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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. Just in case anyone cares: "HEROES---a "key source" connected with the series said NBC has decided not to pursue a tv movie which would wrap up the series. Earlier, NBC said it was interested in developing a wrap-up tv movie."
  2. I noticed there was no inverted flight---the planes always rolled to a max of exactly 90 degrees for a hard turn---that's usually a bad sign, and always reminds me of Starfox etc---left is TURN left, not ROLL left. Very, very bad for anything trying to be even 10% of a sim. Heck, I don't even think I saw the third dimension being used--there's left, right, and loop---that's it. (loop is probably a double-tap down or something, with double-tab up being immelmann---a yo-yo would be impossible) Sure, classic controls may be an option, but if the whole game is redesigned around this 2D flying, that causes issues.
  3. Knowing movie posters, that's likely highly shopped.
  4. So, just how fast can you go in a Blackbird with the landing gear down?
  5. That's a very complicated no-step pattern. See all the little red x's? Don't step there, or in the regions bordered by the red lines.
  6. Graham---any news of Mylene's? Or even more importantly, a new YF-19?
  7. But does the armor LOOK cool? (I don't like massive armor etc for most characters) Is it like, Leliana-specific?
  8. Sligtly OT, but I've been considering getting the Leliana and Morrigan DLC, but I feel I've been spoiled by Shadowbroker. They are cheaper though.
  9. Nice PAK-FA pic: http://www.airliners.net/photo/Russia---Air/Sukhoi-T-50/1775641/L/
  10. Singularity always has been and will be the best biotic, but shockwave IMHO isn't really useful until maxed out--and that's expensive to do so.
  11. OT/unimportant, but I actually sat in a Camaro for more than 30 secs for the first time today. (Jewel red 2011 SS if anybody cares). Hated the interior. Couldn't believe it's a zeta platform, since I like the G8's interior *so* much more. Car is NOT designed for people 6ft+. The roof line to the side is at eye-level, I could only view downwards. Didn't like center console/gauge area at all. Main gauges very visible, lots of thigh/leg room under the steering wheel (which is often an issue, as tall people usually tilt the "butt" part of the seat down, which raises the thigh part). Didn't like the steering wheel itself, it's very "flat" in cross-section which felt kind of awkwards to grip---every other steering wheel ever is much more round. It's ok if you drive at like 11 and 1 or 7 and 5, but the whole center section is weird. Definitely not ever going to buy one. Maybe a Challenger... (still hoping for the Commodore SS-V to come over again, maybe as a 2013 Impala or something)
  12. A new trailer that KOTOR fans must watch: http://www.swtor.com/media/trailers/mysteries-knights-old-republic
  13. Ok, then I'll just have to live with it until enough people complain that the software's fixed. Have an ad/hosts question: a couple weeks ago, I added the MVPS listing to my hosts file, to block out ads etc. Well, frankly, theirs is TOO comprehensive. It's disabling a lot of videos and active content etc, in that "they won't play until the ad has played", and my hosts file has blocked EVERY ad from EVERYBODY now. (it also messes with the "back" button--both firefox and MSIE seem to try to 're-load ads' that were never there, and it won't actually navigate back until the 2nd or 3rd click) I've stripped out a lot, but it's still quite a nuisance. BUT--I don't want to delete my hosts file entirely, as many hundreds/thousands of sites are pure virus/porn/spam. Does anyone have a hosts file that is just "truly bad" sites to block? I'd use my old one, but the site I got it from is gone. All I keep finding are more "we block everything" lists.
  14. Soldier is boring, but easy. (I'm using one for my current insanity/paragon run) I was actually mostly a vanguard in ME1, but switched to adept for ME2---boy was that the wrong choice IMHO, they totally ruined biotics this time around. (I know eugimon have already discussed this and we have very different opinions---though I would like to "try again" and see if I can make it work) I actually found adept even more boring than soldier--since you spend 99% of your time waiting for powers to recharge, and shooting---rather un-biotic-like IMHO. Very little of the time do you actually get to unleash stuff. Most of the time, you're like a soldier, but with worse weapons. PS---Lair of the Shadow Broker is awesome.
  15. Wow, 80% male Shep, and Soldier is more than every class combined? Not at all what I'd expect from the Bioware forums (which is full of Femsheps and vanguard/infiltrators). Also, not really a good sign IMHO---they're already going more and more "default male soldier shep is canon shep, and we can ignore/skip/gloss over other options"---this just gives them even more incentive to continue. Of course, I think they actually made adept/vanguard LESS fun in ME2 than ME1, and may explain so much emphasis on soldier, especially for 2nd/3rd plays. (Engineer NEVER had anyone play it, and never will).
  16. I've got a weird issue--it used to be just at one forum, but now it seems more common by the day: If a pic or even "long line of unbroken text" is wider than the screen----there's no scrolling over to the side. It just gets chopped off. Switching to Firefox doesn't help, same issue. I'm wondering if it's just a forum software quirk with the latest revision (I haven't checked which versions are being used etc) or is there some deep setting within Windows that somehow got screwed up that disables horizontal scrolling for large pics etc.
  17. Habro replaced a part? That's almost unheard of. 99% of the time, they just offer "to replace with a toy of equal value". Maybe because the AT-TE is so big/unique? (I know that on anything 20 bucks or less, you'll just get "the offer")
  18. AC:X has a lot of fake planes? I hate fake ones too, in AC. But IIRC, AC:X does have the YF-23, which is a big plus for me.
  19. That all sounds great, but what abount the numerous "stored in a dark closet since bought, then opened up one day and they had yellowed" valks? You need to prevent both UV and oxygen from getting to your valks to really prevent yellowing---hard to live in an oxygen-free home...
  20. As it says in the thread title--1/60.
  21. That's a good thing IMHO---I never liked how most AC games you upgrade by 2 planes in 2 missions. Most every game becomes "get the F-15/Flanker at the mid point, then save up for the F-22/Super Flanker at the end" and you don't really get to experiment until your 2nd or 3rd run. But you've got the Flanker already? Gah, kinda screws everything else up. AC games always emphasize A2A over everything else, so even a much more advanced multi-role plane will never really be "better" than a basic F-15 or Flanker. (I don't even have a PSP, but this plus AC:X may make me get one some day)
  22. Well, it'll take a while for her hair to grow out to its natural red color--better start now. (Dying it red would defeat the whole point of hiring an actual redhead)
  23. Personally, I'm all in favor of a stickied "nothing Macross is going to be officially subbed in English ever again so long as HG exists, deal with it---and no, we don't know when it's coming out on DVD nor when the next trailer will be released" thread at the top of every forum.
  24. THAT is awesome. Heck, if I saved all mine over the years, I could build one... (a lot of modelers could)
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