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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. I'm still annoyed that we have TWO flightsuit Klans, and no flightsuit Grace. Or any Grace at all.
  2. It sucks, basically. Get a VF-27 if you want something from Frontier.
  3. I have to second that M7 is one season padded out to two. It's 50% filler. You could cut entire eps and NOTHING would be lost.
  4. I think the head is Depth Charge if anybody--but the colors wouldn't be much better. Having owned TM Depthcharge: Metallic sky blue overall with metallic aqua and purple paint accents. Deep magenta metallic bits. Chrome gold bits. Actually very Seacon-esque.
  5. Need a router! Current setup: Single PC wired directly to cable modem. Future/goal setup: Single PC wired directly, with a laptop, PS3, and 360 connected wirelessly. Suggestions?
  6. Watching the speedo on the left side in the first couple secs, it's amazing how linear the acceleration rate is from say 150 to 180.
  7. It's part of the transformation to battroid, regardless of FAST packs. If they weren't like that, it'd be a very incorrect model.
  8. I thought I saw something about Gallia IV being destroyed. Will have to try to find that line again. (have 2 different translations so far, haven't seen THORA's)
  9. The fact that Gallia IV "already happened" IMHO bumps the movie up to covering through ep 14 or so. Everything between ep 7 and Gallia was skippable and won't be in the movie anyways. Also, the movie's drama took a lot of the elements from late in the series----Sheryl's backstory, Battle Frontier going all-out, heck--Brera! Of course the movie's going to have more drama than the series did at this point, if the movie gets to take all the good stuff from late in the series and move it to the front.
  10. That's because they entirely cut out her "first dozen eps" where she is little more than a selfish bitchy diva. Of course she's more likeable, because they went straight to "vulnerable doubting herself used-to-be-a-street-urchin" Sheryl. They tossed out her development. Instead of the audience disliking, then liking her over the course of the series, she just starts out as likeable. I'm betting Ranka doesn't act like such a moron in the later eps/2nd movie this time around, too.
  11. Herc+RATO=awesome. Except when it fails spectacularly. Really, I think it's RAL as well--rocket-assisted-landing...
  12. Just avoid RR-powered 787s. Kind of like avoiding RR-powered A380s...
  13. By that line of thinking, why even have the movie at all? Most of the audience already knows the story.
  14. Then you're sure to love the preview for next week's ep http://video.syfy.com/shows/universe (should be the default vid it plays) Skip forward to the mid-point if you wish.
  15. I of course, feel the need to point out Grace: For the first couple eps, we all thought that Grace was some poor manager/agent, whose thankless job was to put up with a bitchy diva and schedule her public appearances. Then there was the Gallia IV arc. That changed everything, rapidly. But even after that, most people were still totally clueless as to her true nature, as Grace 2.0 showed up in Sheryl's hospital room hours later. It wasn't until the very end that anyone other than Brera really knew what was going on. In the movie--she's fully revealed in front of everyone very quickly, and we see her "talking in the green cyber-room" about 20 episodes earlier than in the series. She lost all of her backstory/intrigue. She's no longer a "hidden backroom manipulator" who's revealed much later.
  16. Better lately, but still annoyed that Caprica was cancelled...
  17. Actually, last 3 uncontained, forgot about the 787 test. It just wasn't on a plane at the moment. miles---you may be thinking of the Delta MD-88 in Pensacola. However, that was a fan blade. All the recent RR issues seem to be turbine blades. Yes, uncontained is exactly what it sounds like. The parts are either contained within the nacelle, or they bust through. The inner lining of most nacelles is kevlar for that reason---flying blades are very dangerous to both people and the aircraft. All the famous bird and intentional detonation tests are done on the fans, because they're the largest blades---but lately it seems they should check the turbines---smaller, but faster.
  18. Don't blame QANTAS, blame RR. The world's last 2 uncontained engine failures were both RR...
  19. Not dumbed down? Have you read the official character descriptions? Dr Mindbender's experiments are "totally dangerous and like super-illegal". CC is "one scary and uber-powerful dude".
  20. NASA has the world's coolest backlot. "Is that an F-16XL? No, it's both of them!"
  21. Thrust doesn't pegwarm in my experience. His ricey case-mate sure does though.
  22. Seconded. I think it's most ironic in the current Hemi crop---many owners are proud to open their hood and show off their engine--without realizing that all they're showing you is a piece of plastic. It blows their minds when you pop it off and show them their actual engine for the first time... On my last car, I took the cover and its mount off permanently, otherwise you couldn't see the supercharger...
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