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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. F-15DJ, F-16CJ, F-16CG, are all unofficial nicknames. The F-16CG is really the Block 40 or Block 42 version of the F-16C, and the F-16CJ is the Block 50 or 52. F-15DJ is simply an F-15D built by Mitsubishi. No different than Viper or Warthog---people may call it that, but that's not the name. Ok, as for VF-11MAXL---I totally forgot that, sad considering that's one of my fave valks.
  2. That actually sounds a lot like my car knob-wise, except replace "DRL" with "off" at the very end. DRL's come on when the car is started, but any "selection" after that over-rides them, as well as the car's own automatic selections. The only way to "turn them on" again if they've turned off due to being over-ridden by another mode, or flat-out turned off, is to start the car again. (yes, I spent a good amount of time fiddling with the car when it was new, to try to figure out EXACTLY what lights do what in what conditions--most people don't care, but I do)
  3. A double-suffix goes against NATO/US tri-service aircraft designations, which is what Macross generally follows quite closely. (VF-2SS doesn't count). You can add all the prefixes you want--VF itself is already a double, RVF-25 is perfectly fine/logical, but VF-19EF? No. EFs? Quasi-Russian at best, and totally goes against all previous Macross history AFAIK, as well as the US system it's based on.
  4. Yup, lots of sprue marks too. Mine actually has a chip/chunk missing right behind the cockpit, didn't notice until I had transformed it. Paintwise, I had red splatters on the black area and incomplete coverage of the black over the blue. (and as I said, mine was the best of 4 I've seen) The insignia on the wings often angle, nearly all of them look like that (including ones I see online in reviews etc)---mine's the only one I've seen with well-placed insignia.
  5. Cars that automatically lock/unlock their doors. On my last one, I could fully disable it. On my current one, I can prevent it from auto-unlocking them, but I cannot prevent it from auto-locking. It's VERY annoying when you're trying to let someone off or pick them up at the front door of somewhere, as it will re-lock them the moment you unlock them in preparation of opening the door. Most people don't come to a full and compete stop, THEN unlock the door---they unlock the door when you're down to 2 to 3mph, as they want to quickly get in or out the MOMENT the car stops so as not to hold up traffic---not possible when the car wants to keep locking the doors on you... I also hate automatic headlights, because it never tells you what it's doing (in my experience---surely *some* cars do have some sort of low-beam status indicator light). The switch isn't truly on/off in most cars in my experience. It's spring-loaded, and moving it "changes it from what it was before". It's often labled off/auto, not off/on. This is important. If they were on, moving it turns them off, and vice-versa. Well, unless it's PITCH BLACK, you can't really see the beams against the road. If you're right behind a car, it's hard to tell if it's your driving lights or DRL or lowbeams reflecting off their chrome bumper. So---it's dusk out. You want your lights on. But you don't know if your car thinks it's dark enough yet--if it already turned them on, turing the switch will turn them off! Because the switch isn't on/off, it's "change from what they were". You'd have to wait 30 more mins for it to be REALLY dark, to be able to see the actual presence of a beam, to determine their status. In rain/haze, it's even worse, as it can be quite bright, and DRL's don't turn on your tail lights. But some cars do try to account for fog/haze---but again, if you turn the knob--you don't know what it'll do, as you can't tell how they are now--you could be turning them OFF. (on my car, the dash lighting is quite independently controlled--dash light status is no indicator of what external bulbs are lit) I want a true on/off button for headlights. Such that no matter what the status is, I can turn the knob to a certain position every time, and know what the lights are going to do. You know, like how cars were back in the 80's and 90's...
  6. I only just recently found Classic Dirge---QC varies widely, always bad. None were perfect, went with third I found. (I found 2 others weeks ago, but had to pass as they were godawful just looking at them in the package).
  7. Still not flawless, but I blame part of it on IE7 being old and rendering some bits of sites imperfectly. (I hated 8 when I tried it, and 9 won't work with XP. Didn't like Firefox either. Don't really plan to try Spywarechrome)
  8. Rare pic: Actual Fw190A using actual BMW801 engine. Photo taken this Tuesday. I believe that takes the world-wide total of airworthy Fw190's from 0 to 1 now...
  9. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=34229&st=0
  10. Boy, they're REALLY doing the MiG "odd numbers only" thing now. VF-17, VF-19, YF-21, VF-25, VF-27, now YF-29? The 2-sec appearance of the YF-24, and the uber-limited-production VF-22 are the only "even" valks in the past decade+ and they're both just variations of an "important" odd-numbered valk.
  11. Did you not read any of the 4 posts above yours?
  12. Yup, my Chun-Li had a chunk of the 'x" in the shoulder chip off just from rotating the joint around.
  13. You do if you're waiting for Syfy to air them. If you want to watch them now, do so the same way I assume you watched eps of Frontier...
  14. Because most of them are canon, much more so than a lot of schemes that ARE made in 1/60. Plus, it's some variation from every other valk being available in Skull squadron and nothing else. As for Milia--she never had a -19 AFAIK, but her -11 is well-known along with her short-lived -17, the -4 less so.
  15. Without walls, there'd be NO activity today, as we'd all be frozen dead. PS--ironically, there are Amish near here. But they have walls, too.
  16. I never knew there was a Sheena fig from Tales of Symphonia.
  17. I read this post while the cold winter wind slips through the cracks in the window by my PC, overlooking the snow on the ground, on a day so cold that there's like 1/4 the normal activity around here.
  18. Hmmn. I was expecting/waiting/hoping for a repaint to match Energon Bruticus---I don't think anybody on earth has a Battle Gaia-colored version of that mold...
  19. Resin kits vary in quality much more than plastic ones. A GOOD resin kit is quite similar to plastic, only you have to use CA to glue it. A bad resin kit can be a nightmare. The quality can vary so much that some recasts are a lot better than many originals... PS--I am referring to raw quality of the resin itself, not the fit/detail. Some resin kits are more like a pile of airholes and release agent held together by a resin sheath...
  20. I think they're going for the "I think the large Buicks are too sleek and modern-looking now" market segment...
  21. Plus, we already had a similar thread a while ago. IIRC, while it didn't get locked THAT often, it was often "on the verge of being locked". It just kinda died and we all left it alone as a failed experiment.
  22. The VF-0D is fine. All valk gunpods are gatling guns---if the firing location is the "top" barrel of the gunpod like would make sense for its mounting location, that's the "bottom" of the pod's barrels in fighter mode---and is clear of the head laser. Actually, I think the laser's actually clear of any barrel position--though far too close for comfort for the closest one if the plane's diving...
  23. Making ME even LESS of an RPG would kill any interest I have in it. A pure action/shooter set in ME universe? Utter pass. With how rare biotics are, especially pre-ME1, it'd pretty much be limited to soldier/sniper. And you know, it's not like we need yet another Halo clone to go shoot aliens with high-tech-armored space Marines...
  24. Not far off from how I imagined how she'd look---bare arms, dark red. Figured gloves, but not that long. Also figured she'd still have a fairly traditional hood.
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