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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. YF-23 vs F-23? Lengthened forward fuselage to add a Sidewinder bay in front of the AMRAAM bay was the big thing. I think it was actually Nied who mentioned changes to the exhausts?
  2. Float plane was apparently on the ground before they even got there. Not fast enough... (The F-20 might have been able to do it though!) PS---seems they had to ask permission to go supersonic. I wonder what it takes for them to be allowed to "just do it". PPS---in related news, Air Force One is still very shiny:
  3. Whoops, I misread what you wrote. Actually, if you get the latest one, the HM F-22 may be about the best you can get. Good shape, panels not over-done. (HM has been gradually tweaking each one, tightening up the fit/seams)
  4. One of many epic Lucas Lee films. More here: http://www.empireonline.com/news/story.asp?NID=28575
  5. I haven't bought any F-22 kits, and don't plan to. Every single one is designed to have everything "opened up"---and that's too much work for me (god I hate painting gloss white, especially heavily-detailed three-dimensional areas), and it's too much work to close everything up. From what I've seen, there's 2 general categories of F-22 kits: Early ones that have shape/accuracy issues. Recent ones that are accurate, but way over-done panelling.
  6. I always thought Gamlin underestimated Milia there---which is really out of character for him. He *knows* she flew VF-11s (and better than he could), he should know she flew VF-14s. So he of all people shouldn't think a VF-17 is "too much for her". (though based on her comment about how much power it has, it seems she had not flown a -17 before----though it could just be that she'd kind of gotten used to the VF-1 again, having not flown a -11 or -14 for years)
  7. The only thing I really have an issue with, is the "music video" at Jabba's palace. It is simply inherently stupid on every level. I cringe when I watch it, I'm embarassed TO watch it.
  8. David Hingtgen

    SCOOP thread!

    Please remember this thread is for NEWS, and not comments/discussions. VF-19 Kai comment thread is here: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=32377&st=525
  9. Boxer---despite this being an M7 thread---go watch Plus *NOW*. It is the best, and M7 is darn near a direct sequel to it. (especially mecha-wise) It surely "sets up the universe" for Seven and Frontier. And it's short, so it won't take you very long. PS---Milia most certainly did fly a red valk in the military---the same one that was destroyed in 7! She kept it all these years. (she has flown nearly every type of valk, in red, but only her original was kept through all the years) I suggest you re-watch episdoes 27 and 30 of SDF:M again to see it in action. (and 34 I think, trying to remember which eps give it the most screen time)
  10. Boy, that shelf of Saturn games looks familiar/similar. (though quite a few of the ones I have downstairs are the Japanese versions whenever possible---Capcom 2D fighters with the RAM cart alone made the Saturn worth owning) No Panzer Dragoon RPG though.
  11. Graham, I think the test for if you should see it is fairly simple: Have you played Zelda? Specifically, A Link to the Past? Have you played Super Mario Brothers 1, Tetris, Street Fighter 2, Guitar Hero, and any 8 or 16 bit RPG? If you answered yes to both, you absolutely must see it. If only 1, probably should see it. If zero---you probably wouldn't get 80% of the references---however, the dialogue on its own IMHO is brilliant. The poor numbers this weekend are surprising, considering the target audience. Frankly, 95% of this forum should see it.
  12. Just got back, loved it, funniest movie I've ever seen I think. If you have ever played Mario, Zelda, Street Fighter, Guitar Hero, or most any RPG ever, you should like it. PS--we too had people mocking the "Devil" trailer---there was a collective groan when "M Night Shaylaman" came up on screen and we all bust out laughing right after that.
  13. I may just have to keep my phone until it utterly, totally dies, and hope there's something better by then. (or I can switch carriers)
  14. Flaps-up neutral-stab takeoff? Nope. (and seriously, Ace Combat FOUR had working flaps etc, haven't played AC2 recently enough to remember...)
  15. LG and Samsung---nope. They either have notably inferior cameras, or are now classed as "smartphones" and require extra $$$ per month. (even if they are not even 1% more capable than my current phone). And they all have a long rigamarole to initiate a new text (as described above). As for smart phones---yes, I'd like one, but not enough to pay the extra money for one at the moment. Plus, I'm not fond of touch screens---they are both fragile (speaking from experience) and I'm the type of person that the fingerprints would bug me and I'd spend 3 hours a week wiping the screen...
