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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. It's 100x more accurate than previous releases though. (and that scheme is a personal favorite of mine---I think it's almost a squadron taboo to put the actual black knight on the tail---that anniversary scheme is the only instance I know of it) (SD knights or Tomcat knights on the tail don't count, that's not the squadron icon) You can't use both GBU-24s with the parts they give you though--they only give you the 2 forward Phoenix pallets it seems--but GBU-24's do NOT go side-by-side---they are mounted diagonally, always--and that means you need front and rear pallets.
  2. How long have the Typhoons been doing the "fully loaded demo" thing?
  3. I'll choose to interpret that as "fighter mode looks really bad, we're too embarassed to show it".
  4. Stuff to turn off: Anything labled "enhancer". Anything labled "adjuster". Anything labled "auto". Anything labled "dynamic". It'll vary TV-by-TV, and brand-by-brand. But in short--if your TV has a "movie" mode, start from there. Go through all your picture options--if it can be turned "off", do so. If not, pick "low". Frankly, you should have nothing more than the basic contrast, brightness, tint, sharpness controls to actually fiddle with, same as a TV from the 70's. Everything else is junk, and should be OFF. (all those extra things also introduce lag, if you play games). A lot of people who complain of lag, often have a lot of those things turned on or set to high--the TV has to do extra processing to do those things, and that introduces delays in rendering the frames. You want to TV to do as little work as possible, and simply show what it's being sent--whether from a Blu-Ray or antenna or PS3.
  5. Yeah, and "Skids and Mudflap are so goofy-looking and racist they can't possibly be the final design--that's just to throw us off". Seriously, has ANYTHING from the past 2 movies been proven false, or a stand-in? Everyone (including Bay) always claims "that's just a rumor to throw people off"--but yet AFAIK, just about everything ever shown---that IS the final design. PS--knowing how much Bay likes the Military, I'm surprised they didn't go for the Army-painted NASCAR...
  6. Ok, who's the transformer with hair and glasses? Perceptor? Wheeljack? Einstein Prime? http://thescorecardreview.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/07/IMG_2570_2.jpg
  7. Same here--carrier, pilot name, rescue arrows, ejection triangles. Just the "bare minimum" "obvious" markings. (this also follows real-world repaints---out on a carrier, a plane rarely gets ALL the no step markings etc put back on, but a few things are ALWAYS there, even if nearly everything else got left off)
  8. Ok, I'll reiterate: There is absolutely no way I'm going to buy 2 copies of that mold.
  9. Most TV's are set way too sharp from the factory. "Vivid" will only make it worse. Want to make any upscaled DVD look utterly horrible? Set a TV to "vivid". IMHO, any and every "feature" on a TV, only highlights flaws and artificially changes the image. If you want it to look the best, turn EVERYTHING off that you can. Inducing contrast and edges only magnifies the flaws that are already there. PS--what exact movies are you watching? If it was FILMED, then there will be grain. It it's 100% CGI from Pixar, then it's possible to be grain-free. But so long as there's actual film in a camera at some point, grain will occur. (and even digital cameras still induce noise--the only way to have PERFECT clarity is to be 100% CG rendered from scratch)
  10. Ok, I just learned that Blurr (blue peg) has guns, not swords. True to the character, but TF swords are kind of rare, especially good ones. But I don't plan to buy the mold twice. But, I'm a pretty big Blurr fan. I'm debating which version to pick up now...
  11. It'l be hard to top Desert Strike, but I'm very interested. It has been a long time since a good game of that genre came out. I have to echo comments about realism vs arcade, when it comes to controls--you do NOT want fully accurate cyclic and collective controls mapped to a controller! But you do want more than just a D-pad, otherwise the unique abilities are lost/pointless.
  12. Yet again--make Mylene's valk. It's even more battroid-centric than Basara's. The shape of fighter mode is ENTIRELY determined by the battroid. Plus, it's inherently much slimmer in battroid, so you don't have to worry so much about ending up with a chunky fighter mode.
