Wow, wrong colors* on Overbite, and with stickers pre-mis-applied!
(I am a big Seacons fan)
PS---original G1 Seacons had QA/fit issues, "mold wear" etc---I can't imagine how the mold is now, after the JP BW ones, etc.
*Overbite's mid-section and gun should be pure G1 Decepticon purple---he's the "uniquely colored" Seacon, the only one with purple.
**Also, if they don't include at least one "weapon stand" than you can't really do Piranacon right. I am 100% sure the official instructions have been wrong all these years, and miss a step---use the weapon stand rifle for Piranacon when in gun mode, not the limb's personal weapon. It just looks/works/fits so much better--it CANNOT be coincidence that that part has no other use, and is shaped the way it is.
PPS--the original sword was lavender, not chromed. It's supposed to be kind of coral-seaweed-y. (based on the mold details)