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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. Yeah, I'll wait for a VF-19F too. Or really---YF-19 v3! If they can make that fat a battroid look this good in fighter, they should be able to make a pretty darn amazing YF-19 by now... Of course, I'd really rather have Mylene's valk more than any of the above.
  2. Hmmn. Doesn't sound quite like HP's "tattoo"--probably related to being HP's version of Windows. (another reason not to have OEM versions and to build your own)
  3. I highly doubt he paid anything extra. And I know first-hand how it is to deal with HP. (why do you think I build my own PC's now, and always try to get others to do so as well?) My suggestion would be that if it happens more than like once a year, to replace the mobo---though that would likely involve HP's infamous "tattoo" of the OS/CPU/mobo. (yet another reason to buy system-builder OS, and not rely on HP/Dell/etc OEM versions)
  4. It's also a lie, as like 60% of the opening represents characters that are only in 1 or 2 eps of the entire series. Of course, since they seem to be doing "inverse representation" it's appropriate that Sari isn't seen at all...
  5. My "perfect" combo would be Tekken 6's graphics/style, but with SF4's 2D play and mechanics.
  6. Not sure--less than a year I'd guess. If he takes it in, would the fact that it now seems to be "fixed" be an issue?
  7. Opening missile bays in the legs for sure, if it wasn't mentioned before.
  8. Event log has numerous 300, 302, 351 errors---the most common being "USB mini port driver for input device"-----but seriously, refusing to boot because of that? (and running the GFX fan on uber-max for no apparent reason this afternoon) I don't even think that PC really has anything on USB, other than the basic keyboard, mouse, and printer---none are using mini ports, all are plugged in directly to the motherboard's USB ports I think.
  9. Minor update: The monitor itself definitely works, for it will do its quick R-G-B/inputs self-test, then do the "monitor preparing to shut down" sequence a second later---it's just not getting anything from the PC. Second update: physically pulled GFX card---same symptoms. Third update: resetting CMOS via jumpers seemed to have worked. Now, the question is--what caused it in the first place? And why did resetting CMOS fix it?
  10. Trouble-shooting for someone else, but not having much luck---his PC keeps resetting while trying to boot. Here's the scenario: Has an HP P6110Y. Recently installed an XFX 5750 (and a new Corsair PSU)--maybe 2 weeks ago. Everything was great. This afternoon, came back to apartment and heard the PC whirring away---the graphics card fan was SCREAMING. Had left the PC in 'sleep' like always that morning before coming home again. PC was still on, but utterly unresponsive, had to use the surge protector switch to turn it off. Now, PC will power on for about 3 secs, beep once, then shut off. NOTHING appears on the monitor. It will keep attempting this cycle if you don't cut the power. Now, HP's own site says this PC will shut itself down if it's too hot---but with no notice/warning at boot? And why didn't it do so when he was away when the gfx fan was screaming? And most importantly of all---how/why could a graphics card get hot when the PC was sleeping? Or even if it somehow came out of sleep, it sure shouldn't have gotten hot while just idling away.
  11. Holy... That was this afternoon, BTW. Scratch one specially-painted demo plane. Pilot's OK, you can see he punched out in time. Interesting to note that the nozzles are in different positions--engine failure? Reminds me of the MiG-29 airshow crash pics where the aux inlets were clearly closed on one engine, as it had failed.
  12. Cooldown for biotics is still simply too long, bitoics are too weak, combo biotics are too weak. I did a combo with Jacob in the opening mission, and that was about it. I can fight much more effectively by myself, than waiting for the AI to stop WASTING powers/cooldown periods. Want to combo? Well, *you* may be ready to throw a biotic, but the AI just decided to waste its turn by selecting disruptor ammo, so you can either wait 10 seconds for the AI to be ready again, or do something alone. All the while, any other class would be firing away, averaging about 10x higher damage per second when the battle's over.
  13. Hard to combo powers when there's a slow universal cooldown, and every enemy has resistance to 3/4 of all biotic powers at any given time... And of course, the one thing that can be comboed more than any other power---is warp! Nearly every combo that exists is "something, followed by warp". It's still warp-warp-warp-warp gameplay. Plus, combo'd powers still suck. For how rarely you can successfully employ them, they should do a heck of a lot more damage. PS---in ME1, I mixed it up a ton. Nothing was spammed. That's what made it fun. There were no formal combos with special effects/bonuses, but making your own combos was great. Of course singularity+anything was good, but there were a bunch of things that worked well.
  14. No, there's WAY too many silver TFs lately, especially with the Bay aesthetic.
  15. They completely nerfed biotics compared to ME1. It's hard (or really, BORING) to play through as now---to the point that they've quasi-announced a patch. (it may be part of a big DLC or something). If you want to sit behind cover and throw "warp" after "warp" after "warp" after "warp"----play a biotic.
  16. You mean all the official ILM renders that were thousands of pixels tall weren't enough reference? A quick glance shows the flames aren't pinstriped. I'll assume there's many other small details omitted.
  17. Blue Arcee. http://www.tfw2005.com/comic-con/Transformers-Prime/p1040652.jpg I like the design a lot. But---blue Arcee.
  18. TRU took down Grimlock entirely after he sold out, wouldn't even come up via a search. Now he's up again, listed as backordered--but for 10 bucks more! BTW, my order is currently listed as "Special Order: Awaiting inventory". Same as a backorder or something different?
  19. Agree with kanedaestes----it should be Hot Rod *and* Rodimus. Rodimus only would be lame, he'd just transform into the front 1/3 of a winnebago--probably with his legs sticking straight back like the G1 version. However, looking at the sideview of the lineart---the "cab" is way too tall vertically to look right as Hot Rod. So I suspect it is Rodimus Prime only, and will be rather lame as Masterpieces go. Basically just a scaled-up G1. (true, that's what Grimlock is--but Grimlock always had one of the most "screen accurate" transformations to begin with, while G1 Rodimus was a very lame toy)
  20. Yeah, I just got that too. I wonder if that's standard procedure for pre-orders from them.
  21. Yeah, it went from pre-order to back-order just a few mins after I placed my order.
  22. Thanks for the notice--with how far away TRU is from me, that's well worth it---plus it's scheduled to ship right around my birthday.
  23. Erm, it won't be made at all. It is a concept in the truest sense of the word. They're probably not even going to ASK the airlines about it, it's that far-off/out there. A big issue that airliners have to deal with, that military planes don't have to so much: Existing infrastructure. You can't make anything "too" out of the norm, shape-wise---otherwise, airports can't take it. Baggage/cargo loaders won't work, jetways can't hook up, won't fit next to other planes at the gate, etc. Also, passenger evacuation is always an issue with anything alongside the fuselage, like buried engines or a split tail.
  24. A bit OT, but looking over that decal sheet---anyone have a spare cockpit decal from that set? I could really use one, but don't want to have to set up an account and buy an entire set just for that one decal.
  25. That pretty much falls under the category of "read the thread's sub-title".
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