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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. I'd buy the Bandai 1/72 white Draken kit, but they added extensive idol decals, which raised the price, and made it limited, which raised the price even more. Thing goes for a ton of money nowadays.
  2. Yup, still waiting. I'd take either Roid's or Mirage's. (Prefer Roid's, I do like the Anubis-style head a lot) (plus it wouldn't need a remold like Mirage's would---if they won't even do a pure color-swap like Roid's, I have little faith of ever seeing the others)
  3. I swear, the cooler a valk Bandai makes, the less likely they are to do the obvious repaints...
  4. My complaint (for years!) has been how many figures seem to actively try to make it impossible to put a decent-looking faction sticker on. They usually do one of two things: A. Have the shoulders and chest (the prime location for insignias) absolutely covered with 3D details---lumps and bumps, or chasms and grooves, that make it pretty much impossible to apply a sticker----they leave no "smooth, or mostly smooth" areas where you'd want to put a stick. B. They do leave a molded-in smooth area, clearly intended for an insignia sticker---but get all the angles/proportions wrong, so that only a teeny-tiny one, half of the "intended" size, actually fits. You end up having to put a micro-master-sized logo on a leader-class figure. And it still looks weird, because there's an oddly-shaped gap/border between the sticker, and the area it's sitting in. (this seems to affect 'cons more than 'bots----it's like nobody can actually get the jawline-angle right for the 'con symbol, way too narrow at the bottom usually, so you have to put a much smaller sticker on, for the "mouth" to fit) TLDR: Don't "mold-in" a dedicated area for a sticker. It NEVER works. But also, don't mold in a ton of detail in the 2 places 90% of TF's have their insignias (chest, shoulders). Please leave at least a decent-sized area, in one of those two places, "fairly smooth/blank". Smooth enough to allow a sticker, but not so utterly barren that it looks odd compared to other, more detailed areas of the figure. (really, just having thin panel lines and small depressed rivets will do wonders, vs chasms and cylinders)
  5. Nobody ever made an Idolo anything AFAIK, and that's my fave.
  6. I'd REALLY like Skar, as it's perfect and I'm a huge Doubledealer fan and am definitely getting the new Leader, but Knok just doesn't remind me of the original much, and $20 for basically one cassette is too much. (I don't own any Soundwave/Blaster mold that could use any tapes)
  7. Anyone else starting to get peeling paint on the feet? My Alto has been sitting in fighter mode for the past year, and I just picked it up to transform and remove the super pack---and noticed one of the feet looked "dirty/smudged"----tried to rub it off----and it was peeling paint! Flaked off into the ether in front of my eyes. Now I have to try to match that insane golden-olive-brown-bronze color for touch up.
  8. I want a 3P God Fire Convoy/Magnus/Omega Prime set so badly. They were the most-fun figures in many, many years. And still the best Magnus alt-mode ever. (the current Siege homage to it is vastly inferior)
  9. More like "Vader, the blue series". That so doesn't mesh with the previous "aesthetic" of the carbonized series. Shouldn't he basically be the same color as the carbonized Second Sister?
  10. Yeah, you can really tell all the subtle little "extra" things that mo-capping Ray Park gives to Maul's fighting style. It's relatively easy to "look fairly Maul-ish" when animating something. But to capture all the nuances really needs "the man himself".
  11. The lack of pics/leaks for the Lambo is surprising, considering how close it is to release date. If it's green--definitely pass. Orange/yellow--pass. Blue--maybe. Red/purple/white--definitely.
  12. Hmmmn. That new Cobi catalog seems to show revised versions of some sets---printed instead of stickers, coming this summer. That makes the "new" Bismarck very tempting. (I feel they'll never revise the Tirpitz, it'd require an insane amount of printing----though if they just did a non-camo version...)
  13. Yup, trainer Harrier, TAV-8B specifically. And if you think THAT looks weird, it's nothing compared to the Harrier 1 trainers: You almost get the impression Hawker-Siddeley was just messing with people, daring them to "question their methods"... And then they're like "let's see if Spain will still buy it, with this goofy tailfin..."
  14. I have yet to buy anything from Cobi, but their ship kits (and tanks) have me SOOOOOOO tempted. The quality appears to be quite good from what I can tell. (I think their Tirpitz suffers immensely due to the MASSIVE stickers it has though, half the hull is covered in unprinted clear sticker material, their Bismarck is similar but less so). But they have two different Iowa-class sets, with minimal stickers, that looks even nicer than their Bismarck-class sets. A bit less stickers, and more printing, would help.
  15. Slightly OT, but does anyone have a recent DHL shipping cost to the US for a 1/60 DX valk from Mandarake? (since that's the only option right now)
  16. I already have Perfect Effect's, but I am so tempted by that one. The dragon mode blows away all the others, by simple fact that it can actually get down on all fours well. (I have PE's in Cryotek blue, so I might buy this one in red)
  17. Shatter's wings are very much inside-out in robot mode---you can see the underside hardpoints, etc: And red on the "inside", which are the top of the wings: (based on these, Shatter has 4 insignias in jet mode---one on each side of nose, top of right wing*, and underside of left wing) *that doesn't jive with the reference pic above, but on-screen canon trumps all
  18. Needs a lot more red---most of the tops of the wings should be red, tailfin mostly black: And of course, none of it is gunmetal-silver-grey. (it's not a screencap, but this is the final scheme they went with---even freeze-framing the movie doesn't help THAT much, but it's enough to tell that what actually shows up in the movie, is definitely this version, and not any others floating around out there) PS----does the toy completely lack Decepticon logos?
  19. I'd love an 07 Prime that's actually painted right in truck mode, but at this point I fear it'll never happen. They all clearly just copy previous toys, and don't seem to have ever actually looked at the real thing. "It ain't yellow!" (and even if it was, the front of the fenders are BLUE) (plus the area ahead of the steps/below the air cleaner/behind the fenders is never right, no matter how many variations they try) Seriously, people need to stop painting the fenders bright yellow up front. They're BLUE. And the truck's lightest paint never gets beyond "sunset orange"---definitely not the "lemon yellow" we see most of the time.
  20. One of my fave reviewers just did a review: Gotta admit I'm tempted, even with the DYRL-style armor. I sold off my last (non-PF) Milia almost immediately after I got it, and there's STILL no 1/48 version announced at all, and the actual PF is ridiculously priced. (plus, I think it's very slightly pink-white, and not white-white?) Plus, these have the modex numbers done properly---which I currently have very little faith that a Bandai 1/48 would get right, at this point...
  21. I plan to skip RE3R. Loved RE2, loved the remake. Never got into, never finished RE3. Tried several times, but it simply never "clicked". So don't think I'd like the new one much more.
  22. So we're getting a Mandalorian, and also THE Mandalorian...
  23. Bismarck is tempting, but for that kind of money, it'd have the be the Tirpitz in full dazzle-camo, or an Iowa...
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