  16. I'm not going to pay that much initially, plus the $30+ extra month, to save a few button presses. That'd be like paying extra for a different font or something. It should be minor software revision, it's not physically a phone design thing. (they just all seem to be programmed that way) (which leads to another issue---there are very few non-smart QWERTY phones nowadays, and even fewer with decent cameras---nearly every "upgrade" phone out there for me has a WORSE camera---those that equal or surpass, require data plans etc--even if they utterly suck at browsing and no sane person would attempt to actually use them to browse)
  17. I don't think we have a cell phone thread, so here goes: Is there a phone out there, that can initiate a new text message (as opposed to reply to one) with less than a dozen key presses? My current phone, as well as pretty much every one I try, goes like this: Select new message. Select *text* message. (as opposed to video, etc) Select "add". Select "from contacts". Mark the people you want to send it to. (99.99% of the time, it's just one person, and is my main source of annoyance). Then select "done". Then "ok". NOW you are ready to actually start typing. Is there any phone/carrier combo out there, where there's like a one button option for "start a new text message and send it to one person from my contacts list"----and it pretty much just goes straight to my contacts list, I select them by hitting "ok" and then I can go straight to typing. Frankly, if they were video games, cell phones would get a 0.0 in gui/menu, for having uber-common things like "new text to someone" require layer after layer of menus, and forcing you to go through rarely-used options and sub-menus even when you're not using them. (like the ability to select multiple people to send the text too, or "video+voice" messages). Even with a shortcut straight to "new text message", 90% of the time is still wasted by the very clunky "who to send it to" interface. And really, why can't I just manually type in "6" and it'll accept that as "speed dial #6". Instead I have to go through my contacts, find #6, mark it, add it, then hit "ok" then "done". Yeesh.
  18. The past few times Adobe reader etc has updated, it seems to want to do it individually for each user. How/why? I mean, if I click "OK" on the admin account, and it updates---shouldn't that update it for the whole PC? But no, each account itself seems to require it. (that, or it just coincidentally updates during one of the few times another user account is being used)
  19. I'm still waiting for either a VFX-2 or Milia scheme. The current offerings are very boring. (and I'm sick of the M+ scheme by now regardless)
  20. I've always thought the YF-19 was inspired by the YF-23 in fuselage cross section, so when in doubt---make it hexagonal. (or, curved/rounded hexagonal). It's most obvious in the nose, but it's present to some degree in nearly the whole plane.
  21. Terradive is an awesome mold, but poor colors IMHO. Hopefully he'll be repainted as quickly as Dirge was.
  22. I need space, so I'm going to sell off some stuff. Before I try to do it at TFW, I'd like to do it here. (I have SO many people back out of deals after I've boxed them up over there, I'm really getting sick of it). Here's a quick preview of what I have before I type up full "for sale" threads for them: RiD Railspike RiD Megatron RiD Landfill RiD Ruination RiD Storm Jet (Jetfire colors) Many small/medium BM--most any show character, Scavenger, Nightviper, G2 Starscream G2 Optimus Prime (1984 mold) G2 Grimlock, silver/grey (depends on price and if I ever find MP Grim cheap)--may sell, may keep G2 Devastator (yellow) Animated--Swindle, Blitzwing, Grimlock, purple Shockwave, Blurr, Samurai Prowl Energon--Starscream, Snowcat, Long Haul, Demolisher Armada Tidal Wave *Japanese purple/grey version*, Jetfire (inked in panel lines in cargo bay), Starscream G1 Ramjet, Dirge (Ramjet has a KO nosegear, found out AFTER I bought it) Alternators Jazz, Hound, Grimlock, Sideswipe 07 *Jp* Leader Movie Prime--chromed, with rear bumper also painted silver, with all "extra" sticker sets from Reprolabels. Feel free to PM questions etc. (in fact, please do) As a rule, they have mint instructions/cards, excepting some G1/G2.
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