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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. I've only seen about half of them (and I have to search them out at local rental places) but went with Spirited Away---almost clicked on Laputa, but Laputa is more of an "overall feeling" of liking it, while Spirited Away I vividly remember many specific scenes and moments, so it certainly left a greater impression. Howl's Moving Castle is my most recently-seen one. (I think Mononoke was the first).
  2. Interesting---new Legos. With a new Asajj figure. And she's wearing the outfit she had in the previous animated Clone Wars series. (I don't think "outfit changes" count as a spoiler) http://www.eurobricks.com/forum/uploads//1296693960/gallery_2351_21_359021.jpg
  3. Ok, did I miss something, or was the reason for the multi-segment Sv-52 ailerons never actually posted?
  4. Correct, but it no longer looks like the pic in the article. The change isn't as big as when it went from Future to Pledge w/Future though.
  5. No, it's not a typo, it's the reason I posted. THAT is how long "reputable sources" have been talking about how ZOE 3 is coming. Nothing ever comes of it. (actually, with a 2007 ETA, the article is likely from 2006) Somewhere I think there's a 2008 interview about ZOE 3...
  6. On a Super Hornet---I'd vote yes for a wing-mounted tank due to being on sideways. Maybe not so much a belly tank. I know the general rule is that 10% of any added fuel is burned just to carry the increased weight and thus "doesn't count" for range. But that's irrespective of drag.
  7. NOBODY commented about the new Super Duper Hornet? http://www.youtube.c...d&v=lE3h8yImm4U Interesting note--the CFT's combined tankage is very close but slightly less than 1 standard Shornet drop tank. But, being zero net drag, would probably actually improve range more than a drop tank would. The Demon is famous for its drop tanks having so much drag that using them could DECREASE range. I am curious if it affects high-alpha performance, covering part of the LEX like that. But, the edges are clear, and that's the critical part.
  8. *Future* floor polish. Nothing else. It's very different from all others. See here: http://www.swannysmodels.com/TheCompleteFuture.html Note that I think they very recently changed the bottle's look again.
  9. AFAIK, Cali is about the only state that actually enforces the "loud car" (whether it's exhaust or stereo) law.
  10. I wonder if 2012 means a new OVA or something, starring Anubis? (If there was a game coming, I think we'd have heard about it by now)
  11. Vic Viper? Pointless. Neith is FAR more important. ArdJet is a bit more important. And Idolo is cooler than all of them.
  12. Can't hot-link, so here's the link to a comic regarding MP Transformers, and Rodimus in particular: http://i.toynewsi.co...d/sp-tni229.jpg :;edit;; Yeesh, can't link-link either. So cut-n-paste.
  13. Personally, I would make the landing light in the nose gear door flush, not recessed. All real planes would have it flush and I think some VF-1 drawings/models depict it so. I think Yamato just molds it like that because they don't want to go to the trouble of making it actually look like a lens+reflector. Also, the rear tires have an odd profile to me. Should be taller and skinnier. And more rounded in cross-section.
  14. So did they attach the piece over the screw with pins or something? Un-pinning something on a MP toy to access a screw is probably more likely to cause damage than the screw itself...
  15. Posts deleted. I said move on, not move on and make one last rant/slam against the other guy...
  16. In a similar vein, any sort of hook/hangar that's supposed to work in drywall. They don't. I use ones rated for like 5x as much weight as they say, and several of them, just to feel "safe" that it won't fall down---because I assume at least half of them will twist out over time.
  17. Ok, I'm not even going to try to wade through the last couple posts. Could we move on past US vs JP cell phones please?
  18. Wow, having a rotating part rotate about the threaded part of a screw? That's guaranteed failure if not done right. Maybe not always the first few times, but that pretty much ensures that it WILL cut itself apart after enough movements. It's about at the 7 minute mark if you want to skip ahead. I'm thinking that it may be a torque/friction issue. If something is too tight, then instead of rotating with the screw, it'll rotate independently--thus cutting. I think loosening the screw may be enough. (I don't have one and can't really analyze it). It actually seems very similar to the VF-1 shoulder issue where the rotating part is so tight it doesn't rotate like it should, and instead forces the part that's supposed to be fixed to move around it. (which again, was not truly ever about the knurling, but the friction in the center part of the hinge---removing the knurling cured the symptoms, but didn't change the actual cause/flaw). So, to everyone who has a Rodimus coming---loosen that screw before you ever transform it, if possible. :;edit:: Eeek, another break. 17 min mark.
  19. Apparently it should have been called the "Long-winded posts about cellphone differences between nations" thread...
  20. LOOSENING the screw nearest the gear bay often works.
  21. It was mentioned/calculated that there is an aspect of randomness. Even with "the most perfectly assigned utterly loyal" team, someone may die.
  22. Nah, the worst thing is spending an entire ep saying "Am I as good as Prime? No, I'm not, I'll just go and mope around some more."
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