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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. I keep thinking it could be a Milia Me 262. (I've seriously considered doing an F-14 in her colors--if Shin could have one, so can she!)
  2. Well, the fact that "no one really knows" I think excuses it from being in the noob question thread. It's not an "FAQ" type issue that half of the members here know off the top of their head like most stuff in that thread. But the non-descriptive thread title is certainly an issue. Fixed.
  3. That sounds like a target-type thrust reverser. (737-200, DC-9, MD-80, Fokkers) The Tornado is the only fighter I know of with that style--but again, it really needs that type of nozzle to start with, which is not like any valk or "iris-petal" style of nozzle. (that nozzle design is part of the reason the Tornado isn't very fast at high altitude--it's fine for airliners, but far from optimal for high-alt high-mach flight) PS to everybody--yes, thrust reversers are a special interest for me.
  4. A thrust reverser? Interesting, they're quite rare on fighter jets. Curious as to how it'd work, as it says in the nozzles themselves, for which there's no real-world equivalent assuming either VF-19/25 style of nozzle or F-14/15/16/18 style nozzle.
  5. LOL, they just changed one word and made ACTIVE all Macrossy yet still work as an acronym. In the real world, ACTIVE is "Advanced Control Technology for Integrated VEhicles". Seriously, the Japanese sure do love ACTIVE, it shows up in WAY too many video games etc. Also note how Gubaba posted it--that is certainly the intended way. All caps, and no space between "19" and "ACTIVE". VF-19ACTIVE
  6. I'm presuming they're just "idol markings" and not actually Sheryl's and Ranka's (unlike say Luca and Ozma versions)
  7. Re: swing-wings. I wonder if it'll just pivot the outer sections, with the booster engines being the fixed pivot point. The Su-17 family is like this: I don't know if there's a specific term for "partial swing-wings". ::edit:: Looking at the latest/biggest pics again, it looks like the pivot point is inboard of the engines, and that the engines themselves are fixed. That's just not gonna work...
  8. Heck, they could darn-near just put a new head on an existing Klan figure and get a flightsuit Grace. (though, toning down the chest would definitely help--Grace isn't "ludicrous" like Klan)
  9. Ooooh. Personally I like the "re-imagined" markings of the seekers, rather than the slavisly-G1-esque ones. Lately Hasbro seems to be going for "pure G1"--first Dirge, now TC. I often feel I'm one of the few who likes classic Skywarp's scheme. (Ramjet was just wrong though, where's the silver and teal stripes on the wings? He should NOT have gold striping anywhere)
  10. USAF tanker news: "the Senate Armed Services Committee would hold hearings next month to “review the propriety of the procurement process.” What, were you expecting actual construction of planes or something? By the time they're in service (whether Boeing or Airbus) we won't NEED new tankers because our thermonuclear VF-19s have nigh-unlimited range in the atmosphere...
  11. How to survive a zombie holiday: Yes, this is the Caprica thread. I needed to post this somewhere, and this is surprisingly appropriate. (it was either here or the Walking Dead thread)
  12. First actual launch of a Super Hornet using electromagnetic catapult: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=euLsg_viWW0 2 mins in for the launch itself.
  13. I can't help but think the Bandai thought process went along the lines of "Please Mr Kawamori, we need an excuse to re-do the VF-25 toy withOUT admitting we did a bad job---so could you make a new valk for the movie, but like the VF-25 so we can re-use some parts, but still a little different--especially the legs/nacelles, where we really screwed up?" And thus, the YF-29, Bandai's canon excuse to re-do the VF-25, yet not re-do the VF-25...
  14. I believe I heard that for ME1, too. None of those DLC's added anything...
  15. Yup. Amazon had "found a cache" or something, and I got the gunmetal version w/MGS4 for less than the standard PS3 cost at the time. (and 60GB early ones were going for like 500-600 then, I think that was their peak).
  16. Only 10 more eps? At that rate, Chloe will still only be like 10% transformed. "Yeah, sorry, we wasted her entire character for a season just to show/do nothing..."
  17. Oh yeah---that is one amazingly persistent/gutsy security guard Encom has.
  18. Did we somehow all miss this? http://www.masseffectsaves.com/MESS/ME2ColoringBook.pdf So many references/in-jokes.
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