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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. No virus program gets them all. You can pick from many that each cover a different 98% of the spectrum. IMHO. Lately I see more and more stuff coming from infected ads/jpgs, so even the most trustworthy site/forum can infect you now.
  2. Hey, *real* US F-15's have blunted mass balances compared to the Japanese ones... (at least on one fin)
  3. DX toy=red. All other illustrations, models, etc=pink. Just IMHO.
  4. After researching/experimenting, I think every bluescreen my PC's ever had has been because of a bad driver update. Usually Nvidia's...
  5. While I don't own one (waiting for the US version) I have been reading all the fixes for it---and I think the idea of filing down the end of the spring may be quicker/better than messing with the post itself. It seems the end of the spring is sharp and catches the plastic easily (springs tend to have sharp edges, fact of life)--file it smooth and then it doesn't need to spin about the post, it'll just slip by.
  6. Huh. A "real" F-35A: http://www.airliners...d0991e4aa8e329e As in, front-line non-prototype. Assigned to the 58FS. The 58FS I believe has more kills than any other active USAF squadron mainly due to Desert Storm. They are the best/most-famous F-15C squadron not to get the F-22.
  7. I still wonder about the thoughts behind using bad CGI Apache helicopters flying over a generic desert for 10 secs, when there's tons of stock footage of the real thing available for cheap/free. Kind of like using bad CG for clouds or grass or anything else that can be filmed "in perfect real life" any day of the week...
  8. If anyone posts spoilers without hiding them with full-on spoiler tags, expect insta-ban. {spoiler} {/spoiler} Just use the normal brackets, not squiggly brackets.
  9. I pre-ordered DA 2 because of the many bonuses for doing so. Just bought DA Awakenings half-off at Newegg (it came and went so fast in stores I never had a chance to pick it up). Plan to get demo tonight. :edit: Whoops, this is the PS thread. All my DA stuff is on my 360.
  10. I like the cover, but I don't see how this could NOT turn political. Sorry.
  11. I mixed in flattener with mine, as I was coating over the not-so-glossy painted sections.
  12. MG Epyon? Bought. MG Tallgeese? Bought. (my 1/100 Tallgeese is the only Wing kit I still have, asides from my PG Zero)
  13. Yeah, pasting new nacelles on top of the legs to fill in the gaps is the cheap and lazy way to "fix" the DX VF-25, rather than actually making the legs fit right in fighter mode...
  14. I've don't recall hearing about that--is there a pic anywhere out there of it?
  15. You ask that 8 years after the thread was started?
  16. Yup, they're in amazing condition: http://www.airplane-pictures.net/image123028.html
  17. Re: previous 3 posts. WTF people, massive spoilers there. I had intentionally NOT looked at the trophy list because they said there's some big spoilers in there--but they're even bigger than I imagined.
  18. Haven't seen good pics of Libyan Mirages in years. It helps when they defect:
  19. Meh, it's an H-tank, not a tank. IMHO. I want 2 big treads that are integral to the body. Not 4 mini-treads plugged into the sides.
  20. I still have that poster on my wall.
  21. IMHO it fell into the same trap as most SW stuff---more homage than original thought. It followed too many things too closely. They weren't homages, they were flat-out copies.
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