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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. Yeesh, I saw that pic and wondered "who's the new girl?" then realized it was Alto...
  2. Like ONCE I saw a simple cut-joint hip on a female figure that worked. Legs moved up with little to no splay. Looked good in most positions. Was a Resident Evil figure actually. Always wondered why no one else ever seemed able to do it.
  3. Just IMHO, but ball-joint hips have ruined the sculpt of every female action figure that ever had them. Ball-joints work great for a buff guy's shoulders. Not everywhere.
  4. The makeup design of new Cheetara really doesn't translate well to the figure. I get more of a blood-enraged-vampire-zombie vibe from the figure.
  5. That's the opposite of the situation in the US. Nowadays, any phone which has even the most minimal, useless, pointless HTML capabilities that no one in their right mind would actually try to compose an email on, much less surf the web with---is considered a "smart" phone and requires an additional data plan, just to be able to use/buy the phone. There's several new phones I'd like to get WITHOUT the data plan----mainly just to get a better QWERTY board and a better camera. But "non-smart with QWERTY" pretty much doesn't exist any more. I mean, they do, but you can't buy them like that. So I still use my old, old phone. A year after I got it, my phone "became" a smart phone, and new customers had to get data plans. And trust me, you can not use it for any sort of internet/email purposes unless you are an utter sadist. Its successor, and its successor's successor, have no more capability than mine---but require a data plan only slightly less expensive than the top-of-the-line super-smart phones, even though they cannot truly use it.
  6. 1/100 is a common mecha scale though. But again--in fighter mode, it's not very mecha-ish shaped nor sized.
  7. Oh come on, don't tease me like that! Are they for gust-alleviation, asymmetric-drag-yaw-control, or what? Please don't tell me they're a fancy lap-counter...
  8. Oh, Snarf is coming. But his design is supposed to be uber-ultra-secret. No one has even a hint AFAIK. But he's still the comic relief character. If he was totally gone, that'd have been great.
  9. There's a difference between complex and finicky. There are many small TFs with few parts that are very finicky---often shell-formers. You have to line up everything at once just right or it doesn't lock together at all. And "that one section" can only spin around into place if part A is exactly 33 degrees out and part B is 78 degrees up and 14 degrees back. Finicky, but not very complex. There are also big TFs with many parts and steps that aren't very hard or finicky, because everything clicks into place nicely, and you can do it in pretty much any order you want. Complex, but not finicky.
  10. Yes, but it's caused errors before when people improperly convert from lbs thrust to a metric equivalent. They often try to "do too much" or something. A common issue is the fact that 9.8 is close to 10, and people kind of cancel-out a decimal point or something.
  11. It looked like a banana in the prototype pics. Anything changed? That's my main complaint with the mold----car mode isn't the "sloped wedge" G1 at all.
  12. IIRC, yes. All jet engines are assumed to be at mean sea level, at mean barometric pressure, at 1.0G when calculating thrust ratings. "Pounds" already assume 1G, kilograms do not. (and though the effect is ever so slight, being at sea level does tie in to gravity----the top of Mt Everest is like .98G or something, and a deep deep deep cave could be like 1.01)
  13. Nope, she flies the ACTIVE. Want me to alter the votes to correct it?
  14. The problem stems from the fact that many jet engines are rated in "pounds thrust". But you can't simply divide by 2.2 and get "kilograms thrust". It's an incorrect term. But a lot of places do anyways and write it like that. Kilograms and kilograms-force are not the same. But lbs and lbs-force are. Weird, huh? Have fun: http://www.sengpielaudio.com/ConvForce.htm
  15. Most pics you find of missiles are dummies etc. Pics of the back end of live missiles are fairly rare. As the RMS-1 is a big long-range missile, a Sidewinder's not a very good reference IMHO. Here's the back end of an AGM-65 Maverick. (which is also actually quite short range, but at least a lot bigger with a big warhead) Overall, ceramic white or terra-cotta seem to be popular colors on missiles for the actual rocket exhaust. Are the RMS-1's actually rocket-powered though? They're big enough that they could actually have a jet engine like a cruise missile. Here's a nice set of Harpoon pics, and it has basically a simple black cap at the end though: http://www.primeportal.net/hangar/bill_spidle2/agm-84h-1/index.php
  16. Re: Thread consolidation. Or not. We're still working on the details. I'll ask here---do you guys want to consolidate the console threads? When multi-platform games come out, it's very hard to keep track across multiple threads. FF13 I think was the worst case, where long discussions popped up on like 4 threads simultaneously. But many threads (various portables etc) can go many months without posting, which IMHO means they don't really need/deserve their own thread. But mixing EVERYTHING together isn't good either of course. Perhaps a dedicated 360 thread, PS3 thread, and "everything else" thread? But again----the most likely multi-system games are going to be on the PS3 and 360, which brings us back to the original problem of no one knowing where the "main" discussion is.
  17. Has anyone actually mentioned that the Sv-51 *looks* cooler? That's always worth big points, like YF-22 vs YF-23.
  18. I think though we should re-instate Tron guy in honor of the new movie.
  19. Announcement: We're consolidating all video game console discussion into the "All pupose" video game thread. This thread will likely be closed soon, so please "transfer" discussions when you can. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=32887
  20. It's sad how similar girly-Alto and off-model Grace can look... (hair color doesn't help either). Of course, in flightsuits, it's very obvious.
  21. I figured the VF-9 Cutlass was named after the F7U Cutlass. Kawamori seemed to definitely be homaging fighters of that era then. VF-3000 Crusader after the F8U Crusader, etc.
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