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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. I know *I've* been asking for a Vajra-girl for a while.
  2. I don't see what's so great about the new G2 Laser Prime. Reminds me almost of those "pickups that look like semis" than a real semi. Scourge---B-2/UAV, blah IMHO. Tracks--chest too big. Note I said too big, not too boxy. Boxy is good. But his chest comes down over his waist and upper thighs---he's got a giant beer-gut. Windcharger--simple, nice. PCC Devastator--best hands yet by far for a PCC. New PCC torsos---nice, look to be the best yet, but have to see torso mode first. Hasbro sure does like the Merkava tank lately...
  3. I'm still amazed Xenogears was translated was well as it was. But anyways---buttons rock. http://www.yaybuttons.com/
  4. The DX VF-27 is super-shiny and glossy, while the Sv-51 is matte. Asides from the Blue Angels/Thunderbirds (which get polished daily) I have yet to see a shiny glossy fighter plane.
  5. Less popular+higher price=fewer sales. Thundercracker is even less popular, and would probably be yet another 10 bucks...
  6. Even if he hated Gundam at the time he designed for 0083, I bet he'd still have worked on it for the money---only the truly uber-rich can say "no" to a paying job. And he wouldn't have done a bad job or slacked off regardless---his reputation is at stake with every series he works on. Working on something is no indication you like it.
  7. I'm tempted to delete the poll for pointlessness...
  8. Hey Nied, I just recently read that the F-22 (and I think F-35) use Firewire---true?
  9. Possibly stupid question, but is there a "higher level" of enabling SMART, other than getting the readings that various programs report? 1 "pending sector" on the HDD. Also (and I may just be paranoid here) but I do think some of my largest folders have been acting slower lately.
  10. Ok, running Western Digital's own diagnostics---not good. Get "06-Quick Test on drive 1 did not complete! Status code = 07 (Failed read test element), Failure Checkpoint = 65 (Error Log Test) SMART self-test did not complete on drive 1!" Every result I get from googling that is "imminent drive failure".
  11. Every test I've run so far (HD tune, Sandra) says the HDD is fine--and actually performing above average. It's a WD5000AAKS, which seems to be a popular model. I really need to buy an external backup drive or something first, before I format this one---way too much stuff to burn to DVD's. (cough, Frontier, cough) What's the best method to do say, monthly/quarterly backups from an HDD? (as in, copy nearly everything that's on there) Should I do a full XP repair install? It's been less than a year since the last, can't imagine it'd be too messed up. I'll check all my cables later, but literally the computer hadn't been opened for 2 months or so prior to tonight. ::edit:: Reading more about "checking for consistency"----using fsutil query, I get "C: is dirty". Ok, and......?
  12. Forget the monitor, I think my HDD is going! Help/opinions needed: Ok, I got 3 BSOD's in the last 2 months---compared to 0 in the last 3 years or so. Seemed kinda random---once it was an Nvidia driver issue. But 2 have been in the last 2 weeks, 1 just 48 hours ago or so. A week ago, XP wanted to "check for consistency" when it started. Found no errors. This morning--no boot. Gets to the first 2 secs of the XP logo, then BSOD. "Unmountable boot volume". Several times in a row. Use backup PC to research online, it can't be any of the normal causes besides a corrupt boot partition etc. Run chkdsk from XP install disc--comes back fine. Do more thorough chkdsk, found 1 error and fixed it. Used "fixboot" to make new boot--says things are fine, writes new boot anyways. Reboot PC---same BSOD. Try fixboot again---says it's corrupted (the one presumably made only minutes ago). Run fixboot about 4 more times until it says "ok" 3 times in a row. Reboot into safe mode---ok. Backup recent files. Reboot again---wants to "check for consistency" again! That takes like an hour so I skip it. That's the boot that I'm writing this from. So---is my HDD dying or what? It keeps finding no errors (except that one time) so I think it can't really detect them very well. I read that an "unmountable boot volume" can be from when Windows updates/upgrades itself, but I don't think this is it. Strangely, the PC seems to be fine when it does boot--haven't noticed any odd behavior lately. (other than BSOD!) Sigh, spent most of the day updating the old computer just to feel safe enough to go online. PPS---HDD suggestions welcome. 500 gig or a bit more, quiet is definitely an issue. I will sacrifice a bit of speed for a lot of quiet. Current one is a Western Digital--have never used them before. If my HDD is dying, I plan to go back to Seagate.
  13. I agree with Mike---but even more so. As in, the car looks completely wrong to me. I note that Takara has yet to show a side-view of the car. When we see that, it should be obvious to everyone how off it is. As for the trailer--it's missing the one thing I was hoping an MP version could provide--that it'd look like a single, whole vehicle--like a Winnebago! Not a truck hauling a camper--which is exactly what the G1 toy looked like, and how this one looks like. The two halves just don't integrate that well/seamlessly. HasTak has been combining vehicles for decades now, I know they know how to do it.
  14. F-15's look so much better when they're not plain ghost grey...
  15. It's a Flanker thing--their engines are very hot, and thus you can't paint that area. The F-15 has a similar effect (more noticeable on the bottom), as does the F-8.
  16. 1. "Ico 3/Shadow of the Colossus 2" AKA "The Last Guardian" has a new trailer: http://blog.us.playstation.com/2010/09/15/the-last-guardian-coming-to-ps3-holiday-2011-watch-the-new-trailer/ 2. The Ico/Shadow of the Colossus HD remake has a trailer, and they're claiming it'll even have 3D support: http://blog.us.playstation.com/2010/09/15/ico-and-shadow-of-the-colossus-collection-hits-ps3-spring-2011-with-3d/
  17. Your weekly PAK-FA pic---great shot of the belly camo: http://www.airliners.net/photo/Russia---Air/Sukhoi-T-50/1776617/L/
  18. The new Camaro and Challenger are both coupes, yet weigh much more than my sedan...
  19. That's two bad reviews now I've seen here. How's the Leliana one? Pretty sure I'll skip the Morrigan one at this point.
  20. Makes perfect sense to me, especially regarding the actors. History: SDF:M comes out as a dramatic retelling of Space War 1, and is a big hit. They decide to make a movie version. They hire the same actors even, but up the budget to have better uniforms etc. And of course, they condense the story and "make it more exciting". Currently, I view EVERY series as a comedic drama or something. M7? That's the STORY of Basara, not a documentary. Note the excessive use of stock footage. It also easily explains Mylene's pink hair---they just hired a young cute actress, they didn't really care that her hair didn't match that of Max and Milia's ACTORS. (The real Milia could be ugly, actually---Max fell in love with her over her flying abilities, after all--but of course they'd hire an attractive actress to play her...)
  21. Nothing will beat TRU's "glitch" sale---not my pic, but a good example of what people were able to snag: $85 Full story: http://www.cheapassgamer.com/forums/showthread.php?t=262595
  22. Ok, now I *really* think my monitor's dying. Any new monitors show up in the last month or so I should be aware of, or something amazing coming next month that I should wait for?
  23. My vote would be for avionics cooling. A less likely option would be afterburner coolers like the F-8.
  24. Yup. What a very minimal change in the face of the very distinctive Camaro, and the very retro Challenger. The "new" Mustang is just more of the same.
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