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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. When would YOU have ejected? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pI4SZYqZs2E&feature=player_embedded
  2. Final Fantasy II is awful. I have tried, and tried, and tried, on multiple systems to at least finish it. I just can't. Furthest I got was the Tower Of Mysidia (I think). In there, is an enemy that likes to cast "confuse-all" a lot. Well, you usually die (slowly), because that's about the only thing it ever casts. You just sit there for 5 mins watching your party slowly kill itself. And there is no consumable item that gets rid of confuse, and no equippable item to prevent it. The only solution is the Esuna spell. I would need Esuna, *level 6* to cure confuse. Well, that's 2400 castings to get all 4 people to know it at level 6. I said "forget it" and have never played since. Even with cheating/abuse, the levelling system is just game-killing. (and I spent hours cheating one time, and I *still* couldn't get past some section). What is the completion time on FF2j? 700 hours?
  3. Because it's the best game ever. To all nay-sayers---yes, Xenogears is unfinished, with Disc 2 mainly comprised of text narration and still pics of what you should have been allowed to play. But even with a huge chunk of the game missing, it's still THAT good. I'd love to play Xenoblade, but don't plan to buy and hack a Wii just for it. Xenoblade and Mario Galaxy are about the only games I've truly wanted to play on that system.
  4. No, because that's not G2 Prime. That's LASER Optimus Prime, which was from G2. But "G2 Optimus Prime" is basically a repaint of G1 Prime. With a little sound box added on to the trailer. (we started talking about batteries, then G2 Prime's box, and now G2 Prime's articulation)
  5. But---a Sonic Rainboom would be like Akuma's Instant Hell Murder. No one else could come close.
  6. I'd just like to point out that G2 Prime's electronics don't interfere with the sculpt nor articulation of the toy.
  7. I still think that's one of the all-time great, simple, bad-ass poses in the Gundam franchise. (plus, you don't need an action base+adapters to do it!) Love that scene.
  8. My G2 Prime also came with button-cells. VF5SS--did you buy yours new?
  9. I sure hope that one pic isn't a spoiler for the 2nd Frontier movie...
  10. Want T-50 wallpaper? Lots of brand-new high-quality pics: http://www.airliners.net/search/photo.search?aircraftsearch=Sukhoi%20T-50&distinct_entry=true This one seems to indicate that the entire plane is one giant "no-step" area: http://www.airliners.net/photo/Russia---Air/Sukhoi-T-50/1970107/L/
  11. I've made the hood/fender gap better on mine, still tweaking it and seeing what method works best. Note: Every method I've both tried and read about makes things looser. From the factory, it's "tight" but with a big gap. Reducing the gap makes it floppier in car mode. It'll hold in place on display, but it's not rock-solid like it used to be--but it sure looks better. Also, a small amount of asymmetry is inherent/due to QC/pin alignment. The tighter the gaps get, the more apparent slight mis-assembly issues become. It's impossible to make it perfect/exactly even on both sides. Unless you're lucky.
  12. YF-23 PAK-FA first public demo video. http://en.rian.ru/video/20110817/165867334.html
  13. That brings up another point---WHY do Transformer toys use a bunch of AA batteries? Why not AAA, or even watch batteries? We all know LED's need very little power and most can run off 3 volts. Just switching from AA to AAA would help, but going to button-cell batteries could cut the electronic box sizes down by like 80%...
  14. I don't think it's old news here, though I was aware of this some weeks ago. There's just not a big LEGO contingent here AFAIK. I too would love a Fine Molds version or something. An SSD is so finely detailed that not even this big a LEGO can do it justice, comparing the scale of it vs the smallest parts LEGO has.
  15. Apparently its name is "Shi Lang". Anyways---J-20 doing a roll: http://www.youtube.com/watch?&v=GwBLUbYSVWI&feature=player_embedded Also, an "OMG!" new Su-35 demo preview: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QCQQU6qc7oc&feature=player_embedded (skip to 2mins in) PS--this is the "new" Su-35, not the Su-35 Ace Combat knows and loves. Same name, quite different variant.
  16. Jetfire would be impossible to be perfect, or even close, (it's an SR-71, they're like 1-inch thick in places) but removing the electronics box would probably have allowed his legs to actually transform correctly, with the thigh-turbines actually being inside the engine nacelles in jet mode, and quite hidden. Plus probably have allowed some of the back kibble to fold up inside more, making for less bot-mode kibble.
  17. I consider "off-white" to mean a warm-hued color, with beige/yellow undertones---the DYRL valks are not that. But regardless, the color of plastic Yamato uses for their DYRL releases has usually been called "very light grey" by MW's forum members to distinguish it from the true white used on their TV releases.
  18. Well, leader Jetfire could have been half as thick without the electronics.
  19. ::checks:: The "nuker" title is currently set for 7500-7999 posts. It looks like 2 "joke" ranks were added since I last looked, and trust me, nobody is even CLOSE to getting them, and likely never will.
  20. Varyag back from first sea trial: http://alert5.com/2011/08/14/varyag-returns-from-first-sea-trial/
  21. When was the last time an Fw190 and Bf109 flew in formation?
  22. Off the top of my head, the JASDF has always been very helpful to Japanese film makers etc, for recording sounds. Odds are good they did get an F-15 recording.
  23. Money/connections? Probably a *lot* easier to find/buy/maintain a VF-1 than a VF-19. Remember in the beginning of Mac 7, Gamlin wasn't allowed to even READ the more in-depth specs of a VF-19. By the time of Macross R, I'd imagine it's still not easy to own one, even for the rich. (nowadays it's still nigh-impossible to have an F-4, even WWII planes are sometimes grounded for legal/military issues)
  24. Well I'd hope it'd be faster than the slowest Marine/Navy fighter in 30 years. I also assume it'll be stealthier than an A-7...
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