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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. Got Kamille/Zeta usable, but most of the Titans are still "not even on the list" for friendship level. Same for Duo/Deathscythe.
  2. History is within Story, in the same choice/grouping as you'll see Tutorial, Memorial, Commemorative, and other types of missions. There's a good 8 types of missions within Story. I'm guessing History opens up just by using Amuro a bit. Also, Zeta seems to be the last to appear. Emma's not even on the "friendship" list yet, and Kamille is a lvl 1. It'll be a while before you can pilot Zeta with Kamille. ZZ is much more "developed" than Z right now. (having focused on the "Doubt" and "Understand" paths of story mode) I think most of the cast of ZZ has appeared, about half the pilots/suits now selectable.
  3. I haven't bought any licenses (they're expensive, and I like having people only pilot "their" suits) BTW, the "history" missions will get you Dozle in Big Zam. Also, Char's Gelgoog is a VERY tough opponent, by far the toughest I've fought yet. I wonder if there's a raw "number destroyed by a single suit" achievement. If there is, original Gundam is going to get it. The history missions give you 500+ for EACH mission, fairly easily. I've taken out zillions of Zakus, Goufs, and Doms now... (original Gundam is just built for crowd-control, weapons-wise)
  4. Reprolabel's new Trypticon set is awesome. And it actually works better if you have a sticker-less Trypticon to start with. http://reprolabels.com/Upgrades/upgradex15.php
  5. I have now fought (and beaten) Psyco Gundam, so they definitely pop up once in a while. I was surprised Dozle Zabi was in a Gelgoog, not piloting Big Zam. ::edit:: Rank 2 really starts showing more differences between suits. While Unicorn's stats all increase fairly evenly, Epyon's melee shoots way up. Rank 2 Epyon blows away a Rank 2 Unicorn when it comes to melee power. Still, Unicorn's SP attack (and subsequent NT-D mode usage which tends to let you mostly refill the SP gauge) still probably makes it overall better. Still, while Bandai didn't give us the "slicing Barge in half" beam saber for Epyon in the MG kit, they did give it to us in the game. Most of Epyon's saber attacks are the BIG saber with serious range and power. "Melee" is actually the heat whip. Pressing the "shot" button is the saber. Gundam F91 is an awesome partner, especially for Epyon. Kinda sucks to actually pilot it though, IMHO.
  6. 3-in-1 is pointlessly big/expensive. You rarely see Ozma with Super, and it's "uncommon" for Alto to have full armor.
  7. I've taken down Big Zam, and I'm pretty sure Psyco Gundam Mk II is in it. I haven't seen any "escort" missions yet--Big Zam was simply to kill it, no other rules.
  8. Yeah, I missed out as well, and would welcome a re-release.
  9. Yup, it's out, I've been playing it. I knew it was going to be hard to find, so I pre-ordered at a local game store. I think I got the only copy they got in. I think it's basically game stores only, not Target/WalMart or even BestBuy. PS---it's fairly clear that Unicorn is the best suit, but it's available right from the start. Kind of takes away some of the fun, since even 00 Raiser can't quite compete. There's little incentive to upgrade/acquire, since nothing will beat it. Maybe Epyon in Melee or Wing Zero in shot, but Unicorn is just so good in both with insane Thrust it'll be purely for fun to use anything else. IIRC, Epyon has like 195 melee and Zero is 195 shot, but Unicorn is 191 in both. And more thrust than even GP01Fb.
  10. I wanted to try something like that, but couldn't find a *HP* Universal driver---only an uber-generic universal driver, which is so low-end it's like "text only". Also, no matter how hard I try to uninstall the driver, when I reinstall---Win7 always finds the old one, and asks if I want to over-write it. Where is Win7 hiding the file itself, so I can kill it?
  11. To Everybody: It's a useful aeronautical term fo Macross fans to know, since so many valks have swing-wings, but not so many real planes do. The area that a swing-wing "swings in and out of", where the pivot itself is located--is the glove.
  12. Countach is still my all-time fave car. Only seen one once, years ago. (hey, it's Iowa). I just saw an F40 for the first time this week.
  13. Fighter mode fuselage/glove area seems too wide. Especially apparent in the Gerwalk mode pic.
  14. It is too long, and there's too many "20 mins of humans, no robots" stretches. But: 1. Far less sophomoric/bathroom humor than ROTF. But still present in first half, especially one scene. 2. Lots more Laserbeak than you'd expect. 3. It's IMHO a good bit better than ROTF, mainly due to #1/lack of twins.
  15. HP offers nothing for Vista/7, they only say to use the one from Windows. I've re-installed the printer a couple times, will try again though. I'll let the PC cold-boot a few times with no printer attached, and see if that makes a difference.
  16. USB. Now, when I switched from parallel to USB on XP back when, everything printed "last page to first page" (opposite of what it was set to--so I just set it to print last first, so it'd print correctly--very minor issue, easily fixed). As for drivers---it is the 64-bit driver, and it is the latest (and only) version according to Windows/MS. It's a driver that Win7 ships with---it is for my exact printer, it is not a generic one.
  17. IT'S NOT THE INK CARTRIDGE. Seriously, if you suggest that, I will ban you. Now that that's out of the way--I've got an odd printing issue. Not sure if it's Win7 or IE9. But my HP832C (old but awesome) sometimes gets an odd quirk since I "upgraded" from XP---random letters missing. Especially from pop-up browser windows for reservation confirmations etc. The word spacing is also screwed up. It's like it's trying to print the text letter by letter, instead of "dot by dot". So instead of: "Reservation confirmation for the So-and-So Hotel" it'll print: "eser ationconfirm ationfo th So-a So otel" The whole page is like that. The missing letters often follow a pattern--like all V's are gone, the 3rd letter of every word, something. AND IT'S NOT THE INK CATRIDGE. Because right after that it'll print 5 pages perfectly fine. But when it does strike, it's damned annoying, because I probably asked it for multiple copies of the reservation. I think I did see it happen once with Excel, but I can't be sure. I do have the "official" HP 64-bit signed driver etc, and there is no alternative driver AFAIK. I'm guessing it's a weird setting that the default one isn't quite right---I've tried disabling "advanced printing features", tried spooling vs direct print, etc.
  18. IIRC Nobel was on the short-list for a future MG. Though I doubt we'd see one so soon after the HG. (or really, I'm betting Bandai was deciding between HG and MG for Nobel, not planning on both)
  19. I seem to be one of the few adults who really liked the first one a lot---and I didn't like this one. It's all-Mater, all the time. (and I even like the "Mater's tall tales" shorts). Way too much physical/slapstick comedy, or dare I say it--sophomoric/bathroom humor puns. (literally, in some cases). None of the "witty writing that works on multiple levels for all ages" that characterizes most Pixar films.
  20. I'll buy one new VF-25 for sure, as I own none because the first version was fugly and floppy.
  21. IMHO armored Ozma is just too famous/desired to be an exclusive. That's the NORMAL appearance of his valk. Even Bandai wouldn't do something so un-fan-friendly as to make the one everyone wants hard to get. (it'd also limit sales/profit). Alto only had armor in what, 4 eps? That's "obscure" enough to warrant an exclusive---his usually had the super pack, and thus that's the version that was easy to get.
  22. It'd be better in Zeta Plus A1 colors IMHO. (I'm waiting for an MG Delta--yes, just Delta)
  23. Is that question a spoiler? I'd tag it but I haven't seen the movie either.
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