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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. Every video card ever massively over-estimates the power requirements--they assume (rightly so) that many people will use cheap gigawatt PSUs, and so to actually get 300 watts of quality power they list an 800+ watt requirement figuring that a cheap one of that power may actually get half its rating. Buy QUALITY power supplies, not "high-power" ones.
  2. BTW, 124 more Super Hornets for the USN. About 50/50 standard/Growler.
  3. That fact is often overlooked---for really high-end ships such as carriers and boomers, there may be as much as a 2:1 ratio of "in service" to "deployed/operational". The UK rarely had 2 Invincible class active at once---it was normally one out in the water, one in ready reserve (would take months to get ready), and one in refit (taking years to get ready). The US carrier fleet as a whole has higher availability, but at any given time, you can figure that at least a few are completely out of service. We need ~12 just to ensure we ALWAYS have 6 ready and hopefully 9 ready.
  4. Re: STOVL. Above all else---forward deployed for rapid CAS. Plus, amphibious assault ships (or as I like to call them "Harrier carriers") You don't find Marines TOO often on the super carriers. They like to be self-sufficient.
  5. V4 is still the ugliest KOS-MOS IMHO. I won't buy anything of that version. The original is the best, followed by the short-lived V3.
  6. Miranda was never in my party, except when forced to by the game. I had Ashley in a lot in my very first ME1 playthrough, but not much since.
  7. Starscream's a not-F-16. Hmmn. Man, is that the first single-engined Starscream ever? Having 2 engines (and usually in his feet) has been a trademark of his, even in robot mode. Overall, I'm pleased. Yes, Soundwave is very very different---but more Decepticon planes are never a bad thing. All the Autobots are nigh-perfect IMHO.
  8. I think everyone here knows that most of the characters in the game have faces that are scans of real people. Well "Samara" wants to cosplay as Samara: http://www.indiegogo.com/Samara-from-Mass-Effect-2-cosplay-with-the-real-model- I donated. (I'm not very convinced that the $3400 donation is legit though) And if she can do Morinth too, so much the better.
  9. Xnview was definitely what I needed--it did everything in seconds. I spent like 20 mins dealing with GIMP's scripts for nothing.
  10. Quick/easy photo editing question: I have ~200 .bmp files I need to convert to jpg so I can email them. Quick/easy way to do so---a macro or program where I can just select a bunch of files and say "make them jpgs" and not have to convert them manually 1 by 1? (as in, a free one)
  11. Well I say pop too, as all Iowans do. But I've always disliked the term petrol for being so unspecific---kerosene, benzene, gasoline, lamp fuel, bunker oil, and vaseline are all "petroleum".
  12. Many of the markings on the original show are implied. Most are ret-conned from DYRL, 1/55 Takas, Hasegawa kits, etc. Personally, I'm a minimalist. Pilot name, assigned ship, ejection triangles. That's about it. (plus, highly-repainted/customized military planes tend NOT to have all the little markings everywhere repainted---only the factory tends to do that)
  13. Looks more like Zone of the Enders to me---but it's not from ZOE I think.
  14. Bumping up the PSI definitely helps. 5psi over stock really actually feels right for my car--everyone on the forum agrees, "the manual has to be wrong"---*everything* is better at 5 over stock for my car. Going to 10 over helps MPG even more, but you start trading ride comfort etc. I did 8 over once for a trip, seemed ok. Great mileage. Now, some of the biggest parts of hypermiling is to avoid braking/stopping---in short, keep your inertia constant. Well, that's absolutely required when driving in snow and ice---anyone who doesn't get that concept, ends up sliding around and crashing. And we winter drivers abhor people who don't get that idea. One person in a line of 15 can screw up everything. Fishtailing wildly up a hill means you are actually doing "worse than average". So frankly, many midwesterners etc drive like that all the time, as it's both practice for the winter when it takes all your skill just to be able to do it half as well, and it's better MPG anyways. Nothing teaches you more about "road feel", "steering feedback" or most of all--INERTIA, than sliding on ice... I've always thought "hypermiling" is more like "Californians pretending what it's like to drive in snow, without realizing it" Seriously, many of the techniques/concepts are the same----because on snow and ice, you want to avoid changes whenever possible--steady everything. Don't race to a light and sit--go JUST the right speed that it'll be green when you get there. Try to maintain your momentum up a hill by any means possible whether it's adjusting your speed or timing the lights at the beginning of it---accelerating from a dead stop up the hill takes the most gas of anything---and requires the most traction! PS---high PSI is good for winter driving, too. Skinny, high-psi tires often do the best in deep snow. This is why winter wheel/tires combos are often -1 or -2 compared to stock.
