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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. As of 2 mins ago I finally found a useful font size hack. (99% of "bigger font" methods suck, because they make EVERYTHING bigger--that means blurry pics, icons, buttons, etc---I don't want the whole screen zoomed--JUST text). Will report back once I got it tweaked more. I'll try pinning etc in the future---for now I need my "classic" interface just to be able to make all my visual tweaks/changes first quickly, get all my programs installed, etc. THEN I'll learn the new UI. ::edit:: or not. It changed everything, not just text. I may have to live with it though---even going through the reg hacks and 7 forums makes it seem that changing only fonts size (of ALL fonts, not just the menu/active title bar/icon ones you've been able to select since 95), and not the size of everything, is almost impossible.
  2. Just upgraded to Win 7, a few questions (since every google result is from beta or release day): Window size/position. Not just folders, but programs. They really can't be saved? That's like the most essential thing there is in Windows™---the windows! I've had to resize my browser window like 500 times today... Classic Start Menu--gah, just couldn't deal with clicking clicking clicking. Found a little program to give me XP-style (really more like 98 even) cascading program menus--I hover for a split second, and it expands. For those of use who use LOTS of programs on a weekly basis, having a rapidly-expanding-cascading programs list that you don't have to scroll through is essential. Making everything "must click to expand" is mind-blowingly stupid. (but not as stupid as removing "remember window size and position") Same for "recent documents"---just hover. Don't have to click through everything. Those are the big ones, I'm sure I'll find more. But overall, I kinda feel like I wasted my money. Bought 7 because XP was just plain old now, but I'm spending lots of time modifying 7 just to make it half-assed usable. Like the programs list. And it's going to take forever to get text/fonts right. The dpi setting now changes EVERYTHING, not just fonts. 125% fonts are good, 125% pics and buttons when browsing the web are not. Oh, one more thing---since Win 7 (or is it IE9?) likes to scan/judge/evaluate everything you download from the web---can it be disabled? I mean, that's what I have an anti-virus program for---and they don't pop-up a box for everything. (and the fact that you have to do a drop-menu selection and "save as" to save something anywhere but the default location is annoying)---it used to simply ask where you wanted it----I don't know about other people, but I don't put everything and anything in one huge "downloads" folder---I tend to send it where I plan to keep it)
  3. I too may cave on Epyon---it does seem better from the prototype. I just hope they don't announce TV Epyon 6 months later, reusing the entire internal frame etc. All those white markings remind me of a Zoid. (They look pretty good, but I'd probably only put on half of them or so---and only dry-transfer)
  4. I'm going to say this now: DON'T paint the area under the airbrakes white. I'd bet a lot of money that everybody at Hasegawa has only said/done so because of the zillion incorrect model kits in the world of real jet fighters. They were probably trying to be "realistic" and copy the infamous "white airbrake housings" of the F-15 and F-18. Just like most any reference source you find on those jets do. Except that, that's wrong. Real F-15's and F-18's use the same color for the airbrake interiors and housings as the surrounding camoflage. Not white. (the Tornado is often cited as a counter-example, but it too actually uses grey--a pale grey to be sure, that contrasts with the camo---but it's not white)
  5. I've been saying that the YF-19 should do that too for years. (It's fairly apparent in the line-art, it's part of the basic transformation for the entire -19 family--it's just more obvious with the later versions due to the extended LERX)
  6. :gasp: An enemy ace that flies a Super Flanker?!?! Man, how new/exciting for the Ace Combat series... PS--seriously, those are some CLOSE range missile launches...
  7. Milia's short-lived -17 does have yellow stripes. Always thought it'd look MUCH better with white...
  8. You forgot the massive "no ground targets super-dogfight mission" at the mid-way point. And the elite squadron confrontation just before the end.
  9. I think it's more proper to write it as "Flanker-D". With a hyphen.
  10. IMHO there will never be a really good Ultra Magnus unless it is designed from scratch to be UM, and only UM. Using Prime as a base brings in far too many limitations. (and makes the figure hideously more expensive and complex than it needs to be---nobody wants/like un-armored UM---make the figure like in the G1 animation---a car carrier, and a huge armored bot---no more, no less). Sure, it'd probably require the cab to be out-of-scale with Prime. But the figure as a whole would be SO much better for it. The cab would basically be a minimally-transformable truck cab with a giant UM head inside taking up the whole interior---really, that's all the cab did in the G1 figure--support the head.
  11. I think of it as a "deserving" thing. If a major character has never had a very good figure---they deserve it more than an equally-famous character that HAS had a pretty good figure (even if it was as far back as G1). I can think of no other character that has such an extreme dichotomy between their fame and their figures to date, as Galvatron.
  12. I believe that was the most-expected and one of the most-desired characters for MP-10. Goes with Rodimus, certainly famous enough to stand alone, has had very few iterations overall, and had an awful G1 toy. Soundwave pops up a lot, but you gotta admit---much like Grimlock, he was already nearly perfect and an MP version would simply be a bigger and more articulated G1.
  13. I think I would have realized by now if I couldn't see in 3D. Everything else has always seemed to work fine--red/blue, polarized, "Magic Eye", whatever Disney does at "Philharmagic," etc. But the 3DS---yeah, it's 3D, sorta, but more by shifting your focus than anything else really, versus altering depth. On a related note, I think I'm exceptionally good at "Magic Eye". The fad has pretty much gone away, but when it was "the in thing" I could see them all, quickly. I still love this gif:
  14. Truck mode is better, but not WAY better. IMHO the front half is better, the back half is worse. Not nearly enough improvement in vehicle mode accuracy to warrant purchase. Still lacks side windows and proper doors, etc.
  15. Googling killzone and freezing brings up numerous reports. I think the program itself is poorly written or something---many issues with the game not working right. It's not the disc, it's not the PS3.
  16. Even old cinema film from the 30's can be 4000p or higher, far beyond current 1080p. A lot of it depends on preservation--if it's a minor film that literally sat in a closet for 30 years and was produced on cheap film to begin with---it may be hard to ever get quality out of it as it's physically degraded over time (actual film never really stops developing, or something like that--you can never wash out ALL the chemicals). But any "first class" film properly cared for that was produced with 35mm Technicolor or something----it should still retain "beyond HD" clarity even today. And of course, if the original camera itself was cheap or they simply upscaled a DVD and sold it as Blu-Ray--you just won't get quality. But an "old classic" that is re-scanned from the master, should be FAR beyond a DVD's clarity. The biggest issue of "old stuff in HD" is with syndicated TV shows---many were basically produced on little better than VHS, and there is no higher-quality master. You'll never get HD from tape.
  17. Canards! (also, a good illustration of why the Gripen has a short landing run--massive airbrakes)
  18. I have issues with a "Space Paveway", especially in retaining the "GBU" designation. No gravity=no dumb bombs, basically. If you add a rocket motor etc to a Paveway, it would be an AGM or even AAM. (Macross doesn't really seem to differentiate between air and space for weaponry, so there would be no space-specific designation I presume)
  19. I like Nvidia less and less all the time. My next graphics card will almost certainly be ATI. I think the only blue screens this PC has ever gotten have been traced to bad Nvidia drivers etc. Their hardware seems good, I just don't think their software is up to snuff.
  20. Not very good. "It's a modified Blackhawk". That's the story and they'll stick to it. Wouldn't matter if it's 99% new and only uses the original tires.
  21. Thank you for the suggestion, I will order their purple the next time I order from Lucky Model.
  22. Hey, didn't "massive patch version 2" just get released? I'm waiting for patch #3 myself before starting it again...
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