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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. Re: visible projection. I suspect it's more like a blade or something stored on the back, rather than something on the neck/face. With Exia etc, Bandai seems to like "metal blades" almost more than beam sabers now...
  2. Gotta say---ZOE 1 and 2 remake is pointless when we've been asking for ZOE 3 forever. (and if they're re-releasing 1 and 2 to drum up enthusiasm for an upcoming 3---that just reiterates how long it's been, it's way over-due) MGS 2 and 3 are fine--since we already have 4.
  3. So prophetic--they were just hacked again, with another million emails/passwords/birthdays/addresses posted in plain text. http://money.cnn.com/2011/06/02/technology/sony_lulz_hack/index.htm?source=cnn_bin&hpt=hp_bn3
  4. I use absolutely nothing in the interior beyond basic soap and water to clean up mud splatters. But the biggest part of that is to never let it get dirty in the first place. NOBODY eats ANYTHING in my car. Period. I also do not transport young children, dogs, mohair sweaters, etc in it.
  5. Mostly Meguiar's Nxt having tried most of the other "non-premium but new" stuff. Especially their car wash/shampoo---it's the ONLY stuff that'll suds up well in our uber-insanely-hard water. I haven't been able to find it for many months, I may be screwed when I run out, as shipping costs are twice what the MSRP is due to weight. And that whole line smells better/less than most. PS---Meguiar's "Deep Crystal" car wash is not it. That stuff is everywhere and more of a deep pink. Nxt car wash is blue-purple and much thicker.
  6. I still really like FF X. Never did replay 12. Will probably replay 13 some day. Loved FF9. (except for the villain--and really, much of the story/plot-- it's more like, I loved 9's design/theme/music/art/style)
  7. Ok, same issue with Twitgoo. Really stymied now. Completely disabling anti-virus, adding to trusted sites, and viewing in comptability mode---does nothing. There's just something about "sites with pics that use short urls" or something. ::edit:: may have solved it---I think my ethernet card didn't like the driver that win7 installed. I went and got an old driver from the manufacturer's site and it those sites seem to be working now.
  8. Oooh. Though sailing ships have such complex rigging it's one of the few types of models I've never attempted. Also--plastic sails suck. And there's no holes. Surely some enterprising company will come up with aftermarket "ripped" fabric sails.
  9. What, you mean drawing a rare spell 55 times from a boss, then beating it for 0 exp wasn't fun?
  10. A remake of 8 better have an entirely new magic/levelling system...
  11. Basic fact is---he was sculpted to be molded in color, and the details are sculpted to match the animation paint apps. It's like trying to exactly fit a VF-25's paint job on a VF-1. It just won't fit quite right. He has "big black boots" inherently molded as part of the figure---making them G1-toy-colored doesn't really work well. And the finely-sculpted "orange bits" on his forearm--that are no longer orange---just calls even more attention to the loss of paint. Same as sculpting/molding his collar---yet leaving it the same color as the surroundings...
  12. I'm ok with the red boots, but the lack of orange on the forearms really bugs me. I may shell out for the fixed JP re-release. (I do much prefer Hasbro's chest flames though)
  13. Ok, have noticed something odd with Win7/IE9------I can't see anything from tinypic.com. Seems to be consistent, and other people can see those same pics, so I don't think tinypic's acting up or anything. I've even added it to my trusted sites list and I still don't get anything.
  14. I think the general rule is "if it has a gun, it's not a doll".
  15. Saw it tonight--better than the third by far, not sure if better than the second. Not as good as the first of course.
  16. Xard, etc.----we try to eliminate comments/discussion in this thread. It is for news, and only news.
  17. Best tutorial for introducing someone to Windows who's ALMOST a total newbie? As in, they can generally navigate a simple website by clicking around it, but if you want them to open up/find a folder or resize a window, they're totally lost. Don't understand drag-n-drop or cut-n-paste. Rarely remember that right-clicking will bring up a lot of useful options. But they can double-click on an icon on the desktop to open their 2 most-used programs, or will understand if you ask them to click "tools" then "options" then "whatever". If something shows up in "my documents" or a recently-used-documents list they're fine, but if it doesn't, they're fairly lost. Ultimate goal is to let them plug their camera to the PC via a USB camera or insert an SD card, and transfer the pics they want, to the folder they want. (and then be able to find said folder in the future). (sure, Windows can do this semi-automatically, but will only ever put it in "My Documents" or "My Pictures" which is worthless--they really need to learn the basics of windows explorer, and really what a "window" is----a way to see what files are in a folder) (they also need to understand that a shortcut on the desktop is just that--a link to something on the hard drive---not the ACTUAL location of something) And I'd much prefer a sort of interactive/video tutorial. Many are just slides of text. And most of the ones on Youtube suck, as they seem to be running WinXP on a 286 processor that renders only 3 frames per second.
  18. I just saw it yesterday and had forgotten that line--but it may be the best one.
  19. Yeah, amazing how they had them in the exact same place and worked the same way, way back when it was the Toycom 1/72 YF-19. All these years later, they finally "remember" how they got it right the first time...
  20. That's an A330, a wholly different and much larger plane than the 320. The 330 and 340 are closely related. (share about 90% of their parts). Raptormesh--the 35K thrust figure of the F119 wasn't widely believed when it first came out, and for the past couple years the USAF will officially say/admit the F-22's engines are 39K thrust. Many (including me) think even that's too low, compared to the F-35's engine. So really it's at least 78K total, and likely 80K or even more.
  21. I just don't have time this week to siphon through google results: I have Windows Defender turned off. I want it off. But it bugs me at every boot and log-in for every user that it's off. How do I get it to just shut up and stop telling me that it's off? I have disabled and turned off Defender itself in every way I can find, but the message saying it's off still keeps coming up.
  22. Ok, I'm already sick of "allowing" nearly every program I own 10 times a day, since Win7 won't ever "remember" that I allowed a program access, and there seems to be no easy way of permanently granting programs I trust access to whatever they want. Any reason NOT to turn off the UAC?
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