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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. Wow, wrong colors* on Overbite, and with stickers pre-mis-applied! (I am a big Seacons fan) PS---original G1 Seacons had QA/fit issues, "mold wear" etc---I can't imagine how the mold is now, after the JP BW ones, etc. *Overbite's mid-section and gun should be pure G1 Decepticon purple---he's the "uniquely colored" Seacon, the only one with purple. **Also, if they don't include at least one "weapon stand" than you can't really do Piranacon right. I am 100% sure the official instructions have been wrong all these years, and miss a step---use the weapon stand rifle for Piranacon when in gun mode, not the limb's personal weapon. It just looks/works/fits so much better--it CANNOT be coincidence that that part has no other use, and is shaped the way it is. PPS--the original sword was lavender, not chromed. It's supposed to be kind of coral-seaweed-y. (based on the mold details)
  2. We're over-due for AC7 anyways. It was darn near a launch game for the 360.
  3. Remember, a jet's exhaust is created at the last turbine stage---not the nozzle. The nozzle's purpose is to optimize the flow of the exhaust. Plenty of things can (and do) happen between the turbine and the nozzle---most commonly, that's where you put an afterburner assembly in. Less often, a secondary or even tertiary intake. And in the VF-19S apparently, there's going to be bleed ramps or something that go to the ankle verniers.
  4. That's what happened to my 2nd 360----and the whole "just ship it back for free, they extended the warranty"---that only applies to RROD. Any other failure (like the almost-as-common bad optical drive) doesn't qualify for the extended warranty. If the optical drive dies at day 366, you're screwed. And really--it's a DVD drive. It should last nigh-forever. The drive I use on my PC, is in its third PC. I can understand a few blu-ray issues on the PS3, but the 360 has shelf-standard DVD drives AFAIK, they should be bullet-proof by now.
  5. The dub is free at Hulu: http://www.hulu.com/super-dimension-fortress-macross
  6. Except for Namco! The real problem seems to be that they like to remove stuff---there's a LOT of Ace Combat 6 schemes that are gone--can't re-download, because Namco pulled them down.
  7. VFC--vortex flow control---is this an airframe part or a system? Technically, you could call the Hornet's LEX strake that. Fowler flaps--unexpected, rare on military fighters. (VF-1 has them though, double-slotted, even--though I figure that's more because the F-14/F-111 have them) LERX extension housing (vernier)fuel---hmmn. I wonder if that's the only/primary reason for them being bigger.
  8. Hmmmn. For normal "switching around" of 360 saves etc, a lot of files are "move only", and some aren't movable at all---Namco tends to like the latter. Namco stuff also tends to have issues with re-assigning DLC etc to a particular console. When I had to "transfer" my stuff from my last 360, ALL the Namco stuff had to be re-done and re-downloaded individually, and some of it NEVER transferred or refused to allow the new console access. To this day I'm "missing" some stuff from Ace Combat and Soul Calibur. People bitch about EA, but Namco's the worst when it comes to 'digital rights'.
  9. I haven't heard anything about data transfer---is there a transfer cable for old 360 to new 360, much like there is for the 20GB to 100+ GB drive? I mean, I am *NOT* going to give up all my Mass Effect saves, etc.
  10. Yeah, I'm going to paint it on mine too, based on the Bandai kit---but like you said, the stripe that's right in front of it is too thin to get the shape exactly right.
  11. Gah, I just realized they "re-forgot" a stripe---Brera's is missing it, but the prototype pics of Grace's (both early and later pics) had it added back on---but the final production toy is missing it again! Hard to describe, but it's the "hip gun panel". The dark stripe that tapers as it goes back is missing--but it was there in earlier pics!
  12. It DOES have a red LED. Right in the middle. RDOD---red dot of death.
  13. No, see, it's foreshadowing. Mecha-with-boobs and Grace are closely related. It's quite possible that Grace's "version 3.0" body would have been a VF-27 with boobs or something. It's the underlying theme in Macross---"the power of song" is the obvious one, but the merging of humanity with technology is the other. First they introduce much more "human" valks in 7. Now in Frontier, we have very mechanical people (Brera and Grace).
  14. Jedi-Sith fights do seem to degenerate to that often. For all their training/powers, that often seems to be the winning move. "Boot to the head!"
  15. Page 2 and 3 of this thread discusses that issue (or at least I do). In short---they were too cheap to model up a new CG head for 10 secs of animation of a way-in-the-background valk. Kind of like how the one cannon-fodder VF-25 with armor, clearly has Michael's armor--since it was only seen for 2 secs, if that.
  16. Well according to Bandai, #302 has a different (normal) head than Grace's customized commander(Brera)-type head.
  17. Thanks for the link. Hey, it DOES say "Grace O'Connor custom" on the box: Actually, it says "Grace O'Connor custom/normal type". Which is kinda misleading--it can't be both normal AND custom (nor even normal OR custom), as implied by the slash. It should be more like "Grace's slightly customized version of the normal type".
  18. Darker? Yes, but many plot elements are recycled from the first two. At one point, I literally thought to myself "this is just like that one part in Toy Story 2". Kinda disappointed, considering how much I liked the first 2. This really was just "more" IMHO. Not really "new/better". I will say I probably laughed more during this one than the first 2.
  19. Well, since we only just now got good, accurate F-22 models in 1/48 and 1/72, it might be a while... (however, the Russian kit industry has made leaps and bounds in the past couple years, and is capable of making some very nice kits---Zvezda's 787 and 767 kits are the best you can buy---I wouldn't be surprised it you could buy a T-50 from them within a year)
  20. Excelsior shouldn't have been in a "poll" it should have had the highest priority after Ent-A and Ent-D for being in from the start. That'd be like leaving the TIE Inteceptor or B-wing out of a SW game. It may not be THE most famous ship, but it's WAY up there. Way higher than the fan-made stuff they did put in the game...
  21. You mean like the Excelsior, the most common ship in the fleet for most of Starfleet's existence? And the Ambassador class, its successor?
  22. Part of the problem is that the tailfins of the V2 just don't fold as flat over each other as on the V1. It's like Yamato "forgot" how to make them fold correctly.
  23. I personally like to display my valks in fighter mode, with 'everything opened up'---airbrakes, canopies, etc. Thus, I like having the correct pilot. (Milia only gets a proper mold like 1/2 of the time--I'm still surprised they molded a Nora figure)
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