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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. Graham----Yamato does a lot of figures/statues in their other lines---why no Macross ones?
  2. Ok, yeah, that's it. Didn't do it the first time though--weird. Off to edit... Seriously though--WTF at requiring a log-in to see the freely-available pic that's in their own press release?
  3. Hey, Raytheon news: Raytheon's Rolling Airframe Missile Block 2 Completes Key Flight Test http://raytheon.mediaroom.com/index.php?s=43&item=1708&pagetemplate=release
  4. Slightly OT, but due to the number of people who will be out shopping around Black Friday: Remember Toys for Tots. Help buy up those dozen MU classic Iron Man/Spider-Man and SW figs clogging the shelves and donate them. It'll both clear out the shelfwarmers for you, and make a lot of kids happy. Many stores are having huge deals on them etc.
  5. Slightly OT, but due to the number of people who will be out shopping around Black Friday: Remember Toys for Tots. Help buy up those dozen MU classic Iron Man/Spider-Man and SW figs clogging the shelves and donate them. It'll both clear out the shelfwarmers for you, and make a lot of kids happy. Many stores are having huge deals on them etc.
  6. I can imagine her official bio: "Jinx is a sneaky girl---sneaky like a ninja! Because she totally is one! How cool is that?"
  7. Thing is, Bandai had already engineered a very accurate VF-25---in 1/72 scale. The 1/60 is so inferior, it's mind-boggling. Toy vs model alone doesn't explain the differences, especially in the face of the VF-27.
  8. You're arguing against a couple more wing hinges, in a PLANE THAT TRANFORMS INTO A FULLY ARTICULATED ROBOT?
  9. I suspect they are holding back--I have seen a case or two of some of the latest figures, then when they sell out---nothing replaces them on the pegs. Or, a bunch of older figs fill the gap.
  10. We need some cheering up after that. Another legendary Hoser story---with a great custom model to illustrate it: http://www.arcforums.com/forums/air/index.php?showtopic=218183&st=0
  11. The new Xmas episode is this Sun night, the 21st.
  12. If you want Airbus' own report on the damage, go here: http://blogs.crikey.com.au/planetalking/2010/11/17/the-anatomy-of-the-airbus-a380-qf32-near-disaster/ Also, so many A380s with RR engines have issues that they've used up the worldwide supply of spares, and are pulling new engines from undelivered planes at the factory to get the others up and running.
  13. I wish I would have taken a photo of the guy who took up 8 spots a few days ago.
  14. Well, I'm going more for long-term, than sheer numbers. Nothing ROTF or later has existed long enough to be a legendary shelf-warmer. I mean, BW Injector could still be found when RiD was out. Maybe Transquito, too... Now, Animated Ratchet---I can see those still being at TRU in a couple years...
  15. The blue-nosed F-22 is gaudy/ugly IMHO. (the original P-51 was awesome). Applying "round" schemes to angled surfaces doesn't work... I'm still astounded they allowed the RADOME to be PAINTED. Wonder if F-22 radomes/radar don't have as many issues as older planes...
  16. Not Grace, and another not Grace. I think their quality is improving, but not their choice of subjects.
  17. If you're referring to kamikaze attacks, IIRC that was not universal. I know that early on they took volunteers* to form dedicated squadrons. And regardless, it was only during the final few months of the war---many Japanese pilots were killed in the early 40's before it had even been thought of. *for most any "volunteer", it was never spelled out what it entailed. It was along the lines of "we have the ultimate weapon which is certain to cause heavy damage---but you must commit fully to it before we reveal it to you--there is no turning back".
  18. Will Tuner Skids take the all-time-pegwarmer crown some day? BW overall has the top several spots I'm sure: BW Transquito (especially KB) BW TM1 Scavenger (especially Wal-Mart) BW Injector (especially at TRU) It's like each major store had their own pegwarmer exclusive... PS--while ROTF Wheelie pegwarmed severely for a few months, he actually did go away. I wonder if they were ever actually shipped back to Hasbro, like some Phantom Menace figs.
  19. I really don't remember why the F-22 edges are painted like that. Also, the Alaska F-22 was found, crashed, but not the pilot. Hopefully he ejected and landed a few miles away. F-18D Marines---I pretty much posted what there is. VMFA-224 has a very similar scheme as above with simple grey tails with the tiger-pattern rudders, as opposed to black tails with tiger-patterned rudders. There's also VMFA-533: F-22 high-vis---nope! Even Langley's commander's plane doesn't have one speck of color. The tailcode does have a subtle shadow though. (in grey of course). http://f-16.net/modules/Gallery2/gallery2/main.php?g2_view=core.DownloadItem&g2_itemId=208102&g2_serialNumber=3&g2_GALLERYSID=f27e2f9634fc77a5f730a698bb24198a Now, I think the 525th has a very bluish-grey fin flash---it's almost blue. Possibly 35164. That's the most "colorful" F-22 marking I know of:
  20. Instead of practicing on a "real" valk, find some cheap knockoff, or an old toy at Goodwill etc. So long as it's plastic and has some engraved lines, it'll work fine to perfect your technique, before you try smearing ink on a $200 out-of-production VF-1... Could you expand a bit on your Promodeller's technique? I have some of their wash, but only ever tried it once or twice--I couldn't really get it to flow evenly, it always seemed to almost bead/clump on me, so it'd look like a bunch of black dots/globs in the panel line, rather than an even dark line.
  21. I know most of this thread is talking about "stuff few of us will ever even touch, much less own" but I'd like to see people's general opinions on the current state of "normal" cars. I'll start with this: Chrysler's 2011 lineup looks much improved. Across the board gains in HP, new standard V6, MUCH better interiors in many. New transmissions coming. Ford---couple of years ago I would never have considered one, honestly. Possibly the most-improved US company. I give full credit to Mulally--note that Boeing sure went to hell after he left. GM---2 steps back for every 1 forward. For every "new GM" improvement, I see "old GM" ruining great ideas. I'd be surprised if they're even on my list for my next car. (and really, the only thing it could possibly be would be a Holden Commodore brought over again--Australia's team seems a bit more insulated from the stupidity at GM HQ) If they killed Pontiac to save Buick, I expected much better Buicks. The new Regal GS isn't half the car the concept was, which is not a good thing for a halo car intended to reinvent the brand.
  22. I'm going to edit the thread's subtitle, as I just know there'll be a flurry of posts from people who don't read the 2nd sentence before replying...
  23. See, Mylene's valk should have been on the list. It would have gotten just one vote, from me. Which means it'd already be out now...
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