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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. Fantasy-monster-sea-creatures yes, but Skalor is distinct/detailed enough to peg him as a coelacanth.
  2. My concern with Sunstreaker, is that a real figure made of plastic, isn't going to look half as good as the render. Half of it is going to be yellow paint over clear blue plastic, and not "all the same shade of yellow", plus the gaps between parts will be 10x more obvious----and he's got gaps/joints running all through the windows. They'll be huge, poorly-fitting, and the clear plastic edges will highlight the gaps and seams far more so than opaque plastic would. It's like he's an experiment---he looks great, in theory, in CAD. But actually making it for shelves? Good luck.
  3. If the gold plates could be removed from Duke's boots, he'd be perfect. It's like "we're just going to add one random piece of sci-fi armor to his otherwise very realistic look..."
  4. Enough to sell the Snowspeeder version just a couple waves after the X-Wing version, apparently
  5. Ok, I *thought* the jacket was puffier, but I wasn't sure. Didn't catch the boots/gloves though.
  6. Everything pre-sold-out. The very first people could snag like SkyLynx+Snapdragon+another Voy for less than a hundred, combining the BOGO+sale. (they are both on sale, AND BOGO) But SkyLynx is so gone he doesn't even show up now, and Snapdragon is pre-sold out.
  7. Storm---yay! Not silver though, booooooo! Green Rogue---may pick her up as my first Rogue. Though I much prefer green/yellow, I have yet to see one I really liked-----it just seems like that combo of hair/face/boots etc just doesn't translate well to a figure, and I've always passed. But this looks like a really good Rogue, even if it's not my fave look.
  8. Question to someone who knows the nuances better than I do: What's the difference(s) between Snowspeeder pilot Luke, and X-Wing pilot Luke?
  9. Am I nuts, or does that Dak have a really good head sculpt? (Not that we see him THAT much in the movie, I could be mis-remembering his face)
  10. It's like 2 different lines, IMHO. "Fairly realistic, updated versions of the originals"---Duke, Snake Eyes. And "Sci-Fi-heavy homages"---Roadblock, Scarlett. Getting rid of the infamous "Allspark blue" paint would help, IMHO.
  11. Most freebies show up "fairly early in the build", so if you want them---order now...
  12. Isn't the pilot figure like a subscription/pre-order bonus? Or only sent to those who opt for the "deluxe" subscription? I don't think it's going to be included as a "normal" part of the "regular" issues.
  13. I still haven't seen the remake, I'm waiting until it's finished. (I've waited this long, I can keep going). (the odd naming convention doesn't help with keeping track while trying to avoid spoilers/summaries---so "3.0+1.0" is truly #4 and all-new, and not literally "3.0 and 1.0" as some sorta dual-feature re-cut?) That said---I'm not liking the hip joints on the RG---looks ok when "in a pose", but a neutral stance really highlights the "bare ball joint" look. Kaiyodo still does the best overall sculpts of the franchise IMHO, for both pilots and Evas.
  14. Regardless of what ship, you're not going to have multiple planes on board with the same modex number---that defeats the whole point of having modex numbers! They're to differentiate among different planes on the ship, without having to get up close and reference a long serial number... (so you just paint big numbers in easily-visible places---like the nose, ventral fins, and flaps, so that ground crew can easily identify from most angles at a fair distance)
  15. Every "highly detailed Japanese release" I've seen, have marked Max and Milia's as being from the Prometheus.
  16. *101* modex numbers on both? Fail, deal-killer. Max is 202, she's 303. Plus we all know that 101 is another, very famous VF-1J pilot... They're also labeled SDF-1, instead of Prometheus. So really, these are just Hikaru's 1J, with the colors swapped. The details are all his, not theirs.
  17. I can't believe that the VF-0 was "weathered" from the intense cobalt blue and pure snow white of the original release, to what was seen on the show, short of it sitting in the desert for a decade or two. I will however, totally believe that it could weather from the colors we were originally shown: (Slate blue-grey, pale grey undersides)----into the anime colors: Absolute perfect match? No, but still far closer than ANYTHING Arcadia's ever actually released. (yes, I still want these colors---non-premium, just "the right base colors that make sense")
  18. David Hingtgen

    Hi-Metal R

    The master file M&M VF-4's are the best I've seen, but I've still yet to see a truly good M&M VF-4 scheme. (the problem with the master file, is that the weapons are used as a main accent color---if it fires all the conformal missiles, then there's almost no white left to break up the red/blue, and it's as bland as the M3 scheme, from above or from the sides) (M3 has amazing schemes for most of them, but they really dropped the ball on the 4 and 5000)
  19. Does Arcadia realize that putting pics of the CG model right next to it, only highlights how they still don't have the right color? Grey-blue, not faded blue.
  20. Well, I mean, Tigatron himself is an oversized knockoff of Cheetor...
  21. I think you may be on to something there---Takara's does have odd-looking feet...
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