIP

    Very end of ep 22, after the credits.
  4. David Hingtgen

    Klan WIP

    Ruak----I just emailed some reference pics to your hotmail account, let me know if you do/don't get them.
  5. David Hingtgen

    Klan WIP

    The suit's pretty simple, shape-wise. It's skin tight EVERYWHERE--there's no shoulder pads or forearm-things like on Klan's. This is everything that's ever been shown, so nobody could say you're wrong for any un-shown detail. (unless of course, the 2nd movie has a longer version of this scene or something). (I think that most of the stripes/markings match Brera's, I'll try to get some images of his suit) But as I said---no need to spend too much time/effort on "little details that nobody is certain of". Just do the main things and I think we'd all be very appreciative of your work. If you want the individual frames that the "GracePan" jpg was made from, give me your email and I'll send them. And I have LOTS of good photos of her head/hair/face from every angle I could send. (including a very large version of my avatar, of course).
  6. Am I nuts, or is the head on the AT-AT really short/stocky, with an oversized visor?
  7. I like the Stark Expo art even better--it's what Epcot wishes it was: http://www.starkexpo2010.com/ (just browse through the gallery) Sample:
  8. Apparently he's had some sort of medical issues lately, that's why.
  9. Any notable delays for SAL to the USA lately? I have HLJ ship SAL most of the time, and it's never taken this long to my house (3 weeks so far).
  10. David Hingtgen

    Klan WIP

    Hmmn. Any chance you could do a new head, a few tweaks to the body/suit* and make a flight-suit Grace? *wouldn't have to be 100% correct, just a few of the more obvious things
  11. For buffing metalizer, I like either socks or kleenex. Note though: the window for buffing is short. Metalizer dries VERY fast. 5 mins may be too soon to start buffing, 10 mins may be too late. In my experience though, it's usually about 10 mins to start buffing lightly, then a few minutes later (after it's fairly shiny) you can start buffing harder. Highly buffed titanium looks AWESOME. I'll try to photograph my F-18 nozzles I did that way. Unbuffed titanium is basically "metallic grey", a bit of buffing adds iridescence, highly buffed looks browner. I only slightly buffed the interior of my VF-25 nozzles, here's a pic: (it's basically unbuffed)
  12. I'd take a Revoltech Genosaurer, maybe Gun Sniper. Pilot figures could be nice too (quasi-SRDX style) but seems unlikely IMHO.
  13. Iran has the world's only 747 tankers. Possible they want a couple more with even greater capacity and range. They just need to reverse-engineer the original mods that Boeing did.
  14. This article doesn't specifically say they're -400's, but they are: http://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/uk-firm-fined-2-million-after-pleading-guilty-to-illegally-exporting-boeing-747-aircraft-to-iran-93423974.html
  15. Seconded (thirded)? I want the TV version. We haven't gotten ANY TV-style SDF-1 in many years. But this'll be the 3rd DYRL in as many years or so.
  16. First, Iran acquires multiple 747-400s. Now, China's got mil-spec surveillance 737s. Whoever's in charge of "making sure modern Boeings don't go to sanctioned nations" really sucks at their job.
  17. I'm wondering if all the black text could be changed somehow? Like "email, print, download" "previous topic, member feedback, next topic" at the bottom, or "(10 pages)". Kinda hard to read against the medium blue.
  18. Proof that female faces are still far harder to sculpt----Hot Toys still doesn't have a single female sculpt that equals most of their male ones.
  19. I think every website has too small fonts---I just override it in my browser. (thus, I see every forum in my preferred font and size) But you're not the first to ask for bigger fonts with MW's new board.
  20. The text was white on white for like 5 mins. (technically, white text on VERY light blue)
  21. What'll happen? Not much. You've got to buff Metalizer before it dries hard.
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