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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. Honestly, you're one of the few from what I've read here that likes the glossy plastic on the DX. More people prefer the duller look, as real fighter planes tend not to be glossy unless they're the Blue Angels. Plus, fingerprints! (and paint adhesion) I'd pay extra for a dull matte green VF-27...
  2. There was a long gap, but I think he plans to start sending them out again as soon as he has some more time and supplies---he needs more of the very light grey ones from Yamato first.
  3. Yup. The -19 family, *especially* Basara's, have "fat little torsos".
  4. Extreme deflection is fairly pointless---it starts having less of an aerodynamic effect, and just becomes pure drag. Plus, the extreme strain on the structure of trying to support such a large surface area by just one attachment point against the wind. That may be a "landing only" position to act as an airbrake, much like a Gripen's canards do. (though with the parachute, it seems kinda pointless and may foul the chute)
  5. Nothing more than rumors, though tradition has that each new MP gives a hint hidden in the manual---so when Rodimus comes out, we should have a good idea. My money's on Galvatron.
  6. I bought a Component cable for my PS2, so that'll take care of my PS/PS2 collection for a while. Not sure about SNES... (of course, all the good games have save batteries--I haven't played Super Metroid or Super Mario World in years, I wonder if my saves are still there...)
  7. The F-22 and Super Flanker are among the largest fighter jets ever---and they're debatably the most agile ever.
  8. It, and a billion variations, many times over.
  9. I tried the demo like 3 times, but just couldn't get into it. I think I'd like the story a lot--I just don't like the game.
  10. I have 4 of 5 stars. So someone's voting somehow...
  11. Saw a Blurr once at Target, maybe 2 weeks ago.
  12. They put all their science-tech-speak into trying to explain song energy/spiritia....
  13. Hey, that's far too similar to other forums' methods to be it! That's logical and makes sense! (I was just repeating what I heard earlier, honestly)
  14. Yup, it definitely has slab fins: http://alert5.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/12/PLA-J-20132.jpg (cut and paste link) Interesting--the formation strip lighting. It's incredibly "American".
  15. If you go to your profile, in the same line as where it says "profile" way to the right are some stars next to "User Rating". They're clickable. People who view your profile can "vote". The ratings are based on that. And possibly post counts. It's never been fully explained, I don't think it's really documented in the forum's software. Generally we just ignore it--it's apparently easier than disabling it.
  16. Spoiler? Cut scene that was supposed to have run after the credits:
  17. There is no way the final product will have a paint job that nice. It'd be awesome if it did, but I think the odds are about 100:1...
  18. Yup. I never change my own oil--time, mess, cleanup, etc. And like I really want to carry a big container of dirty oil around town in my clean carpeted trunk--THAT is the number one reason I won't do it--I don't trust it to not leak, and even without the oil it's still dirty just from sitting on the garage floor, etc. It's also one procedure I assume even a tech unfamiliar with my car can do without breaking anything.
  19. Wait wait---she has the blue one? *Scarlett*? With the red outfit? Has the blue one? I'm all messed up now...
  20. If Yamato makes a V3 YF-19, I may get hers instead of Isamu's---I have a hard time buying the same valk THREE times. Anyways---hmmn, the ACTIVE's thrust reverser seems "incomplete" to me (it has a cascade array etc, but no real blocker system that I can see)--and based on the drawing and underside views etc, it almost looks like it only exhausts to the underside--that is a horrible design flaw if it does, it's self-defeating. (that would cause the back end to effectively lift up when landing on a runway, taking weight/effectiveness off the brakes---making it take longer to decelerate--which defeats the point of reversing in the first place---many an airliner has been stymied by this problem)
  21. Yup---my guess is they're just animating the scene in the series when Leon's guys try to assassinate her a bit differently--having her actually get shot this time around. Or, it's a substitute for the "getting ripped apart on Gallia IV" scene. Because either way we need an excuse for her to show up in her 2nd, all-new body. Her "unconscious new body being built on a table" is a fairly iconic image for the series. She frankly needs to be killed in a "messy" way at some point to justify "downloading" into a new one.
  22. Unlike Overtechnology? "Overtech engines, Overtech shields, Overtech food dehydrators..."
  23. That's a minor issue! Plus, the whole "Milia 639" implies there's at least 638 identical clones of her out there somewhere.
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