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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. The "main" lion will influence the "special attack" from what I gather. Fire blast, ice blast, etc.
  2. If there's 2 Iowas seen in Philadelphia, the 2nd is probably the Wisconsin.
  3. A Darius Gaiden movie would be such a better use of the money...
  4. Depends--I'm not up to doing a garage/resin. If it's a kit, it better be from Bandai or Koto, and injection-molded. Must be highly-posable.
  5. The Iowa was in Philadelphia for years before it was moved to California.
  6. Well, it took until the last 2 secs, but there *was* a battleship in that trailer. My prediction: they'll acknowledge there's no battleships left in service, and will bring an Iowa class out of mothballs as "the only ship that can beat the aliens".
  7. Still waiting for Idolo. *that* I will buy, in kit or figure form.
  8. Seems it'll be the main MacGuffin, based on the after-credits scene in "Thor".
  9. Yeah, but it's literally the power of the Gods. (Odin, specifically, AFAIK)
  10. I've noticed that every 3D-capable screen in town, is slightly blurry when showing 2D. Most obvious when watching the credits. (plus, I never see any sort of focus adjustment, ever, any more---it used to usually happen either when the commercials started, or the opening credits)
  11. The end credits in Capt America struck me as "nigh-3D" (and I was watching the 2D version, of course). Very interesting art style/effect they do there. Shifting layers/camera panning? Way better than "real" 3D IMHO.
  12. It's an ungodly-better-painted ROTF Prime. Not slightly better. You know the people who spent zillions of hours pin-striping the fine lines surrounding the flames on ROTF leader Prime? Well, Takara went ahead and did it, but even better. And they painted all the bits Hasbro "forgot" like a bunch of the door areas that were just left clear. And the blue bits on the feet, etc. Pretty much anything that you could paint to make it better match the CGI, they did. Mold-wise, instead of mere fuel tanks, the fuel tanks themselves transform into guns. And there's both a masked and "mouthed" version of the head, depending on which version you get.
  13. Better than Thor IMHO, and I liked Thor. Really, if you liked Thor, you should like Cap. Also, Tommy Lee Jones deserves special mention, for being even more awesome than he usually is. And you MUST stay for the after-credit scenes. If you, you know, like the Avengers etc.
  14. Yes, the original CW series is pretty much "highlights and miscellaneous stuff" from right after Ep 2 to 30 secs before Ep 3. The current CG series expands on that with much longer arcs, showing other events, and is more chronological.
  15. The original VF-1 is fairly small, by modern fighter jet standards. You need something like a VF-22 if you want a Flanker-sized plane...
  16. It's a myth based on the fact that the US and Japan are the same BD region (which is one of the main import paths for games/movies). But there are regions, just like DVD's---but fewer regions, so more countries share the same region than before.
  17. Of the 4000+ F-16's built, 2 have delta wings. And only 1 I think has canards. None have both.
  18. He's a not-F-16. As in, obviously based on the F-16, but purposely altered so as to avoid any sort of copyright law. Kind of like how ROTF Dirge is not a Harrier. BTW, every SAAB jet of the past 40+ years has been a canarded, delta-winged plane. Starscream is neither.
  19. Someday, someone will make a combining voltron toy where the waist of green and red lion are NOT garishly obviously giant hinges. And where red lion isn't 3 cubes stuck together. (no, red lion is not my fave lion, at all---but it does seem to look the least accurate most often and is IMHO a good one to judge the group as a whole on)
  20. I do not like the proportions on that Gouf Custom. Especially the shield/weapons. All too short/stocky.
  21. Especially that last point. If a mod (or two) says stop---STOP.
  22. Note, it has the commander-type head. They kinda retconned non-Commander types to have the other head (which only exists in 1/72, not 1/60) So it's not really a normal type despite the box label--it is a green, commander-type. Which so far, only Grace has piloted. (screen evidence notwithstanding, because they didn't make a new CGI head model for 5 secs of background shots for the other 2 green ones)
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