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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. In short---Movie Prime has a few major parts/aspects which make very little sense for a real semi.
  2. Ok, for the "new" crack location---I'm really thinking that may be caused by pulling the shoulders up over the "nub" while swinging the arms out. Loosen the screws! Are you guys getting the shoulder up over the nub by pulling the ARMS up, which in turns pulls the shoulder-hinge up and over, or are you grasping/moving the entire shoulder-hinge assembly directly?
  3. Yup, I'm big on modex numbers too. (still annoyed about no 102 on Grace's VF-27...)
  4. Hmmmn. I wonder if there's any chance of Yamato doing a battroid-mode-focused VF-11MAXL Kai. (even though I am usually a fighter-mode fan, for Mylene's battroid mode is definitely the most important aspect---plus it was clearly designed by Kawamori that way---the shape of the fighter mode is defined by the battroid mode, not vice-versa)
  5. Sorry, was out of town the past 48 hours, just now catching up--I haven't seen any TF news since Thurs. ::edit:: Ok, it's a reefer, can't really say more than that--I know tankers, not dry/van trailers. Has the headache rack been removed? It's REALLY not needed for a reefer. (the combination of headache rack plus tall stacks never made much sense----asides from the stacks, that was a log/pipe-carrying configuration)
  6. If videogames had a super-easy mode: http://www.collegehumor.com/video:1938370
  7. Painted/metallic barrels on the strike cannon? Interesting.
  8. The YF-21's feet don't fit inside fighter mode as it is, how could they possibly be bigger?
  9. ::uses mod power:: There ya go. PS--wow, your camera really does make the "shades of green" difference look 100x worse than it really is. I think the reality is somewhere between mine and Renato's pics.
  10. As the topic subtitle says--we don't know yet. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=31358
  11. However, that gimmick didn't "compromise" anything---not the head, not the robot mode articulation, and not the sculpt of vehicle mode---as opposed to most jet transformers, where most any gimmick adds significant belly kibble and thickness. If you removed the electronics box out of Leader Jetfire, his jetmode would have half the mass it does. Could probably even tuck the legs totally away and inside the nacelles, as they should.
  12. Where'd you find a "funky" subtitled version? Good subtitles where amost always available within 24 hours of the original Japanese airing, and they only got better as time went on...
  13. Well, if you've just watched the series, I'd do the episode-specific threads. Here's the one for ep 4, which has links to all the previous ones: http://macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=25872 PS--remember, the first couple pages of any ep-specific thread will be the people who watched it live, raw. Subs came later!
  14. Oh, there's some gems in there----probably quite a few in-jokes here you've been missing out on until now.
  15. Edited topic title. ::edit:: Ok, why can't I do a strike-out on this board any more? Joke doesn't work nearly as well without it.
  16. Ack, missed this until just now. That's an amazingly on-model Grace. (seriously, I think she's off-model most of the time in Frontier--and the movie, too from what little I've seen)
  17. What other Fraulein did you find for cheap? If you have any leftover parts, I might be interested. (there's a lot of Revoltechs I'd buy just for parts, if I could ever find them cheap--not here in Iowa though)
  18. It's not lube, it's mold-release oil. Almost (but not entirely) unheard of for Takara/Hasbro products.
  19. That explains it--that's cheating! I'll just live with the lesser angle. As for a pen--not a WHOLE pen-width, but the majority of the tip. Depends on how your pen tapers of course...
  20. Thanks much for the pics--I'm still wondering if I transform it right. Namely: The "chest plate" and the nosecone--should there be a gap? (as in, the nose cone is BEHIND the chest--you can bascially fit a pen into the gap) It looks better (and more anime-accurate IIRC) if there isn't a gap, but it seems to hold the torso together better if there is--especially when the waist is unlocked. Is there a lock/click for the main neck plate? (the bigger, outer one) Or do you just do "as for back as it'll go"? If I fiddle with it enough, I can actually get the front "point" of the neck plate up out of the hole--but I figure that's too far. Renato---I notice you have the gap between the chest plate and the nosecone---but yours still seems to have more "pelvic thrust" than mine can achieve at all, much less while remaining upright. Is there a "torso lock" I'm missing somewhere? I can "pull" the torso together to that angle, but it always flops back that last 5 degrees or so. The tip of the nosecone of yours looks like it's darn near touching the groin piece---again, I can only get that if I hold the torso halves together.
  21. The collection DX review mentions a hidden, unlockable waist joint--but doesn't say how. Does it have to be unlocked in GERWALK or something? Tugging and pulling in every direction I can think of doesn't do anything. Protected by Future:
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