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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. Better than a Sovereign? Dang. I wouldn't be surprised at it being better than a Galaxy though--at least, a Lakota-spec DS9-era Excelsior Refit should be, based on the upgrades stated/presumed in DS9.
  2. Nothing grossly wrong from what I see, but I do think the front half of the engineering hull is too fat/stocky from most angles. Neck looks "off" to me---I think it's too vertical overall. The intersection of the neck/saucer seems to be missing the big gap/indentation, but pretty much EVERYWHERE misses that. Drawings, CG, Ertl. I think only the studio model has it. Planetary sensor array too long up front---I really think they copied the Ertl kit for that. Nacelles seem a bit fat, horizontally, IMHO.
  3. Got pics? I know the Excelsior very well. (nothing like spending weeks building kits of them to really learn their shapes--same is true for planes)
  4. Or even better, the original game came on a dozen or so 3.5in disks...
  5. Is there any actual info on it besides price? I mean, for 1200 bucks--is it 3 feet tall? Does it light up in 20 different places? Did Peter Cullen sign the box?
  6. Transformers aren't in scale with themselves, that's the core problem.
  7. Doesn't change the fact that it shouldn't have been left out in the first place.
  8. Being "stuck" in attack combos/animations is my biggest gripe. You really have to kind of "stop and let go" if anyone approaches from behind. But it works so rarely/slowly it's usually better to just keep on punching, take the guy out, and take the hit from the guy behind. In the long run, that's the better option.
  9. Excelsior shouldn't be DLC. That'd be like making the A-wing or B-wing DLC. It's not the utterly most famous "star" of any series/ep, but it sure as heck is one of the bastions of the franchise, ship-wise.
  10. All the VF-27's seen so far are from Antares squadron. Brera's callsign is "Antares 1".
  11. Anyone here have/getting the CrossFire Bruticus add-ons? (I'm still waiting/hoping for a repaint to match the original Energon release)
  12. That's a super-high fan speed. For how fast it's going, temps should be cooler than that. Is it a really small fan? Any chance it's simply "stuck on high"? I use big, slow fans personally. (noise reasons).
  13. Airblades are awesome in concept, but the opening is just too small in my experience--combined with the force of the air, it's almost impossible to insert or remove your hands without contacting the edges. It's a lot like playing "Operation" trying to just go straight in and out. Thus, while there's no dirty button or knob to press, you still have the effect of "you're touching where everyone else has touched". (and I do not have giant hands or anything)
  14. I'd blame marketing---if you hadn't seen an extended trailer, you'd probably have no clue what it's about. If they just had an ad that said "the best videogame movie ever" they'd have a bigger audience. I see it first and foremost as a videogame movie--just better than all the others because it's not based on any one in particular.
  15. I haven't bought a Gundam kit in years, but a light-up Unicorn would be a must-buy.
  16. F136 supposed to get 20% over that, though.
  17. With how much merchandise/promotion Force Unleashed gets relative to how little actualy "story" there is, it seems they want to make it as canon as Clone Wars is.
  18. IMHO, the production F-23A should have had GE engines. (yes, the USAF picked both the wrong design, and the wrong engine)
  19. Head would be better if it was black/silver, but heck, those are the two colors I'm best at painting, if need be. The "previously shown" silhouette of Devastator didn't look good at all to me, but Scavenger alone looks really good in arm mode. If the combined mode is anything short of *awesome* I may pick up just Mixmaster, assuming they make a good Mixmaster.
  20. Testors/Italeri is by far the best. If you want to accurize it, the best thing (and not TOO hard) is to look at the intakes from directly below. The lip isn't angled quite right. Sand away to the right angle, smooth out the edges, and there you go. PS---make it the first, all-gunship grey version. It is molded with PW engines and nacelles.
  21. I thought at least one of the other kits was a reboxed Dragon---either Revell or Tamiya.
  22. Does he have this schematic for reference? If you want him to hate you, ask for the revised versions of the scheme, they're like "super digital":
  23. The problem isn't going to be for PS3 ME2 players---it's for 360/PC ME1 players. Because unless ME3 has 2 quite different versions for the PS3 and 360, that means most anything you did in ME1, isn't/can't have a very big effect on ME3, as the PS3 players wouldn't have seen it. Yes, saving/killing the council will be there, as will presumably Anderson vs Udina (though that actually had little effect in ME2), but what about Wrex? He's canonically dead. Liara being the love interest? Heck, Kaiden and Ashley in any aspect. Rachni queen. Lots of things that should have a fairly major long-term impact in ME3, will have to be "glossed over" to accomodate the PS3 "haven't played ME1 and can't import" aspect. That, or have a whole lot of dialogue/sidequests/endings in ME3 that the PS3 version simply can't access.
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