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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. Yeah, I wondered about that too. Digital fire, glowing drinks--yet real pig?
  2. Saw in 2D. Good, not great. I think part of the problem is that there's just no way to "wow" people now with a digital world. The Matrix already explored a similar aspect, and half of all SciFi movies have a "cyberspace" scene inside the computer etc. As a big fan of Reboot, I was of course drawing constant parallels---users, games, programs. Anyways--I didn't like Zeus at all. Seemed very out of place, and a waste of 20 mins IMHO. Finally---Kevin Flynn's dialogue is supposed to be lame/old/hippie. He's stuck in the 80's, and he was still stuck in the 70's back then... I personally liked it. Or, just imagine he's channeling "The Dude". PS---no after-credit sequence. The obvious one they could have done, I think is going to be expanded into "TR3N" or something. On a related note, where's my figure? The lack of that in the movie itself too, is a disappointment.
  3. If you want a really good Rafale, you need 1/48. http://www.cybermodeler.com/hobby/kits/rm/kit_rg_4517.shtml Hmmn, the one electric indigo posted might be the Hobby Boss kit. That's actually an overall better kit, but it's really more like 1/80 scale.
  4. Space shuttle wallpaper. Big enough to cut/trim/resize to any size you may need. http://spaceflight.nasa.gov/gallery/images/shuttle/sts-132/hires/iss023e044629.jpg (a 90-degree rotation helps a lot) And--nobody's ever gone sledding in this fun of a manner:
  5. I would imagine it's almost certainly this kit: http://modelingmadness.com/scotts/mod/italeri/036preview.htm
  6. If they're cheap, I buy figures just for parts. Revoltech/Figmas are usually too expensive to do so though--every fig I want for parts, is fairly desirable to other people inherently. (I would love to have most anything from a Bunny Haruhi) (also, there's like 4 different scales for Revoltech, so a lot of times swapping won't work).
  7. The F/A.2's radar is newer than the APG-65, the newer version of it is the Typhoon's radar. Also, I feel the Sea Harrier is an inherently more agile version of the airframe. When it was first installed, the F/A.2's radar would have been one of the best AMRAAM-capable radars out there IIRC, surpassing most F-15/16/18's in service then. The Sea Harrier (all versions) has A2A as a primary role, Harrier II's do not.
  8. 2 new members with this thread as their first post. That's not suspicious at all...
  9. Best A2A Harrier was the F/A.2 version of the Sea Harrier. For the Marines, I'd definitely go with the F/A-18D.
  10. Basically. I remember looking at the Neo-Geo box many times at Software Etc and Babbage's.
  11. The IRST is a non-issue, as the PAK-FA obviously uses Plasma Stealth™. End of the British Harrier:
  12. Then it's a bad design. Valks shouldn't NEED armor to look decent. The VF-25 certainly stands alone. (the DX version, is another matter).
  13. Actually, having forward-swept wings means your wings should be mounted further back, as center of lift should be aft of center of gravity*. Look at the X-29. *Unstable planes, by definition, do not follow this rule. However, extreme instability would require so much correction that I believe it's "aerodynamically inefficient"---I know of no unstable plane that is highly unstable. They're all "barely" unstable. The F-16 I know actually had an alternate wing-mounting location built-in to the design--if they couldn't get the unstable version to work aerodynamcally or FBW-wise, they would simply move the wings a few inches and make it stable. The main point was that it's a matter of inches.
  14. If you do that, all you've got a VF-25 with the wings on backwards.
  15. Gripens are awesome. Especially Czech ones. Very slightly NSFW in some places, but totally PG-13 at most: http://www.scribd.com/doc/30377648/211-Squadron-Kalendar-New
  16. I thought you were referring to the Pegasus's water-injection system, when you made your "run on water" remark.
  17. Hey, water-injection defines the early jetliners. Few things cooler than a seemingly coal-powered 707 climbing out... http://www.airliners.net/photo/American-Airlines/Boeing-707-123/0541868/L/ Last airliner I can think of designed with water-injection was Northwest's DC-10's.
  18. Wow, that's the most blatantly-against-the-rules political post I've seen in a while..
  19. Personally, I found an F100-229E starting up worse than a Pegasus. A Pegasus is loud, but the -229E is "piercing". It's like an explosion vs a dentist drill----one may be louder, but the other seems to go straight into your brain... As for the PAK-FA kit---I think part of it may be that the drawing "magically" has no actual cockpit behind the glass---that makes it look like there's much more open space. Is there a side-view of the actual kit? Adding in the pilot and coaming will make a big difference I bet.
  20. YF-21 canopy never did "lock" into an open position, nor even have much friction--you just opened it as far as you wanted and hoped it'd hold when you let go.
  21. The CRJ1000 is a 100-seater. It is directly replacing the Fokker 100 with its first deliveries. (which itself replaced many a DC-9). Soon it will be nothing but RJ's, except for over-water flights it seems. Dear airlines: there is nothing "regional" about a Dallas-New York flight... (which according to my latest Delta timetable, is all they offer---that would have gotten you an L-1011 some years ago)
  22. I'm just gonna toss out a spoiler reminder. Just 'cuz it's in a trailer somewhere, doesn't mean it's not a spoiler.
  23. David Hingtgen

    SCOOP thread!

    Almost news: Yamato is now part of HLJ's "our price".
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