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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. I think she'll be able to do like movie Jetfire, in that you can separate the figure into a robot, and a vehicle, bar 1 piece that is shared. (in this case, the lower half of her chest)
  2. I just had a look at the near/clear/big pics out there----her lower torso is still 100x more human than it should be. Ironically, the newly-produced art right by the figure, is spot-on. Both body and face. Why couldn't Takara match that? :;fake edit:: I just figured out what bugs me---with the neck/collar/chest how it is, and the waist how it is----it looks like a woman cosplaying as Arcee, and not Arcee. Face-shape is totally wrong, chest looks "like a piece of cardboard taped on", and the waist is clearly human.
  3. Well, at least the gold looks metallic---that's been my #1 fear for a while, that it'd be "yellow", due to how hers is sometimes presented. Not sold on the overall color, but this is likely/hopefully "washed out from a camera flash".
  4. It can work if they don't literally mean refitted into looking EXACTLY like 1966-prise. Something like this is at least plausible, for a "refit into Kirk's":
  5. I honestly think they may be going for something other than toon-accuracy. They've really gone for a "skimpy underwear" look for the sculpt, and I'm thinking that may be more like "some manga I'll never read"-accurate.... Arcee's lower torso is NOT that curved/human. She's a pile of rectangles and trapezoids. I've watched the '86 movie enough times to know exactly how she looks, "and that ain't it". (Those are also some funky thighs) Either way, I find several 3P's to be much better. Takara can, and should, do better.
  6. Eh, the 1/1000 kit has always looked to me to be a nightmare to paint/decal properly, due to how many clear parts are molded (and how they've done so). Basically, the entire front end-cap and aft end-cap are clear. But it's not "just the parts that glow" that are clear, it's the whole area---any strut, cover, mount, housing, grille, etc, that's right next to the actual glowing part--is also part of the clear part. Basically, it's the reverse of how "modern kits" (like an RG Gundam) are molded---it's like "less color-separation than normal". I've seen skilled modelers struggle with getting the nacelles to look right on a non-lit Discoprise kit, due to the this. I can't imagine the light-leak-nightmare actually lighting those parts up with create. Maybe I'm exaggerating, but the build-reviews I've seen on YouTube have pretty much turned me off from the 1/1000 kit. And just makes me wish Bandai could do some more Trek kits----just a little bit of color/parts separation in the nacelle pieces, on the order of what Bandai was doing a decade ago, would make for an easy-to-do-perfectly appearance.
  7. Glad I waited, I came *this* close to buying RG Tallgeese so many times. Being "TV series Wing", I assume Bluefin will bring it to the US?
  8. Hmmmn. I don't have ANY Eva units any more, but could go for a new Unit 01. Not a big fan of the current figures/statues (price and/or style reasons), but that Koto 01 reissue and the coming RG look nice----how's the color-separation on the Koto? 01's colors are very hard to match, so I'd only be up for a pure straight build, asides from small details/inking. Or does everyone just assume the RG 01 will blow Koto's out of the water in every way?
  9. They've got a high bar to set with an MP Arcee, considering the 3P options that already exist.
  10. Wow, not the answer I expected---there ARE two nigh-identical versions out there, like 1 inch different... I was kinda hoping the later release would be "tweaked" a bit. (more metallic/darker paint, and true red bussards)
  11. Question that google couldn't answer: Has Eaglemoss done two different Discovery Enterprises? One XL, and another non-XL that is bigger than most non-XL? I keep finding "Discoprises" that are "issue #1" and "issue #12", and listed at either 8.5in, or 10in long. That seems odd. They also seem to be consistently priced differently, but like the sizes, it's not as big a difference as regular and XL should have.
  12. Bar of soap. One that just smells "clean" like basic white Dial, etc. Put the valk and the bar of soap in a bag. When the valk smells like soap (instead of smoke), "air out the valk". Then it'll smell like nothing. I've never done it with a valk, but have for several different types of plastics/toys. Note, that this can take weeks, but will not harm the valk in any way, and is permanent once done.
  13. I'm still waiting for that SH Figurarts Rain Mikamura...
  14. This *is* Bandai we're talking about though----they love to ignore easy obvious repaint options. I won't be surprised at all if we never get M&M. Still waiting on that white Sv-262 or any other YF-30...
  15. I thought it was the ventral fins? Though I haven't followed these releases very closely, as I'm waiting for the OG best girl's TV 1J.
  16. This went so long without any postings/updates, I legit thought I'd just DREAMED about it, and that maybe I was kinda mixing up the premium VF-0D, and the HiMetal 2012 VF-4... I was thinking "wait, did I miss it, was the HiMetal all there was, and I should have bought it when I saw it come back in stock? Dang it..."
  17. I was hoping for a new show, not a slasher flick....
  18. I just kinda assumed that if you knew the Variable Glaug in that scheme, you'd know the game/pilot it's from. Moaramia Fallyna Jenius, the adopted one: She's the test pilot, and pretty much THE pilot, of the VG.
  19. Any plans for a custom Moaramia minifig?
  20. Let me know when he makes a Trypticon... Anyways, a bit OT, but my Type 74 kit (early version) came in! It's gonna be my MP actionmaster Blitzwing. (Actionmaster because it doesn't transform out of alt-mode...) Looks pretty good at first glance (this may literally be the kit that G1 Blitzwing is based on, as very few Type 74's seem to match his upper turret details--but this one does!) Painting over the dark green will be a challenge though, will need a lot of primer, then layers of sand and purple. Worst issue may be the wheel hubs---they're polycaps, molded in olive. Can't paint, so will probably just have to live with it. But it's remote-control..... Overall though, still a lot better than my MP actionmaster Astrotrain plans went. (that kit turned out to NOT match the box at all, and there's no alternative kit that's cheap----it's either the big expensive kit now, or nothing)
  21. No, it's not like Qui-Gon's at all from center to tip. (and presumably Obi-Wan has it, since he cut Maul's legs off with it).
  22. Have we seen that repaired saber of Maul's before? It's half of his original---and the other half is very "non-Sith-looking". Took it from a Jedi?
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