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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. Or a simpler way---look at how many fighter jets have their intakes on the sides of the fuselage. An F-4 Phantom is a good example. One side of the intake is permanently "blocked" by the fuselage.
  2. Planes alter pitch far more often than they yaw, and to a much greater degree. Even a steeply banked turn is mostly a pitch-alteration, airflow-wise. On the sides is much better than on top or bottom. 20+ alpha is far, far more common than 20+ beta.
  3. Yes, I believe I saw your build, which is why I tried mixing up some using Citadel's purple wash on your suggestion---and I learned that their purple wash isn't the same as their purple ink, and the ink is no longer available. And food color had about the worst result of all, trying to make purple. Red/orange/yellow/green work fine as food color+future, but not red+blue.
  4. I only had like one Maxell Gold tape. I had to "waste" it on something trivial though as it was the only tape I had at the moment and had to use it. Rant: Any VCR can playback in LP (4hr) mode, but few can record in it. Always annoyed me---my final(current) VCR has superior EP recording to any other, but it cannot record LP. At least 2hr 40min SP tapes became common eventually.
  5. Any more stuff that can be gotten/translated from her profile? ::edit:: Ok, I just checked Sketchley's work again, seems more was added since last I checked--there was only the YF-27 when I looked before, now Maris' profile is up too.
  6. Hmmn. I was thinking--one of Grace's "multiple personalities that make up her internal consciousness" sounds like a younger girl IIRC---wonder if that's Maris somehow? Maybe Maris is part of Grace, split off or something? Or Grace controls Maris directly, even more so than she did with Brera?
  7. I watched the first 4 or 6 eps of 00 back when it was new, but it just didn't grab me. I liked Exia itself, but really didn't like any of the pilots. Do not like 00 (the Gundam itself) nor its Raiser pack. But 00 Quanta---very intrigued. Bandai just announced the movie's coming to the US in July. Does it stand alone at all, or do I have to watch the series to "get" it? Honestly, I really like most of the mecha designs and fight scenes of 00 from what I've seen (and the animation's gorgeous compared to other series just due to HD/newness), just not any of the Gundam pilots or their support characters. The "bad guys" seem much more interesting but not nearly focused on enough. Really, I think I didn't even finish the last ep of 00 that I started. Ironically, based on the overall plot summary/concept of "Celestial Being" I should have *loved* the show---but I didn't even really like it enough to keep watching. "Preventing war by eliminating those who start them"---very intrigued by concept of a Gundam-enforced version of that theory. I think by Episode 2 they'd already started getting off-track or something. Plus being able to snipe across planetary distances, and the fact that 00 can apparently teleport at the end of the series stretches my belief in a "real robot" series. In short--does it get better/pick up? Is it worth watching the series just to get the backstory on some later battles/the movie? (I've watched a fair number of clips of just battle scenes on Youtube at this point---fond of the Thrones) I'd love to watch the 00 "special edition" abridged series as it sounds just like what I want, but it seems to be only available with Engrish subs or something.
  8. IMHO "the hackers who want to homebrew" and this incident are almost completely separate. My guess is that as soon as it become known that it could be hacked and how, one of the criminal groups that commonly steals credit card info etc immediately went after PSN, as a source "ripe for the picking". They have no interest in the console or Sony or PSN itself, they just saw a really good way to get MILLIONS of account numbers/info.
  9. Either way, Gunze's clears obviously behave/mix differently than Tamiya's, Testors', Vallejo's, etc.
  10. Though really, if you want wings back and gear down, you should go for the overswept (75 degrees) position which the toy can't do, not the "fully back in flight" (68 degrees) position.
  11. Yup, the new WWII guys can definitely form PCC limbs:
  12. A bit OT, but to me that's all the Nintendo 3DS is. I don't get a sense of "3D" from it---it mainly makes the background blurry. (I go for the 2D version of a movie whenever possible) Heck, a lot of people can get that effect for free---just take off your glasses.
  13. I have never seen/heard of clear purple paint. Gunze makes it? Is it Mr Color or Mr Hobby?
  14. Oh, I had that (and its brother) in mind, but figured it'd be too hard. There's *2* neat Slovakian digi-camo Fulcrum schemes out there. That's the harder/neater of the two--I think having "colored" digi-camo (the bright tailfins) is unprecedented. If you want to build it, here ya go: http://s362974870.onlinehome.us/forums/air/index.php?showtopic=209823 Also, there's decals for it--1/48, but may be easily adaptable to a 1/60 valk, especially as you could pretty much just apply them randomly and get a similar pattern: http://zabza.info/mdl_res/MiG-29/scale/kp_91060.html 1/72 as well, in the slightly earlier low-vis fins version: http://www.hobbyshop.cz/shop/1-72-decals/5363-mig-29as-slovak-digital-0921-1-72-decal.html Here's the earlier scheme which I think would be a good bit easier to mask: Complete marking patterns: -2007dec.jpg"]Link
  15. Clear red is usually orange-red. That's why it doesn't work with blue well. Orange+blue=brown.
  16. HWR--sorry, but I must ask--have you personally tried making transparent *purple*? All the standard methods for "colored clear" don't work for purple. Future? Food coloring? Mixing red and blue? Nope. Purple is a different beast. Red/blue/green/yellow are no problem. But clear PURPLE? Many many posts here at MW trying to find a good solution to the problem of Alto's canopy. I honestly think I spent more money on various purple "things" than the kit itself cost. If it's a purple paint/dye/ink/tint sold in the USA, I bought it and tried mixing it with various things for that canopy.
  17. I wonder--how could they tell? It's not as if the stolen credit cards would be used only for Sony or game-related things. Also--at least a few reports at various game sites of fraud or suspected fraud. (of course, could just be coincidence)
  18. 'Tis the same plane. You can probably figure out the entire scheme with this: http://www.airliners.net/search/photo.search?regsearch=154%20white&distinct_entry=true Just found a blue Flanker you might like: http://www.richard-seaman.com/Wallpaper/Aircraft/Fighters/Russian/Su30MkClimbing.jpg
  19. Most of the neat Fulcrums are more greenish than bluish: http://www.airliners.net/photo/Russia---Air/Mikoyan-Gurevich-MiG-29M-2/0925769/M/ http://www.airliners.net/photo/Russia---Air/Mikoyan-Gurevich-MiG-29M-2/0907883/M/ http://www.airliners.net/photo/Peru---Air/Mikoyan-Gurevich-MiG-29S-(9-13S)/0882432/M/ http://www.airliners.net/photo/Peru---Air/Mikoyan-Gurevich-MiG-29S-(9-13S)/0891284/M/
  20. IIRC they stopped making "ink" a few years ago, and all you can find now is the "wash" which doesn't work the same.
  21. I still think Ver 4 is the worst version. 1/2/3 are all better. There should be WAY more ver 2 and ver 3 merchandise.
  22. Is there a general consensus on flat-coating the "shiny gunmetal" plastic in newer Gundam kits? My new MG Wing has a ton of it---I am quite fond of the metallic look, and fear that flat-coating it will make it just look "grey". But having dull armor and shiny internals may look weird... Also, I had planned to build up sub-assemblies and then flat-coat, rather than spraying individual armor pieces---but that'll likely leave lots of half-coated frame/joint parts that'll be revealed whenever the pose is altered from the "how it was sprayed" position. But if I want it to look consistent (whether sprayed or not) I think I'll have to pretty much just spray all the armor pieces separately THEN assemble.
  23. Well, I'm paranoid enough that I just put up a fraud alert on my account.
  24. IMHO you should branch out and try some of the newer Fulcrum schemes.
  25. Not "was down" but "is still down".
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