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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. They taxi around with the ladders hanging off the plane? I think any USAF crew chief would have a heart attack if they saw that.
  2. This is actually one of my main annoyances with valk toys---the fans are WAY too far forward, going off of both lineart and real planes. Real fighter planes (like the F-14) do not have their engines mounted right behind the intake lips. There's many feet of intake trunking. Most fighter planes--you see nothing/darkness when looking into an intake. Unless you take a flashlight or the sun is at just the right angle---the compressor fans are too deep inside to see. PS--not turbines. Compressors. The turbines would (possibly) be visible when looking from the rear. Never visible from the front.
  3. Plus all the DYRL valks are actually grey, not white.
  4. Oyxygen is the 2nd-strongest "yellower" of plastic. That is why there's so many "never removed from box, kept in a dark closet" things that still yellow. Because they weren't sealed air-tight. (that really is your only complete defense) Some plastics react more to light, some more to oxygen. But all react to both.
  5. That's a separate (also annoying) issue that seems to be inherent/common with Win7. My issue is triggered by "double clicking on a folder to open/view its contents"--I've found a few google references to it, but it seems to be "uncommon" at best.
  6. I use list view for just about everything. Ok, made screen caps. Took a few tries to time it right, but here it is. First pic is about 0.5secs after clicking the mouse---the folder opens up, and it's actually sorted by file name, regardless of type. I never, ever, ever sort purely by name. Second pic is another 0.5 secs later. Win7 has re-sorted things by type--how I always sort things, how I last opened this folder, and how I last closed this folder. Yet every time I open it (and other) folders---it "forgets" how things were sorted, and just opens it up how it feels like--then corrects itself a moment later. It's like Win7 always defaults to sorting by name, then after it opens a folder, it goes and checks to see if that's how I want it.
  7. No, just some add-on parts---side covers, seats for battroid mode, cargo pod.
  8. In short---wait. We're still waiting for the new distribution system to get set up.
  9. Azrael, that's not the problem. And it happened again 2 secs ago (like it has every day since I installed Win7). It shows them in list format, sorted by type, like I want. It just shows them sorted by date modified, first, for a moment. You know how Win7 constantly re-arranges things? Like if you rename a file from "AAAA" to "TTTT" it will *immediately* re-arrange things so that the file is in the "T's" now? It's like that. Other annoyance: The "windows did not shut down properly" message. Any way to disable that, or auto-skip it? I know when it happens, it usually means either a power failure, or I hit the reset button on purpose. Strangely, when this occurs, it also seems to reset/delete many cookies, including MW's, for some reason. I mean, if I hit the reset button--I want a reboot! Not stop 5 secs into the process and tell me it didn't shut down....
  10. The whole "one per person/transaction" line is printed rather large and boldly. Sure, you could make a bunch of Facebook accounts and get a bunch of coupons--it just might take you a while to use them all. (and they expire in a week).
  11. Weird Win7 annoyance: If you click on a folder, it seems to always default to "latest modified first" for a split second, THEN re-arrange things and show you the files/folders in the order you actually picked/want. Doesn't matter what you have things set as nor when you did it. If you click on a folder---it'll open it immediately, but then spend 0.5secs re-arranging things. XP always actually just opened the folder and displayed things the way you left it.
  12. I don't "do" facebook either. I have an account I never check solely to "reserve" people from using the name. (and it's ultra-private and non-searchable) I've never "liked" anything before and probably never will again. But for 5 secs of effort to save 12 bucks...
  13. The legs are better-positioned than in the kit, IMHO.
  14. TRU wants $59.99. If you go to TRU's facebook page and "like" them, it'll give you an app to print out a 20% off coupon. Doesn't work on videogames or the really expensive stuff (keyboards, bikes) but will work on most any "normal" toy. Also, a note: Do not pull on Rodimus Prime's face to try to lift the helmet to swap faces. It'll make some noticeable stress marks. Think I may have to paint the face silver... Also, watch for flash inside that prevents Hot Rod's face from coming all the way down (vertical). If it wants to stay 10 degrees or so up/back, take the head apart and check for flash. (it's right at the joint, will be pressing on the top of his face) Really, almost all flash/issues I'm finding are in the head. I would take it apart the moment you get it and "clean it up". The whole head assembly is on a ball joint, so just pop it off, unscrew it, take all the parts out, and look for flash, nubs, etc, that may get in the way. I plan to back-paint the headlights silver, to lighten them up. Really, lighter blue clear plastic would have made EVERYTHING better, as the visors are gang-molded with them. The "Hot Rod to Rodimus" hip thing----doesn't move as far as you think. 45 degrees down is "down" as far as I can tell. And it's VERY stiff. There's screws on the back, may want to loosen a turn or two. (I haven't even started to transform him yet, I'm checking all the other things first). His targetmaster seems to have mirrored instructions or something. The first step and last step look right, but everything inbetween is screwed up and just doesn't work. I've looked at mine carefully, and I'm pretty sure mine is assembled correctly etc. Just ignore the instructions. Transform it how you THINK it should go, and you'll be fine.
  15. That's what I thought the first time I saw it--it's a simple push-button. There's no need to use the key. MAYBE on the cockpit, but certainly not on the other buttons.
  16. Just snagged MP Rodimus at my local TRU. (and used my 20% off coupon)
  17. I do think those would be wing gloves. Just due to the VF-25's design/transformation, it's got HUGE gloves. The tailfins technically are mounted on top of the wing gloves, IMHO.
  18. The utter lack of toys other than "neon repaints of He-Man*" is what killed the new He-Man line. Mattel isn't Bandai---Mattel focused 100% on toy sales as their success measure, and not "building the brand" through other means. Bandai are masters at building a franchise---look at Frontier (or any Gundam series)----they know that "6in action figure sales" are not the end-all be-all of making money---the toy sales come as a result of the show, not the other way 'round. Bandai had a good series, THEN made merchandise and media of many kinds and promoted things in many ways. Mattel tried to have the entire franchise monetarily supported by nothing but repaints of the same figure. *What's the difference with Batman? Batman lines always include Robin, Joker, Two-Face, etc. Plenty of guys for Batman to both team up with and to fight, no matter how many other Batmans they make. The He-Man waves were approximately 19 He-Mans, and one "other" figure. Yes, there were many other characters in the He-Man line, but the case assortments were SO He-Man heavy, the other characters may as well have not existed.
  19. Want to watch TF:Prime? Go here: http://www.tfw2005.com/boards/transformers-prime-discussion/365036-darkprimes-tf-prime-encodes-videos.html Safe, HD, working links.
  20. Tigra's adopted, so it's a bloodline thing.
  21. Ratchet's not very fond of the humans--that alone makes him likeable.
  22. Starscream and Airachnid vying for power and scheming against each other could easily mirror Tarantulas and Blackarachnia.
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