  13. I think the Retppu kit is the ONLY transforming representation of the YF-19 to "split" like I mean. I can only go by the instructions though, never seen a built-up one---but there's even sliding joints inside, it's part of the transformation. http://www.macrossworld.com/macross/models/hobbybase/retppu_yf19i5.jpg http://www.macrossworld.com/macross/models/hobbybase/retppu_yf19i6.jpg ---look in the middle here---that's the hip split/transformation sequence, which neither SHE nor Yamato ever seemed to do. Now, here's a battroid-only B-club kit, but it does have the split: http://kitbash.net/m100/yf19c6.jpg http://kitbash.net/m100/yf19b1.jpg http://kitbash.net/m100/yf19p7.jpg http://kitbash.net/m100/yf19p8.jpg See how the hips are separate from the upper intake/slot? And how it allows them to be "mounted higher up" in battroid mode? (if you shape the two parts differently, it even allows you to almost pull off how the main intake itself is shaped differently in battroid and fighter mode)
  14. The hips and intakes don't separate in the "right" way IMHO. (really, ALL -19's should have the hips and intakes separate---it's just much more obvious and required in the later variants)
  15. Where's the 1/6 flightsuit Grace? Surely someone made one...
  16. My first thought at seeing that costume was "Venom".
  17. It was sold out prior to release, being a web-exclusive and all. Ebay is frankly going to be about your only option asides from Toy-Wave: http://www.toy-wave.com/eng/detail.php?id=13700&table=88
  18. At least you have TF's at yours. My nearest one has NONE. Not even Wheelie or Scalpel or Repaint Ravage...
  19. I was only listing A380's that actually touch American soil. If you're willing to go to Dubai, there's a LOT of flights there, far more than Australia offers.
  20. That doesn't really explain why some parts stay pure grey, and some yellow severely---it's just "that batch of plastic". Some SNES stay all grey except for like the slot hinge. Some have just the top half yellow, some have just the bottom half yellow-----yet I imagine all parts were heated evenly over the years, and didn't have temperature differences exactly along the seam lines. PS--I've always found that the cartridge themselves get the hottest of all--and I've never seen a SNES cartridge yellow.
  21. I've spent most of my life picking routes/airlines by the planes you get. Currently, the best way to check planes IMHO is Orbitz.com. (I miss Sabre/easysabre--never had access to Apollo) As airlines change their website every day, it's hard to suggest/know how they are at the moment--but typically, requesting a schedule just lists all the TIMES, but never the plane. You usually have to "select this flight" then "click for details" then click yet again for "more details"--THEN it'll usually say what type of plane. Takes forever. Some airlines will display the type of plane right in the "basic" results, but as I said--airlines constantly change their websites. Thus, I use Orbitz, as it will show all the airlines, with the exact type of plane. Now, if you're looking for a specific plane (and not what planes are on a specific route), try to find the PDF of an airline's schedule---they almost all still have them, even if a printed timetable no longer exists. This is the best way to find out what routes a specific type is on. Finally---if you want an A380, you can ignore most all of that, as there's very few in service and they only fly a few routes, and most of those don't go to the USA. Currently: Qantas, Melbourne-Los Angeles, Sydney-Los Angeles. Air France, Paris-New York.
  22. David Hingtgen

    SCOOP thread!

    Notice: We have a dedicated thread for new announcements from the Tokyo Toy Show, please place news there: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=33446
  23. That is the main aspect of the SE program. Canted fins and avionics upgrades will come in the future, if at all---they are currently merely "proposed upgrades/options" for the basic SE version.
  24. No, just that they make even less sense now, due to the type of trailer used. (well, actually the stacks themselves now seem quite appropriate)
  25. Yup, that just happened to mine. Hadn't been transformed in months, yet the intake started cracking. I sanded down the area inside, hopefully it won't progress.
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