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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. Watching Clone Wars is easy: If the preview shows that Jar-Jar or Padme are the main focus--SKIP THE EPISODE. It makes the whole series much better, and you really won't miss any of the overall plot-arcs.
  2. Absolutely none. It's a drawing that people are passing off as a poorly-lit photo.
  3. Today was a good day. (airplane-wise, not lighting and photography-wise)
  4. You haven't seen anything yet. There are much better arcs/eps to come. Don't spoil ANYTHING for yourself. Read nothing. Seriously, don't come back to this thread until you've seen the show's final episode IMHO. Wondering "who" is half the fun.
  5. IMHO Qui-Gon's is the best for form/function.
  6. Yeah, but will it LOOK GOOD? It's not hard to make a combining Voltron toy. But I've yet to see one that has decent lion-modes. Yamato or Takara may be able to do so now with a Masterpiece price point, but not any other company IMHO, and not cheaper.
  7. Yup, very Ferris-esque. (after all these years, it's still the reference for "cool geometric schemes")
  8. Why on Earth would you reply to a one-YEAR-old post with something like this?
  9. One fewer B-17 in the world: In happier times:
  10. Same problem as many other animated projects--a clash of styles. Lush 2D hand-drawn characters with cheap CG backgrounds always looks bad. 3D Flash-generated characters over painted 2D backdrops always looks bad. And Digimon-esque semi-SD characters piloting realistic Gundams looks bad... Basically, they dropped Digimon characters into Frontier's world---it just plain looks weird.
  11. I was really hoping for 2 beam saber blades---normal, and "cutting Barge in half" size. And yeesh---all clear-clear, no clear-green?
  12. It's not often we see a cool, new, military HELICOPTER demo scheme: http://www.airliners.net/photo/Netherlands---Air/Boeing-AH-64D-Apache/1932269/L/
  13. PITA to apply, or PITA to remove? Most things are the latter IMHO. PS---I often wonder if my claying technique is wrong or something, as I seem to spend a LOT more time doing it than most people. I wonder if I simply use too small a chunk. (as I've read many times not to use too big a chunk, so that if you drop it and get sand etc in it, you haven't ruined a $10-sized chunk)
  14. If there wasn't, then Mylene would have like a VF-11C Kai, and not a MAXL Kai. If there's no basic MAXL, Mylene can't have the Kai version of it.
  15. Raptor One was asking about Mylene's MAXL vs other MAXL's, not MAXL vs standard -11. Mylene doesn't fly a VF-11MAXL, she has a VF-11MAXL Kai. As it is, there are "normal" MAXL's quasi-officially in the literature, but never seen, just fan-art. Basically, make a delta-winged VF-11. Or take all the "girly" elements away from Mylene's. I think one of the main debates is whether a standard MAXL would have the circle ankle vernier like the later VF-19's and Mylene's do.
  16. On that note---anyone have a suggestion for longevity? I'm the kind of person who doesn't clay/polish very often but when I do I go all-out with a day-long session of many steps/products---clay once a year or so, wax two or three if the car's lucky---so I tend to use the longest-lasting sealant (not true wax) I can find. AFAIK Nxt is among the easiest-to-apply-longest-lasting sealants out there. I've heard about Klasse All-in-One a lot, but never actually tried it---plus so many people say it's a b*tch to apply and remove.
  17. While I think I've only ever seen it actually painted on Air Force planes, indicating a block number with a hyphen after the basic model designation is a correct nomenclature AFAIK. As in, F-15E-26. So a VF-4A-0 would be a VF-4A, Block 0 like Seto Kaiba said.
  18. See, I absolutely require a glowing PG Unicorn. It's why I didn't buy the MG. I'll gladly trade transformation for an internally-lit destroy mode.
  19. Renamed topic, as the old one was technically wrong.
  20. We've got a 15-page thread on it--just hasn't been posted to in a while: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=22384
  21. The original Idolo is the best ZOE design. Jehuty is just an imitator, despite being much more famous.
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