  15. Still need new monitor, but 24in is too big. I'm really looking at the 20in range currently. Anyways--running new HDD, went with WD 6400AAKS. Quiet, slightly faster than previous one. (IMHO there is no "good" HDD company at the moment, they've all gone downhill it seems) (it's not too hard to guess what to buy for PC components--I live and breathe by silentpcreview.com) Have a question/issue: When I download a large file, it takes FOREVER for the file to transfer from the "XNSHTK" etc temp folder MSIE always holds downloads in, to the location I actually asked it to save to. 2 times ago, it took MINUTES. Anyone know why? It never did this before. And/or is there a way to force a file to *actually download to where I ask it to*, and not "download to a temp location then transfer itself over"? I kind of thought it might be some aspect of scanning for a virus, but it sure doesn't take MINUTES to go over a 1.3 gig file. (I mean, it always did the transferring thing, it just did it as fast as any other copy/move operation)
  16. IIRC Graham's kind of been sick lately, and is just now getting back up to speed to be ready to source another batch in the future. It may take some more time, but "we have not been abandoned".
  17. Yup--when I STOPPED transforming my Roy, the hinges started cracking. (as in, went from once a week to once a month to "not transforming at all for several months just in case")----they got worse just sitting there, not being transformed. In short---if the hinges are going to crack, THEY WILL CRACK. And there's nothing you can do about it--even if you leave it MISB and never expose it to light---it may take a little longer, but if it's going to happen--it'll happen.
  18. PS--the left-most drawing has GOT to be Keith's new avatar. ::senses potential abuse of mod power approaching::
  19. It really does come down to avionics. Nothing seems to hurt military programs more the past 20 years. Everything else takes so long to come to fruition that their designed-as-cutting-edge-military-spec electronics-----are so obsolete by the time they come out that they both can't be upgraded and are incompatible with everything else, and are surpassed by cell phones... Same issue with the ATC system---they're paying thousands of dollars each and bidding against collectors on ebay for individual mint, rare vacuum tubes to keep them running. They're so old it costs a tremendous amount to keep going---but just can't be upgraded to more modern stuff without spending billions/trillions to competely overhaul. (I just read recently that when the F-111E/F came out, there was a proposal to increase the memory from 16K to 32K, on the grounds that it was a now-or-never opportunity---USAF said no, they wouldn't ever need any more and it'd be a waste of money. Well, that's why we had to get rid of all our F-111s after Desert Storm, as we couldn't upgrade them to take JDAM etc---would have cost untold millions to retrofit the avionics now) If I ever get my own country, the air force and navy equipment is SO going to be written in C++ and have USB ports... (of course, that has the problem of being 1000x more virus-prone, too--I was thinking of literally having locked covers over the USB ports--they wouldn't be used for daily mission upload/downloads etc, only upgrades) PS---upgrading the F-14 to use JDAMs was a one-chance thing for each plane. If power was interrupted or the cable wiggled loose during the re-write, the plane would probably never fly again--the avionics were NOT designed to be upgraded in that manner. It's considered lucky/amazing that every attempt worked.
  20. IMHO that's an older (and curvier) Mylene, too. OK, so when do we get a Proto-Mylene valk girl?
  21. Not mine, it's olive drab. (and I've never seen a gloss olive drab---that's almost an oxymoron)
  22. We need Raptors for all those intl air force beauty contests---the F-35 sure won't win.
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