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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. 17-year-old Lohan would be a *perfect* MJ. Current non-redhead messed-up Lohan would not.
  2. Still waiting for a repaint to match the Energon set (with how successful this version is, another batch is almost certain I'd imagine)
  3. That wouldn't be "at will" unless you keep a UV light handy at all times---plus that won't get colors nor a frosted effect. For actual "flip of a switch" like you said, the only way I know to do that is the electrically-shaded windows.
  4. And how would that possibly be feasible without part swapping? 1:1 scale dark-to-light color-changing windows are possible, with expensive laminates and electrical current. But if the F-22 doesn't have it, don't expect it in a Yamato... (the 787 will though, as currently planned)
  5. I know Classics HR is a Dome Zero, but is the original? Both are fairly Countach-esque IMHO, especially the greenhouse.
  6. Hot Rod always seemed far more plausible/probable to me.
  7. I believe it all comes down to: Hot Rod is still the coolest car I've ever seen, even beating the Countach. (going by the movie design, not the MP toy). I still want one. If I was a billionaire, I'd have an exact replica commissioned, and drive it around. Winnebagos are not cool, even with flame deco. I have no desire to ever see/have a "real" Rodimus Prime Winnebago. Thus, Hot Rod has a lot of fans.
  8. Optimus being dead was enough of a clue for me. That even works for later eps where Prime comes back to life. If Optimus is around, Rodimus isn't.
  9. You don't see airliners grouped like this (except at Victorville) very often, so it's noteworthy---here's pretty much the entire Mexicana fleet:
  10. None. Battery boxes always compromise sculpt. There's not a millimeter to spare in most valks. Look at ROTF Jetfire to see what happens when you stuff battery boxes inside a transforming plane. MP Prime is ok, because he's a giant box on wheels that transforms into a giant box on legs. A YF-19 isn't. Light piping? Yeah, I hold a new figure up to the light once to see it, then it never happens again, as my shelves and book cases aren't back-lit. Plus, it usually means the entire back half of the head is clear.
  11. I still say go by the listing I provided for Graham: Did you play video games in the late 80's/early-mid 90's, especially Zelda? Have you played Guitar Hero or any fighting game?
  12. I must repost someone else's post: "It would have been cool if the movie advertising was a fake movie trailer of a Lucas Lee film and at the end of the trailer Lucas Lee comes out of his movie character looks at the screen and says "I'm coming for you Scott Pilgrim" and the ad ends with the Scott Pilgrim vs. the world logo." Following up on that thought---you know how a lot of movies now have multiple posters to display side-by-side for multi-screen showings? Well, they should have had theaters put up a Lucas Lee movie poster next to Scott Pilgrim. Nigh-viral marketing.
  13. Soundwave is also in boombox mode right at the start of the fight--that's how he's hiding. (and it actually kind of works)--a big truck in the corner of the room would be obvious.
  14. Gah! Now that you said Wheelie, I can't un-see it!
  15. Seeing as how there's already several dozen posts about it in the main TF thread, I don't think we need a new, separate thread.
  16. That would be Shaak Ti, whom Ahsoka is at least "inspired by". (being the first and so far AFAIK only Togruta seen on-screen) http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Shaak_Ti
  17. Am I the only one that thinks that car mode looks "off"? I mean, I've seen the movie a zillion times, and own the G1 reissue so I have a pretty good mental image of how it "should" look I think. http://twitpic.com/2iyxuo/full (can't embed)
  18. Ok, *now* I'm convinced. And of course, now I'm hoping for a US release without the trailer, which would cut the cost down to like 40% of the JP Rodimus price... PS--I do not like the toon-accurate flame deco, with the black outlines. PPS---I was hoping the big gap ahead of the spoiler in winnebago mode would be reduced/eliminated. Surely they can devise something better, for a Masterpiece? I've never seen a "gaping hole" like that in any previous MP alt mode.
  19. So why can't the thing hover very well yet? I think this "more power" PR war is covering up a "trying to hide how fat it is" campaign...
  20. Is 155mph an electronic limit? Seems low for that amount of power/weight. (considering that my car will do 154)
  21. I keep thinking this entire thread is like an extended version of this page: http://www.therossman.com/digest/80stv/2.html
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