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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. Ah, but when's the last time you saw a fighter jet with long skinny wings? A VF-25 has wings much more like an airliner in shape, than an F-15. It's actually one of the key compromises for high vs low altitude ride/stability/agility. Note that bomber-striker planes tend to have longer skinnier wings (Su-24, F-111, B-1B, Tornado) while fighters have broader, stubbier wings (any delta, F-15, F-16). This affects how "influenced" the wing is by gusts and its load response. (and how "rough the ride is" on pilots). On a low-alt, high-speed bombing run, the longer wings are smoother and more stable--good for bombing! Not so good for dogfighting. One of the few planes similar to a VF-25 (swing wings WITH multiple hardpoints), would be an F-111. And look at an F-111's wings when its pulling hard---they curve up: (I think photobucket's messed up at the moment, don't be surprised if pic doesn't show) True, not severely, but the point is that unlike an F-15, a plane with long skinny wings will have notable upwards curve when it's actually stressing them.
  2. Eh, just assume the valk's flying in the atmosphere. Real wings curve up when they're lifting hard. Especially lately--the 787 and 747-8 have wings that bend up so much, that Boeing demands they have "enough upwards curve" before they'll license a model.
  3. Just read about another change for the Blu-Ray versions: Alderaan shoots first.
  4. Yes, but it was explicitly stated Yoda had "more midichlorians per cell" or whatever than most anyone else. And if Anakin's was higher than Yoda's, then combined with size---he should have been able to well surpass him, when fully trained/experienced. (of course, Anakin wouldn't have ever been able to get 800 years of experience like Yoda) Thus---perhaps Yoda's power is just as much training, as raw genetics/force affinity?
  5. Yeah, I fully expected to crash when I hit the water. I was merely "severely damaged". And then it fixed itself after a while! I may have to start out in "ace" mode... Don't have it, but I presume others have tried it--haven't seen anyone say it does work yet. Maybe the finished product will have more compatability built-in.
  6. Doesn't seem to work with ANY flight stick. Anyways---I think (and hope) that the demo level isn't very representative of the game's missions overall. It's ULTRA-scripted. It is basically a tutorial, every second of it--most of it focusing on how to use the close-range attacks. "Enemy #4" will NOT die until you go past the 2nd set of cranes (and you WILL go past the cranes when fighting him, even if you started 30 miles away from them). Also, most enemies are "aces" and will only go down using the close-quarters whatever. (I had the same issue with AC6---the first level was so scripted that once you knew what you were doing at all, it seemed a hindrance because you couldn't just do stuff the way you wanted---this is more so) In short---do exactly what the demo says. It really is just a tutorial, and it's not going to let you do anything else. If it says turn left---don't bother doing anything else. Same for "engaging enemy group 2 from behind with XAAM's". Again--I assume/hope that all the other missions are more "open-minded" and you can pretty much kill enemies how you feel/want, with only the occasional uber-ace *requiring* that you get in ultra-close to gun him down. Stuff to experiment with/info gathered from forums: When in-close, guns seem to slow the enemy down to let you get even closer. Distance=lock-on time for missiles. Thus, guns are a means to get more missile shots in by decreasing range (and thus lock-on time), not so much for doing damage.
  7. The same way most current 3D movies are (not many are filmed in 3D, despite many being released as such).
  8. Even the much-vaunted 1/72 kit's legs are too low in fighter mode, if you go by how the nacelles meet up with the wings----look from above. The new DX is the only one that matches the animation/CG model in that area.
  9. I always think the "no random battles" thing in the Chrono series is highly-overrated. Is "many frequent known-in advance" battles really any less irritating than "many frequent unknown" battles? You fight the same amount of enemies, the same way, at the same general time. You just have 5 secs warning now. IMHO, it's never been the "random" aspect of jRPG battles that tends to get annoying/boring/grinding, but the "zillion, frequent" aspect. And that's no different in the Chrono series than say FF or DQ.
  10. As a big Virtual On fan, I may have to get Gundam Extreme Vs. Though it will heavily depend on exactly which suits are available.
  11. Has a VF-11D that wasn't Jamming Birds ever been depicted?
  12. What species was the duelist? Seemed awfully "human", asides from coloring.
  13. A couple months late, but I finally took some pics in jet mode of my finished MP Thundercracker G1-repaint. Here's the best one I think:
  14. Isn't Riker's ship fan-made? (but "officially sanctioned/chosen by Paramount from the entries they got in a contest")
  15. F-22 still grounded as of Hurricane Irene, haven't heard anything since. (they were given a one-time flight exemption to evacuate them from the east coast)
  16. Quite a few new pics lately. Including this one:
  17. Strange that such a major guest character never got a single name/description. (cat lady--we aren't even told what species she is, and it's not obvious---most all of them have a black color morph---interesting that she's tailed like Panthro) Having Cree Summer as the voice is always a big plus.
  18. Well, the "real" VF-19F/S always struck me as "royal" blue. Deeper than Max's VF-1J (much deeper than his -22), but not as dark as Guld's -21.
  19. The artwork from a few weeks ago looked more like Liara IMHO---the face, while anime-ized, was still Liara. The actual sculpt is less so.
  20. Hmmmn. That kit is beyond my skills so I'd have to pay $$$$$ for a commission job, and I'm not big on "off-model" kits. She's not WAY off like a Yujin/SRDX kit, but that's definitely an exaggerated "not quite how she looks" version. If I were to spend that kind of money, it'd have to be for a flightsuit version.
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