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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. Yeah, Gamlin gets big points by not being "genetically/plot-blessed to be vastly superior"---he works really hard at it. Hikaru and Alto etc seem to just "hop into their first fighter jet and are automatically the best in the world at it".
  2. I see the 1/100 kit as an "idealized/sleekened for fighter mode" version, much like the Hasegawa YF-19. There wasn't much time between announcements, the DX could actually have been designed first. Making a non-transforming small vehicle kit sample is practically a weekend project for a company like Bandai.
  3. Boy, I'm almost wondering if Bandai took the DX VF-25, "filled in all the gaps and mistakes", then asked Kawamori if he'd approve it as a new design...
  4. It wouldn't be that different from the Reno races, where the P-51 and F4U are still popular.
  5. While I sure liked it (I still like saber battles more than anything) I'm sure Graham will not like the lack of actual clones.
  6. Luckily for Isamu and Alto, enemy valks DO always seem to position themselves behind and above, to be shot at by the rear-facing head-laser.
  7. There's big F-35B news/cancellations/Super Hornets ordered to cover the gap, but every story I read is a different version. Anyone have an actual raw press release or something, and not some reporter's interpretation? The F-35B doesn't affect the Navy...
  8. Yup, that's all you need to know right there.
  9. Oooh, sneaky sneaky--those who've spent a lot more time analyzing the pics than me, say there's two J-20's, both numbered 2001 to confuse us. If you go panel-by-panel near the engines you can apparently tell them apart, and the two prototypes have different engines.
  10. Liara's the only character guaranteed to have survived ME1. Also why the odds are good she'll be around in ME3, too. She's the only romanceable character that can't be plot-killed. (so far)
  11. And some people like me, just seem to have a defective back plate that screws everything up. It won't fit together right WITH THE LEGS ENTIRELY REMOVED. Removing the belly plate too---still won't lay flat/flush. Obviously it's the back plate's problem, not the legs or belly. I can sometimes get the belly plates to close but never securely, and the back plate never has, and never will, lay flush with the rest of the upper fuselage.
  12. I don't recall ever seeing anyone here actually build the Beta version. Several built Brera's though. People started getting and building theirs here: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=29566&st=1300 Easy to miss link in that thread, step-by-step build guide: http://auf-ewig.com/h-log/0911/091120.html (and just keep clicking the link at the end of the text to get to the next section)
  13. I think we just saw the creation of MW's official holiday. A shame we have to wait nearly a full 12 months to celebrate it... Note to self: time to change avatar.
  14. I thought that too---that it's mounted quite high up. But everything else just screams eye-sensor-visor---color, shape, etc. (yeesh, now you and I are posting back and forth on two different threads!)
  15. Only good shot we have of the rear so far, looks like a visor to me, I mean it's even "valk-visor-green":
  16. ::edit:: OK, duh on me, you can see the green visor in the color pics of the 1/100 model... Guess we don't need to speculate on "if" it does have a visible visor nor which way the head faces. Unless of course, it has a false visor on the back of its head to confuse people, like a false canopy or an anti-tiger mask...
  17. Just realized something while posting in the DX thread with the larger scan---look at the back of the head. Look at the nose sensors. Same color--likely indicating same type of plastic/transparency etc. Thus--a visible visor in fighter mode? That's pretty unique. (yes, you can see a VF-1's visor too---but they don't even try to hide the head---every valk since has a totally "hidden" the head asides from the lasers/antennas---this would be the first one to have a visible visor with a "hidden" head) Or even if there is no "color coding" between parts on the CAD and it's fairly random---that's a very visor-esque shape regardless, and I still think it indicates a visible visor. ::edit:: OK, duh, you can see the green visor in the color pics of the 1/100 model...
  18. The heads work different on different -25's. For a VF-25F (Alto) the head faces back in fighter mode. But in the VF-25S (Ozma) the head faces forward. This difference in transformation is often missed/forgotten. (and it lead to the chest-plate-gap-issue in the DX model, as only the 1/72 kit molded new parts for Ozma's, the DX used Alto's parts for both and that doesn't work well) BUT--look at the colors used for the parts in the CAD. The rear of the head looks like it could be a visor--and it's colored in the same shade as the nose sensors, so maybe that indicates they're both molded from tinted clear parts? Thus, a backwards-facing head in fighter mode. With a visible visor? That'd be a first for Macross I think. (as in, an otherwise well-integrated/hidden head with a visible visor peeking out, as opposed to a VF-1S where the whole head just dangles below the plane)
  19. New eps start tomorrow. But, can it possibly compare to the awesomeness that was the earlier Clone Wars eps?
  20. I do like how this thread has actually stayed true to the "fave" pilot, and not "best" pilot. The fact that Guld has no votes is proof of that---he's damn good, I think we all agree on that--but he's just got too many "negatives" to really be anyone's fave, character-wise.
  21. Soft vinyl Milia however... (or Grace, cough cough)
  22. Sorry, just bumping as it'd fallen past the default forum view-filter date.
  23. Reminding people that this is a "notices" thread, not a discussion thread.
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